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Ideal Air Rifle for a 10 year old


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Took my lad out last to my permission to see if we could bag his first rabbit and gave him my bsa Lightning. He's not been that interested about shooting up to now so I was keen to get him out while he had shown willing :yes:

Basically showed him how to break the gun, reload, saftey catch and a few important safety issues about not pointing at anyone blah blah blah.. Anyway, after 20 minutes or so of walking round, he starts complaining that the gun is too heavy and too big so we stop under an old oak tree and I asked him to mount the gun as if he was going to shoot his target, well after a couple of attempts this is what we got




I must admit it looks too big but I'm sure it would be fine when he's in prone position but as we were standing in a field full of cow ****, I didnt offer him the chance, although I'm sure he would have lied in it if I'd said !!


What are your thoughts ? Am i right in saying that air rifles are standard length ?


Heres a full picture to show you size of him and gun, it wasn't loaded btw :yes:



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hi mate, if your sons just going to do a bit of target practice there are plenty of junior guns out there hw25 etc, if however he wants to go hunting with you and needs the full 12ftlbs your choice might be limited. he looked fine with the size of the lightning so if weight is an issue i'd try the lightning xl tactical. the plastic stock should make the weight more managable for him. there are other plastic stocked guns out(gamo,norica,remmington) there but the lightning tactical is probably the shortest in length. the cheapo chinese guns(smk) are pretty light but not sure if the length would be comfy for him. you could get him a co2 crossman ratcatcher, or splash out £800 and buy him an fx verminator.

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hi mate, if your sons just going to do a bit of target practice there are plenty of junior guns out there hw25 etc, if however he wants to go hunting with you and needs the full 12ftlbs your choice might be limited. he looked fine with the size of the lightning so if weight is an issue i'd try the lightning xl tactical. the plastic stock should make the weight more managable for him. there are other plastic stocked guns out(gamo,norica,remmington) there but the lightning tactical is probably the shortest in length. the cheapo chinese guns(smk) are pretty light but not sure if the length would be comfy for him. you could get him a co2 crossman ratcatcher, or splash out £800 and buy him an fx verminator.



Spending £800 isnt an option <_< especially as we've just agreed in buying him a dog so funds are short as it is !! I could mount a bipod on it which would give him the stability he needs :lol:

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Spending £800 isnt an option <_< especially as we've just agreed in buying him a dog so funds are short as it is !! I could mount a bipod on it which would give him the stability he needs :lol:


Bipods and springers don't always mix.


If your that worried, pick up the lad a Co2 rat-catcher second hand (about £80), and sell it on a while later - they normally keep their resale value well.

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My 7 year old daughter fires my S410 combine with no problems other then it as to rest on something as she can not hold it in her arms, but led down or even with a bipod on it, i shouldnt think your son would have much problems using one of these...brought mine 2nd hand £250.....


When you fire it, there is no movement, wished i brought it earlier to be honest instead of the cheap springer i have

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my 10 year old daughter and 9 year old nephew have been shooting my bsa ultra single shot with a custom made shorter stock[cost a few quid to make from an old broken stock wed been given],it is a bit weighty but the balance is back in the shoulder if you use a lightweight scope.at the cla they both had a go on the ATEO stand and they were using the new Brocock lightweight air rifle with a cut out stock,they both agreed that this was a very useable rifle.ive tried youngsters with both springers and pcp,s and from personal experience you will have a better chance of keeping their interest with a pcp as they find it easier to hit the target and less intimidating.both are doable for the mid 300,s with a cheep scope if you shop around,get it charged at a shop until you can afford a pump[both are ideal for pump charging as they have small tanks] <_<:lol::P

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Cheers guys, I'll deffo look into the S200 :lol:


Another Q : How long does a charge hold if I dont use it on a regular basis ? I mean, for instance if I charged it on the 1st of the month and didnt use it for a month would it still be at full preasure ? Sorry, never really thought about pcp before now, well I have but the ones I looked at were the cost of a small car :D and for the amount of shooting I had at the time never thought anything more.

Would you advise PX on the Lightning ? Whats it worth, as you see its in excellent condition, one slight mark on the stock

Edited by Stamford
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a pcp should hold its charge almost indefinitely provided the seals are in good condition.some of my rifles are out several times a week others are not touched for months without any loss of charge.ialso agree with some of the above posters that the air arms s200 would be worth a look as would a second hand falcon lighthunter,but the air arms s400/410 will probably be too heavy and long a rifle for a youngster .a part exchange might be a way of helping you on your way to a new rifle but be prepared for a shock as to what they will offer you for it as the gunshop has to turn a profit.personaly i would keep the lightning as a backup or to shoot side by side with your lad,as it is quite surprising how fast children learn and progress :D:lol::lol:

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The Crosman Ratcatcher is half the weight - 3.6lbs as against the S200's 6.6lbs, they are more compact, no recoil

and new they are half the price of the AA200.



The AA s 200 has superior build quality and a lot better rifle with no recoil and a 10 shot mag option + you'll not loose too much when you sell it on :good:



Les :good::D

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