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I remember going to a bike rally in Leicestershire, wearing a yellow sweat-shirt.

Within minutes of my arrival the sweat-shirt had turned black when all the thunderflies landed on it.

I changed the shirt for a blue one and left the yellow one there on the ground.

It crawled with flies for most of the day, and the flies ignored the blue shirt.


Must be something about yellow!

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I remember going to a bike rally in Leicestershire, wearing a yellow sweat-shirt.

Within minutes of my arrival the sweat-shirt had turned black when all the thunderflies landed on it.

I changed the shirt for a blue one and left the yellow one there on the ground.

It crawled with flies for most of the day, and the flies ignored the blue shirt.


Must be something about yellow!


When I was a cub scout (5th Kettering, St. Michaels), our pack t-shirts were yellow and exactly the same thing happened. Whilst the other packs were merrily running jumping and climbing trees, we were all flagellating each other trying to get shot of the thunder flies.




Great days.



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Just scrolled to the bottom of this thread and when I saw something about flaggellation and cubs I thought I was reading a different one and had to backtrack to check :( . very disconcerting!


Thunderflies, also called cornflies where I come from are eaten by swallows, swifts and martins among other birds so are probably more use than many of the other things mentioned on here like badgers, chiggers and boy-racers :good:

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When I was a cub scout (5th Kettering, St. Michaels), our pack t-shirts were yellow and exactly the same thing happened. Whilst the other packs were merrily running jumping and climbing trees, we were all flagellating each other trying to get shot of the thunder flies.




Great days.





Guy at work had a yellow t-shirt on, he had a swarm around his head all day. :good:



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