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police called out to me today


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Had a call from the farmer this morning to say his rape drillings are being hit hard, So off i goes set up about 2o/c and they where there in numbers, i set up in a good flight line in a small spinney about 150 yards from the road facing away from it of course, didnt bring any dead birds as they were stiil frozen, got a couple and put out one on the flapper, they were coming well. pricked a crow which landed behind me when i noticed i was being watched by a couple of people thru binos, carried on shooting and pricked a pigeon that also landed behind me sent the dogs for it and noticed about 6 people now there with binos and what i could see someone with a camcorder, so i thinks ****me good job iam shooting well,the next thing i could see the farmer driving towards me like a bat out off hell,he jumps out with a smile on his face and said he,s just had a call from from the police and there on there way out here to see me, 5mins latter they turn up metropolitan parks police, they tell they now have had 4 complaints from some bird preservation society about me ,1, Iam useing live birds as bait, 2, causing unnecessary suffering to animals,3, that i might shoot a bird of prey by mistake 4, forgot, Welll me and the farmer were having trouble keeping a straight face, these cops have never seen anyone decoying before so,, i explained the live bird was well an truly dead and being used on the flapper to decoy ,I told them that it sometimes happens that you wound a bird but is quickly dispatched by the dogs, and yes as a pest controler i no the differance birds of prey and vermin, they then go on to tell me these anoracks have come to watch a hobby hawk thats been nesting in some wood about 400yards away and they were worried that i would scare it and would not be able hunt to feed its young,,The farmer said to them he doubts very much if they have got young in the nest as the Hobby is a migratory bird and if if had any sence if would have foxtrott oscared back to africa,The cops vey happy with the situation and apologised for all the inconvenience and what they said was a waste of time and agreed that pest control had to be done on the farms and they were going back to have a word with them

Had a chat with the farmer for a while and then decided its 16,45 called it a day, What had the makings of a bumber day turnred into a bit of a flop,Still picked up 15 and 2 crows


Edited by kenny5406
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Really? Swallows round here with young that only hatched out last week. Not to mention the likes of the woodie that will breed all year round given half the chance.



FM :look:


And we have a collard dove nesting behind a security light on the house who's young have only just left the nest, and she's back sitting on it. Not sure if she's laid more eggs.


Well the squirt can poke her head out of the window and see everything so she's happy. :look:

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Good on you Kenny, at least it was all sorted quick... I'm now a little annoyed with myself for not ringing you earlier in the week, work has taken a nosedive and I have quite a bit of time on my hands. I would have loved to come along for a quick lesson in decoying, plus the amusement of the whole anorak brigade debacle would have kept me laughing for weeks! :look:


I'll give you a tinkle tomorrow, although in brief, I'm still very up for coming beating in October but I am away at the end of the month till the 3rd of October; I'm going danglin' in France for the first time in over a year (I just need to remember how to cast properly now), you never know, I may even catch something? :look:

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I had the same sort of problem a few weeks ago! I was going to put a post on it but forgot.


I set up under a tree one sunday morning, just got into the hide, when the farmer rings to tell me he has spoken two some rspb types who were watching me from the road. They told him there were two hobbie Hawks nesting in the tree I was under. He told me i'd have to move, no problem I said. Next thing he rings back to tell me the rspb types had phoned the police and that they were going to talk to me. I had all the docs in my pocket so it was not a problem. The two armed police who attended were fine with the situation, they checked my licence and shotgun and even checked the landy for other guns!! This did not bother me as I carry my licence all the time, what did annoy me and the farmer, was the fact that the rspb had been watching these two birds nesting in that field for three years and not told any one!!! The rspb said it was an offence to disturb these nesting birds and that i'd committed that offence!! How you supposed to aviod these birds if they dont tell the land owner? I dont think the police were happy with them, when they left me they went to talk to the rspb guys about it. The police were from the cambridgeshire force and were very helpful in this situation.


I think the main point from me is to always carry your licence, I know a few people who dont. But from this I think they will now, and I hope other people reading this will think about including it in their kitbag.


Glad it worked out for you Kenny!!!


regards Agent36

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: well lads just an update, had a call from the police that came to the farm yesterday fair play to them,They said that they went back to see the anoraks after they left me and told them that in there opinion i was doing no wrong in fact was doing a good job in controlling pigeons which can do

devastating damage to the crop at a great expense to the farmer,Now the best bit, They went on to say they told then if the farmer ever catches them on his land or the neighbouring farm which is divided by the wood where the birds have been nesting they will reported for trespassing,,They went on to tell me as parks police it was there first incident of this nature and was very interesting and a good learning curve for them.I thanked them for there understanding and support well done them lads ,Forgot to ask them as parks police what the majority of there work involves ,, Ive got a good idea but ill leave that to your imagination :blink: :good:

Thanks for all the replys and kind words



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