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    Haworth,,West Yorks.

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  1. Would it be a little more acceptable if I revealed that the previous shot dropped two pigeons at once and the chance of getting a fox and two pigeons with two shots lead to a slight reduction of sportsmanship.😉
  2. Same here, but through 1/8th and 3/8ths, through my .715 bore Baikal. Got a fox at 10yds yesterday from the hide with that combination, which dropped like a stone. The same cartridge through my full/full Beretta SxS works very well for distant crows as well.
  3. Yes, its Esholt, between the filter beds and hope you can stop at the far end before the field gate which was sometimes left open! The other ones are at Cadwell Park at the hairpin. I did a few rides at Olivers Mount on solo's on a Guzzi LeMans and a 350 MV twin but no pictures of that. What a fabulous machine your Egli Vincent must have been, and able to enjoy before the collectors pushed most people out of the running when prices went sky high. Did you ever come across Pat Quirk and his son Martin who used to race very special Vincent sidecar outfits who came from nearby. Pat had a standard Rapide with what looked like a treble adult sidecar on it and used to take several of his brood to school every day.
  4. I would like to be treated like Jeremy Bentham so as not to disappoint all those who have suggested it over the years. When the door is opened a musical box would play the "Captain Pugwash" tune.
  5. Does your Rickman have those eccentric spacers of differing sizes for adjusting the rear chain about the swinging arm pivot ? I had a Rickman Trident for a short while and only had one of each size which lead to a lot of drilling and filing! The Ducati had a similar system, with an eccentric pivot mount for the swinging arm spindle which was much easier to use.
  6. There you go. Some are while I'm still on it,,,,,others not so !
  7. Was it like this ! I sprinted one several times.
  8. Older bikes for me too. 1970/71 near Istanbul and on the way back. And at the Dragon Rally in '73 on my Rocket 3 Dragon Rally again on a 1939 Ariel 350.
  9. Delighted to hear that you are enjoying keeping these old guns going. It may mean little in the great scheme of things but the satisfaction of re-commissioning an older machine, whatever it is, is unbeatable. These things were made to use, then repair ,then use again. Keep the skills alive!!
  10. That looks good and well worth the effort !
  11. It might be worth trying gently scraping the dark areas with a sharp blade from a Stanley or craft knife in the direction of the grain. Its awkward to do but I've found that you can remove enough of the dark surface to match the lighter sections without ill effects. Stay clear of the chequering though.
  12. I only shoot a straw bale shoot up on the moors occasionally and they don't mind what you do. I meant shooting overall where sometimes a long walk with all the decoying gear wouldn't be too pleasant but with a gentleman's shooting carriage most locations are possible !
  13. Still shooting as much thanks to the Jimny getting me to distant corners but starting to get interested in fishing again. LXXIII this year.
  14. Only a few from that time, no-one I knew had a camera! so we had to buy pictures from the few professional photographers there were. Later on, moving on to solo Classic racing, sprinting, pre-65 trials and enduro there are more but most are still prints. I'll try to get some scanned and put up. These are from Cadwell and Elvington 1968/69. I've still got my helmet from those days !
  15. Here are some images of the time, John Cooper in '67 and a host of famous names from the post TT meeting in '68. We were qualified to race at National level, when we could get an entry, so were only spectating when heroes like this were on the track. John Cooper had something to do with race organisation at, I think. the Derby Phoenix motorcycle club who put races on at Mallory.
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