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Such sad news


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Watching the news tonight, it was so sad to hear that not only did our dead come home today but another 8 soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan.


I just prayer that they all come home asap and that this Govt. give our boys the tools they need to do the job as quick as possible


God bless them all



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A friend of mine has just returned after a 3 month break. The stories he told of what goes on I think everyone that has the balls to even go should get a OBE. (not tv celebs and football players like they do each year).


The crazy thing is after he had been back for about a month, all he wanted to do was get back out there into the thick of it again. As he said 'This is what we train for, this is what we chose to do'. He then said imagine 'you (me) going to college to train as a plumber for 10 years and only ever practicing on pretend bathrooms and heating systems and never getting to install one for real'. I can see his logic !


I have a lot of respect for these guys and girls who put their lives at risk for our country / political views !!!

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A friend of mine has just returned after a 3 month break. The stories he told of what goes on I think everyone that has the balls to even go should get a OBE. (not tv celebs and football players like they do each year).



Indeed, people mistake celebrity for hero, and worship away blindly or perhaps with complete stupidity.


I hope they get our lads safely home asap

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To be honest I just wish the press could be a bit more upbeat about the whole thing.


Yes, soldiers die and we need to know about it, but why can't they tell us the "good" bits too, such as the amount of talibans that have been killed, what has been destroyed that day in order to help our fight, what land/bridges/towns/routes etc have been taken by our troops.


we never hear of the good job they do, only when one of them dies.


we need to see what they are doing, what they are dying for.

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Each soldier joins for for any number of reasons, I was getting at that they don't get paid enough!


Even though they do not join for the money,it is only right that the families of dead or injured soldiers should never have to worry about money again. They should be paid much more and the ones who return and have mental illness due to ptsd or live on the streets should be looked after.

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Very true, But you don`t join the Armed Forces for the money!


Our thought`s are with the families and the thousands of troops on the battle ground


Hope you guys support the Help for Heroes!

Helping to run a Help For Heroes fundraising day at my rugby club tomorrow. :D


Been up there strimming, cutting, raking and generally getting the place ready for 8 hours today. :D



HOWEVER some absolutely horrible, slimy, good for nothing jobsworth on the town council has veto'd the Hercules fly by from Lyneham as apparently it is too loud and might bother local residents. <_< With 8 soldiers dying in Afganistan yesterday alone this attitude is absolutely disgusting and I sincerly hope the person behind this is strung up from the nearest lampost. :hmm::good::)



Edited by Ferret Master
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Even though they do not join for the money,it is only right that the families of dead or injured soldiers should never have to worry about money again. They should be paid much more and the ones who return and have mental illness due to ptsd or live on the streets should be looked after.


The vast majority of soldiers do and are encouraged to take out personal accident insurance, depending on how much they pay in each month depends on a pay out to their chosen next of kin should the worst happen.


I totaly agree with the welfare issues post operational tour, although the military are now offering wounded and some amputees the option to stay in their units with less ''desirable'' jobs, but none the less, they still have their jobs, pension and most importantly their muckers they served with!

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your heart goes out to everyone serving out there, yesterday was reading the article in the mail about the two 18 years old, one had died and his mate was still out there. You looked at their pictures and they did not look old enough to be there.


People have a go at youngsters but these guys have my utmost respect, words fail me how brave they are.

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I know Jan

I saw it too

Being the mum of the boy whos only two year younger then these boys(thats what they are still)

My heart really went out to them.

I can not imagine what their familys are feeling right now.

But i know it would be the end of my world if anything happen to my boys.

Even if it was their choice to be out their.

You really have to feel for these brave boys .

And at the end of the day .

When they bring them home

Its an other familys who heartache is only just beginning.

You just so wish you could ease their pain.


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