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My First Muntjac


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Another trick is to look at the Deer once its down.. If the eyes are closed it aint dead so be careful :good:

Your absolutly right Lee , you dont want to be going to close to a big Red stag unless you are sure he is dead . I will allways watch a red stag for a few minutes before going in close ,if i am not sure ,shoot him again .

Harnser .

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Great work, and having shot my first roe buck a couple of weeks back I have to say there is nothing that tastes as good as meat you shot, gralloched, butchered and cooked yourself. Enjoy it and take care not to look in the mirror or you might see Ray Mears peering back at you....


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There are munty and roe deer around by me but I dont know what the numbers of them are like but the land they are found on is owned by folk who dont shoot and wont let others either or the very few that do stay very quiet about it. Shame really as I would A: love to join someone once to whitness / observe a sucessfull stalk and B: taste munty.


Am keeping my fingers crossed that one day i will find someone willing to take me out to see this ! :)



Good shooting Nick.

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Nice one nick :) I love eating muntie. I did the last haunch sprinkled with S&P, thyme and wrapped in smoked bacon :D Happy eating.


Atb, ft


Last haunch we had I opened it out, removed the bone, plenty of seasoning and bit of a marinade then straight on the barbie - absolutely gorgeous :yes::lol:

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Nice & well done i like the sound of stalking munties & the challenge they pose to stalk/cull. I see in your pic in the chiller that you still have its pizel on which should be removed & the chest aint split. You should split the chest to aid in cleaning & cooling of the carcase & pizel removed in aid of hygeane sorry to nit pic.

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