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here iam

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Everything posted by here iam

  1. Site manager in a primary school in Halifax
  2. i think you might have just answered that your self mate eg, get out with lads who have lamped the course for years that tells me they are lamp shy mate Change the colour of the lamp to red or green if you still do not see any gets some ferrets to see if theirs ought their
  3. Just to say what a top guy Steve is and to say thank you vey much for a brilliant day i shot my first pigeons thanks to Steve. Thanks Steve your one in a million Merry xmas
  4. Give us a clue what your on about mate
  5. Another top offer of a top lad
  6. Has the lads say keep down wind try Knocking lights of then use a small lamp i use a deben fits on scope. turn lamp on when you see eyes Knock it of then move slowy towards then switch lamp back on if you done it right he will be sat their waiting for a shot in the bonuce change your times when you have a go at em because they will get used to you coming :o
  7. If their on private land with out permission they deserve all they get mate. Its hard enough trying to get permission has it is with out people poaching .
  8. Do not need scraps farmer gives me pork and lamb when i want And a nice warm barn to shoot from
  9. Only eight quid a hour and your turning your nose up they must be paying you too much down south you want to try living up here mate i would do it for nowt plus supply my own cartridges. snap is hand off my lead to sumat else
  10. Pre silenced air rifle with small lamp on will not bother horses
  11. Hello chaps Elland west yorkshire here 43 year old shot gun user and air rifle i have some small bunnie hunting ground i can take you on in return i am looking for some kind gent to take us pigeon shooting surely someone needs a buddy to help them and share the crack with i am willing to share me sandwichs with you and petrol transport its more fun with a mate ? so if theirs any body out their who can help surley someone could do with help
  12. Try Protom 1 on here hes only £40 for day shame he was not closer to me i snap is hand of hes is based in lincolnshire sounds a reight good lad Might go yet myself sod the petrol
  13. Your a top Lad Ferret Man good on you
  14. Nice offer mate would snap your hand of if closer
  15. you got to use a rfd fella he should have sent it to your local gun shop where you then pick it up with your shot gun certificate they sign your ticket its all legal then.
  16. Try the nobs site mate they always looking national organisation for beaters and shooters
  17. Hello gents can any body tell me if the fixby shoot is still going in west yorkshire near huddersfield top of anileys. just wondered if any body on here in west yorkshire goes or Knows about it? Thanks
  18. Hello chaps his their any body out their willing to show us a days pigeon shooting ? i can offer a bit of bunnie hunting in return I am fully insured with sacs and had a good few clay lessons now. willing to share transport petrol costs . plus none stop ear ache
  19. If Mixi moves in you will have nowt to shoot much any way Look for sumat bigger you will shoot it out in no time
  20. early morning before they open or night time with lamp
  21. Ferret mans right fella done your trick my self also took lads for company and help on my small permissions thing his not every body out theirs honest some one tried to get on one of my permissions using my name. if you want it bad enough you have to put the door Knocking in or build up trust with some one. Good look your insured which will go down well with farmers they can only say no :wacko:
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