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, during the attack her cat came home through the flap



So that cat was allowed to roam free? Why do cat owners think it is perfectly alright for their songbird killing creatures to roam free and soil in other peoples gardens, and yet bleat about muzzling dogs.

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maybe the dog licence should be brought back,



As far as i can see dogs were bred to do different things,



Maybe we should have cat licences too and a condition is not just to let the horrible things roam free


And what were cats bred for, apart form ownership of several proving how neurotic women are

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I would still really like some corroborated evidence that this attack, this dismissal by the police and the return to the owner of these miscreant dogs did in fact take place.

I have heard ( on here as well as other sites) too many similar tales to believe that this tale is apocraphyl and therefore find it very hard to to believe it.

Staffy issue aside, I believe that this story is made up as it seems to have made no headlins where as in the aforementioned "silly season" the press would lap it up. please provide us with a modicum of evidence as to its veracity and I, Jim, shall eat my words and issue an unresevedly heartfelt apology.



a reporter from the EDP is visiting claire tomorrow at 10 am to get some facts about the incident, if it makes the paper i will post a link to the story, or else you can just look on the EDP website, i am just back from seeing them and they are in a right state, her 11 year old girl cant stop crying, claire has got bites and scratches on fer feet, legs arms and one hand, both labs are distressed and keep huddled together where ever they go and just keep whining, the police called and discussed the matter saying they couldnt do anything as its "natural behavior for dogs to chase cats" if it had attacked her then they could take it further but as she was just defending her pet they couldnt.



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The incident is horrifying,should that have happened here I would be most upset.I own a GSP, who can and will bring down wounded deer, so I don't know what the outcome would have been here if thoes dogs had rushed into my house( bar the fact that I would have been helping my dog with anything to hand, knifes, guns, fire irons all excepted)

to all the others that keep saying various breede are trouble, try having a look at the dog whisperer, this should sort thoes opinions out.Sam my dog at the end of the day is more than capable of destroying other peoples dogs, childeren etc, but is conditioned to not do that because he like people knows what is right and ok and what is wrong.The owners of these mad dogs are the problem, not the dogs in the vast majority of cases.

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Given I have the misfortune to work in S London I venture nearly all these dogs owned here are status symbols. Big spiked collars, always off the lead and small willied owners giving everyone the big i am. We should ban chavs and blavk gangstas rather than the dogs.

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not really any difference mate, as you seem to be missing the point here. its not inanimate vs animate objects, it simply boils down to control and common sense. i keep control of my guns by locking them in my cabinet. i keep control of my dog by keeping it locked in my garden, by building a 7 foot fence with a concrete base, by building a steel pen, by bolting, padlocking and barricading all gates into the garden from the inside, and by keeping my dog on a lead when i take her out. i also use common sense when it comes to my guns, not letting kids or idiots near them to prevent accidents, and i do the same with my dog by limiting who i let close to her (no kids or idiots).


if you fail to see the connection then i wouldnt post that mensa application just yet. and ps, in ulster we only have fac's, not sgc's :good:





:lol: id call that option 2a :lol:



seems your application to Mensa will also be on hold as it was you who mentioned sgc's I simply responded to that comment oh brain of Britain!


love the conditions you keep your dog in? 7ft fence, concrete floor,or in a steel pen padlocked and bolted and then when taken out always on a lead? some sodding life that for a dog, yep you've just posted effectively that you own a dog to look at rather than for the dog to enjoy life, which if truth be admitted is why most get "status symbol dogs"


cheers KW

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My mates brother had his nose torn almost off by a Labrador. Any dogs that are are allowed to roam free enough to kill pet cats could also go for a kid. In the days when dogs were even less well controlled by their owners I have many memories of having to escape over fences and up trees to get away from them. Lets keep that kind of cr*p in the past along with dog tods all over the pavements.

I bet many of the dog owners on here are responsible,my neighbours here who have Staffies and Rotties put to shame the bums who have a couple of Collies that I had to rescue the newspaper girl from. It aint the breeds,its the handlers.

Edited by vole21
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i personally think the worse dogs in the uk are jack russels !! my nannas dog patch was just evil !! he was 21 year old when that little *** died he gave me 9 stitches in my chin when i was 7 bit my grandads ear lobe clean off ! took chunks and i mean chunks ! out of his arm ! got attacked by two dobermans ( if thats how u spell it ) and that made him even worse he bit the post man milk man lollipop lady and still never got put down the day he died was a blessing i could actually go see my nan with out the fear of being bit ! in 15 years i never stroked that dog once !

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i personally think the worse dogs in the uk are jack russels !! my nannas dog patch was just evil !! he was 21 year old when that little **** died he gave me 9 stitches in my chin when i was 7 bit my grandads ear lobe clean off ! took chunks and i mean chunks ! out of his arm ! got attacked by two dobermans ( if thats how u spell it ) and that made him even worse he bit the post man milk man lollipop lady and still never got put down the day he died was a blessing i could actually go see my nan with out the fear of being bit ! in 15 years i never stroked that dog once !

You're post has made my day, i thought i was the only one who can't stand Jack Russells!!!!

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all of you who say they should be put down or hit with an axe are idiots , i have had a staff for four years and it is the most loving dog there is , and is a wonder with my little lad . Oh and did i mention i have just taken on a 5 month old lab and guess what it hasnt attacked it ( shock horror )

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all of you who say they should be put down or hit with an axe are idiots , i have had a staff for four years and it is the most loving dog there is , and is a wonder with my little lad . Oh and did i mention i have just taken on a 5 month old lab and guess what it hasnt attacked it ( shock horror )

Thats what they all say there good with kids is that the only defence you have for them?

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bfg its real mate my jacks will ripp anything,,,,,,and im not bragging,,,,,,my rotties wont

Im on about how rotties and Staff's are more pussies than JR and LABRADORS. If your JR went up against a Rottweiler it didnt know there wont be a JR LEFT and Saying that Labradors are a tougher breed the Rotties and Staffies makes me laugh.

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where do you get off calling me a moron, you do not know me or anything about me, if you dont have a sensible comment to make BUTT OUT, its not compulsory to reply to posts


i think there are enough people with the same view of these dogs for it to be the consensus of opinion not a few delusional nutters




delusional ? sorry mate, as an owner of the breed im in a position to give a factual account of the dog i own.

nutter ? well ,thats debatable...


i dont get off anywhere ? butt out ?? are you an american or do you just watch too much t.v ?


your comments about the axe are just pathetic.

as you claim i have no right calling you a moron because i dont know you, well, you have no right making that sort of comment about my dog as you dont know him. simples.

these threads have been done to death, over and over and i have had my two peneth on this subject many times....

its a topic which raises emotions on both sides. the thing is people who have a staffie have more of the facts to hand then someone who only knows the breed from the stories they read in the papers.

the story you have told is horrendous, granted. but would any other uncontrolled or stray/street dog off its lead not have chased a cat... or would it only be the stafford breed which would do this ? i believe any terrier breed would pursue a cat with real intent. its a trait of the terrier breed, my dads border terrier would do this without question.

these dogs should not have been in an uncontrolled situation at all, blame the owners.




i, as like many other people own a staff. he is very placid. granted,a little boystress at times, but mostly gentle and VERY obedient. if you could see how he is with children and people, even complete strangers, you'd see how he is a very well balanced dog. very friendly. this is a good characteristic of the breed.

he shows no agression towards other dogs at all, doesnt bark and never growls. he is just a friendly, loyal pet. we dont own him for the status qualities many chavvy types do and its precisely this reason that he is as affectionate and loving as he is.


this week end, my wife took him out running with her. he was on his lead as he ALWAYS is. whilst out, she encountered another dog, off its lead and at a distance from its owner where he could not have had any control over his dog. the dog took to a laying down position so my missus slowed to a walking pace as she approached. as they neared, the dog attacked. it launched at our dog and took a swipe at him, and as youd expect, benny went in head first and butted the dog. my wife pulled him back as the other dog circled. she told our dog to sit and immediately he did, although growling low,which is very unusual for him..... the owner called his dog and got him away....i dread to think what would have happened if his dog had persued the attack. even acting in defence,my money would be on our dog.

this has happened several times. every time our dog has behaved impeccably given the circumstances. and it has always been the other irresponsible dog owners dog who has been off the lead and attacked.

it makes me laugh because its "supposed" to be the staffs who are "dog aggressive" and have "irresponsible owners".....

now, if my dog did get involved in the fight, i dare say he'd make a mess, BUT, he is yet to "get involved" he has never initiated any sign of aggression at all. i believe as well as being known as the "nannie breed" they are also renowned for being "not quick to pick a fight"... of my dog and many many other peoples, this is a true trait. sadly, other owners are not as responsible or of normal behaviour themselves and their dogs are the ones you read about.


you read about the attacks from these breeds because when they do happen the results can be terrible. what you dont read about is the thousands of regular attacks from other breeds such as jack russels, alsations, collie's and labradors which happen every day,.


heres one.





in my work, i go in lots of houses everyday, i meet lots of dogs... and believe me, staffs are never the ones im wary of. ever. i have met many a nasty dog, all capable of vicious attacks. for every horror story you want to post a link to about a stafford attack, i bet i could post an equally horrifying one about any other breed. labradors are high on the list. like it or not mate. but i dont for one minute think we should all go round with our axes culling labs. would you reach out to stroke a jack russel, chiwawa or yorkie...no chance... granted, they wont do you as much harm, but they are DEFINITELY more likely to attack, ebverytime.



so mikee..if your gonna make irrational, sweeping statments which will cause offense, be prepared to be called a moron.


bottom line is ALL dogs are capable of viscous attacks. remember this and youll have the upper hand.

dog licensing is a good idea.

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Im on about how rotties and Staff's are more pussies than JR and LABRADORS. If your JR went up against a Rottweiler it didnt know there wont be a JR LEFT and Saying that Labradors are a tougher breed the Rotties and Staffies makes me laugh.


Edited by shotgun666
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The thing is it's not the few now is it, the few has turned into many



and Myzeneye that Nanny breed statement should be taken out of it, simply not true. I dont need to read or watch the news its fact I see it with my own eye's on nearly a weekly bases. And two weeks ago I saw a girl 9 years of age or there abouts with a staffy, mean come on if that decided to go for something she has no chance of holding it back.



That link you posted the Labrador didnt really attack her she was unconscious and Labrador tried to wake her up which she was unresponsive.

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ive got two rottwielers and 3 jack russell terriers,,,,,put it this way my rottys cowwer when my jacks kick off..staffs and rottys are pussies compared with labs and jacks :good:



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