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Whats your favorite drink ?


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My god man.. You sound as though you have a little colonial influence floating about you :yes: I like my coffee, hot and black like my women, tea till noon whole milk at dinner, and a quality brew later in the evening..

Don't think i've any colonial blood, i just like good coffee in the morning, i started out on the usual instant stuff, but it's just watered **** really, spent a few quid on a new kitchen and got a coffee maker threw in and will not go back to instant!! Plus we have quite good moonshine over here too, it's made of potato's believe it or not!!

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Really strong tea. PG tips. A slight drop of semi skimmed milk and no sugar or sweetener


Don't do the coffee thing. Guy and work drinks the stuff by the bucket load but has really bad breath


Don't do the alcoholic thing much. I've got out of the habbit and it doesn't bother me much



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A lovely cup of tea with a dash of milk to give it a bit of colour.


You can't beat it in the morning, during the day, or in the evening, although I have to admit that a good South African Pinotage comes close sometimes, as does Paulaner Weissen when it's chilled to perfection and the day is hot.

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A lovely cup of tea with a dash of milk to give it a bit of colour.


You can't beat it in the morning, during the day, or in the evening, although I have to admit that a good South African Pinotage comes close sometimes, as does Paulaner Weissen when it's chilled to perfection and the day is hot.



Yes and yes to the first two, but the Paulaner Dark is luvverly - Loads of in your face caramel taste


Best beer - Rochefort 12 - Classic

Edited by Fatcatsplat
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Strong tea - in spite of my pretensions of refinement, it’s the spoon-dissolving builder’s style stuff that I really crave. Yorkshire Tea; or anything else with two (or sometimes three) tea bags does the trick. A good drop of milk, no sugar :lol:


The mainstay of my alcoholic drink choices is good real ale. A malty session ale, something not too bitter. I would choose a good mild (Triple FFF’s Pressed Rat and Warthog is the very best in my opnion) over and above pretty much anything else, but it’s hard to come by in the South.


Gin & tonic (Tanqueray and Schwepp’s respectively) with plenty of ice and a slice of lime – makes my mouth water just thinking about it! :oops:


I love my Islay malt whiskies – Bowmore’s 12 year old is the usual choice; cask-strength, Ardbeg or Laphroig when I’m feeling dangerous. :lol:


A nip of home-made sloe vodka on a cold day, or to finish off a good meal is a wonderful treat (the October 2005 batch is heavenly – and running out!)


Singapore Sling if I have to drink a cocktail (and I’m not allowed to order a G&T…). :D


Mmmm… Is the sun over the yard arm yet…? :good:



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Yes and yes to the first two, but the Paulaner Dark is luvverly - Loads of in your face caramel taste


Best beer - Rochefort 12 - Classic


Give this one a go: Weihenstephaner Korbinian by Weihenstephaner brauerei :good: A powerful tasty dobblebok.. With hints of prune, chocolate & coffee.. A 1.5" head that dissipates in due time.. Dark burgundy almost black.. Serve in a stemless wine glass..

Edited by LeeinVA
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