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iPhone vs Blackberry?


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I want to buy smartphone, and I have the obvious choice between the iPhone and the Blackberry Bold. I don't need one - I just want one. I have convinced myself that I need said phone for i) keeping track of web-based email and ii) keeping me entertained. Web browsing is also important. Mrs Baldrick has the Blackberry Bold, and it is very slick, and obviously top-notch for emails and accessing/editing MS Word/Excel files. It is also pretty tough. However, it lacks the apps that make the iPhone so appealing, and the music/video playback is far less swish than iTunes (I already have an elderly iPod). The Blackberry's browsing ability appears a little plodding alongside the iPhone.


As important as the gadgetry is the future phone's ability to survive in a dusty, bumpy and generally unforgiving farming environment. Touch-screen technology looks like a recipe for disaster, as I imagine there is no way of protecting the iPhone other than with flimsy silicone cases. Please correct me if I'm wrong about protective cases - or is there idiot-proof insurance available?


Has anybody else pondered this, and if so, what was the outcome? I anticipate the majority went for Apple.


Edit: I note that the money-grabbing iTunes has pushed almost every single download up to £0.99 now, which lessens the appeal when there are cheaper rival providers.

Edited by Baldrick
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You can get tough cases for it (including one that the USMC use) and it is generally just the best option for a phone/music/game/browsing device. Look up the Otterbox I think it is called, or the one the Oakley make. The Otterbox has a mount kit that lets your iPhone rest snugly on a picatiny rail should you so desire it to.


Seriously, it's a really good device.

Edited by Wookie
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If you've got 15 mins, this should help.

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Go for the Iphone.. I got given a silicone backing for mine but it made it and **** ache to get it in and out of a pocket so I hardly use that now. All I have is a stick on plastic cover over the screen which you can't even tell is there, but gets scratched instead of said screen, and can be easily replaced for pennies.


Mine lives in and out of pockets with keys and change knocking around and There are no major scratches to the plastic after almost 6 months.


I have also dropped mine from a fair height more times than I care to remeber and its fine (touching wood). The diversity and genius of the apps you can get is mind boggling, and it will never leave you bored.

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I've got a bold, it's a work phone - I've had a few "smartphones" over the years, although an iphone hasn't been one of them, probably because RIM kicks its spotty teenage owning behind when it comes to use as a business "tool"


That said.... I've seen plenty of 1st and 2nd gen Iphones, they seem good - Another question to ask is... can you live with O2, and O2 only?

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The iphone is good but is only available on 02. I use the Blackberry 8120, but I find the scroller is not adequate, I have had to replace the scroller twice now. The scroller (trackball) is about £15 each and easy to replace on the 8120.


Some of the Blackberry models have to go to the manufacturer to have the trackball replaced?? not sure of the cost.


I would go for the Blackberry Storm if I was not fussed which network I was on, although they say the touch screen on the iphone is better. Also, I read a recent report on said phones "Blackberry email wins hands down".





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If you've got 15 mins, this should help.


Thanks, Will, but I was thinking of the Blackberry Bold, which has a full QWERTY keypad. The Blackberry Storm is the ginger stepson in the Blackberry family.


How easy is it to type on an iPhone, in total honesty? Surely nowhere near as swift as on a full keypad?


Wookie, Edward, thanks for the Otterbox suggestion. That looks interesting, but I still doubt it offers much protection against crushing.


Am I correct in thinking that there is no way to circumvent O2's monopoly of the iPhone? Are the unlocked ones advertised on Fleabay doomed to failure?

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The BB Bold is a decent piece of of kit, i have had one since launch and haven't had any of the company ones fail.


The BB Storm is bloody awful, we got rid of all the ones we had.






Hi Jon,


I had the Storm on my shopping list. Can I ask what was wrong with it?





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Thanks, Will, but I was thinking of the Blackberry Bold, which has a full QWERTY keypad. The Blackberry Storm is the ginger stepson in the Blackberry family.


How easy is it to type on an iPhone, in total honesty? Surely nowhere near as swift as on a full keypad?


Wookie, Edward, thanks for the Otterbox suggestion. That looks interesting, but I still doubt it offers much protection against crushing.


Am I correct in thinking that there is no way to circumvent O2's monopoly of the iPhone? Are the unlocked ones advertised on Fleabay doomed to failure?



Right-way-up... Very tricky as the keys are far to close for anyone with man hands. Side-ways is no problem at all, everything moves apart slightly and it becomes very easy and fast.

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Hi Jon,


I had the Storm on my shopping list. Can I ask what was wrong with it?






The touchscreen is awful compared to the iPhone

The battery life is shocking

Unit's where the touchscreen stopped working thus rendering the unit useless

Various crashing and lockup issues

The OS is slow and clunky

Required the battery pulling at least once a day then 5-10 mins to reboot

The displays break easily


That's a few for starters.



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The touchscreen is awful compared to the iPhone

The battery life is shocking

Unit's where the touchscreen stopped working thus rendering the unit useless

Various crashing and lockup issues

The OS is slow and clunky

Required the battery pulling at least once a day then 5-10 mins to reboot

The displays break easily


That's a few for starters.





Thanks Jon, it's off the shopping list now...






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How easy is it to type on an iPhone, in total honesty? Surely nowhere near as swift as on a full keypad?


I disagree with libs. I find the keyboard very very easy to use. The autocorrect feature is excellent and there are no excuses if you have fat fingers, as Apple actually designed the phone so that it predicts which letter you're going to type next, making the selection area bigger (you can't visually see this) but if it guesses your word wrong and makes you mistype something, once you've finished writing your incorrectly written word, it'll correct it for you. The spell check is excellent and I can type just as quick on my phone as i can on my laptop (pretty quick)


In contrast to libs' point below, i can't type to save my life in landscape mode, so it's what you're used to. I've seen mates get to grips with the phone who are useless with qwerty keyboards.


Right-way-up... Very tricky as the keys are far to close for anyone with man hands. Side-ways is no problem at all, everything moves apart slightly and it becomes very easy and fast.



Obviously I'm going to say go for an iPhone, but I seriously think you'll regret getting a BB. Especially seeing as there's a complete lack of ballistic calculation software! I use 'Ballistic' but this video of iSnipe, which is almost the same, but it lacks a few extra features.


You'd be surprised how much this one app helps and there are another 100,000 in the app store!


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I have a Blackberry for work. Yeah great, i can get email, other than that i think it's **** for everything else, i just can't get into using it for anything. While it has a QWERTY keypad it's stil fiddly to use unless you are a 4' Vietnamese munchkin. Having seen and had a quick play on an iPhone i would say for private use the iPhone all the way. Love the way the GUI works and web browsing looks simple, on top of that you have the standard features of movie and music playback.


In short, the blackberry is a just a big phone with email capability as far as i'm concerned.

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As most people have written, Blackberry is a great business tool, in that it's basic, the battery lasts a bit and it's tough.


The i-phone is a great toy, with apps and good interweb interaction.


In truth, will you ever write a magnum opus from either machine? Probably not, but they're both easy enough on which to write emails, texts, etc.

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An iPhone 3GS it is then (all the arguments above are convincing). Now I've just got to track one down...


Unfortunately you couldn't have picked a worse time to get one...


I upgraded early to miss this period on purpose, as all the current contracts are coming to an end and are now getting free upgrades... Basically make a big deal out of the fact you're a new customer and they'll welcome you with open arms.

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