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Big Bear

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Hello Chaps.


Was out doing a bit recon today looking where to set up when I go out for the first time.


I spotted pigeons smack bang in the middle of a field.


There is Not a hedge or bush is in site to have at the back of the hide


The question(s) are as follows.


Do I put the decoys exactly where they were feeding or just close to it.


What will I do about the hide being so open at the back due to the lack of trees and bushes etc.


Looking forward to the replies.

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They have to get to the middle of the field from some where!! So where was the line coming from....?


You need around 5 meters of net to make a field hide, I use 5 poles... 4 to make a square and the 5th to put a bit of a point on the front of the hide (like the bow of a boat) This will give you room to mount the gun with out having to bring the gun back away from the net as that takes time and causes the gun to get caught in the net...


The back poles are higher than me when sitting down and with the 2 nets I use an old army type set so I can see through but with good back ground from the other net....


It is not hard, just a bit of practice...One thing to leave your self a back door as lifting and crawling under is a pain... face the foot plates of your pole away from the wind so it will act as a brace.


The rest is down to where you think the decoys should be...25 yards!!









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There is no problem putting a hide in the middle of the field. Just make sure you have enough net. Remember, just because you saw pigeons in the middle of the field, it doesn't mean that it's necessarily the best place to set up.

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The nearest trees were nearly two football fields away. Think that's where they came from. Just wasn't sure about the back of my hide being wide open as I only have one net. I'll invest in another asap.


You certainly do not want a open back in a field hide , so I would get another net or two before you shoot.


I carry 3 nets with me totaling about 12 meters all together .

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The nearest trees were nearly two football fields away. Think that's where they came from. Just wasn't sure about the back of my hide being wide open as I only have one net. I'll invest in another asap.

You THINK thats where they came from it sounds to me as if more reconnaissance is called for before dragging all your gear out to the middle of the field.

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Done a bit more recon today and found a definite flight line. I found them flying between to big wooded areas. Watched them for a good 3/4's of an hour, back and forward between these woods.

Was going to set up just in front of one of the woods so I have the woods to my back.

Here's hoping my first attempt at decoying is a success.

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Done a bit more recon today and found a definite flight line. I found them flying between to big wooded areas. Watched them for a good 3/4's of an hour, back and forward between these woods.

Was going to set up just in front of one of the woods so I have the woods to my back.

Here's hoping my first attempt at decoying is a success.

Some don't agree, however I will take a good guess (as I have learnt to my cost) that if you start rattling the wood they come from. Then they will move off...

Very hard for all of us to judge what to do , but for my money I would set up in the field and make sure the shot noise goes away from the wood.

At the very least I would set up as you want to but try and work it so you are not firing at the wood they are coming from...

Good luck with your day...



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whats the crop and what stage is it at?

I would suggest if you have time to watch the field for an hour or so,where do they come from and where do they go.??the flightline is far more important than the bit they were feeding on on 1 day.

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To be honest, i'm not 100% sure what the crop is.(complete novice to this) I can only describe it as looking like individual blades of grass but bigger. It is standing about 4-5inchs just now. All the fields i have permission to shoot on are planted with it.

I have definitely found 1 flight line(mentioned above). Te other one i'm 90% sure i know where they came from and where they went.

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Barley has longer auricles(where the leaf meets the stem).it is hard to tell without the two to compare but in barley they wrap around the stem more and have no hairs,wheat has smaller auricles with small hairs.

Hope this helps.

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