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Everything posted by p@cman

  1. Nice one Andy, Good score for your first session on the clays mate. But as always, main thing is to have fun & enjoy it
  2. Excellent photographs, well done
  3. p@cman

    Grey Squidgel

    It looks like it's had a great night out, got very drunk and passed out on the way home.
  4. I believe that if you bought something using a credit card from a company who goes bust and you didn't get your hands on what you paid for, then it's possible to claim money back from the credit card company. Worth a try
  5. Pleased to see you're making a good recovery
  6. I was with Orange, but have been with O2 for the past couple of years now. Good coverage and very reliable.
  7. Please accept my condolences. Very sorry to hear such tragic news.
  8. Good job, very well done!!
  9. Like Gadgit and Maiden have both said, make sure you get one that fits you. That was the main piece of advice given to me when I was looking for my first shotgun and it was sound advice indeed.
  10. I use Peltor too, the Tactical 6. They cut out the loud noises and let the softer noises like conversation through without any problem. They also cut out the wife's snoring I bought them online from the States when the pound was up over the two dollar mark and so got a pretty keen deal. The website was doing an offer at the time where if you bought two pairs the price came down, so all in all it was a bargain. Fortunate enough not to get hit by customs/duty either
  11. Hope you got it sorted ok. If you still have probs you could try these virus removal tools, they're free and I've had success with both of them: Stinger http://www.quickonlinetips.com/archives/20...antivirus-tool/ Housecall http://housecall.trendmicro.com/uk/
  12. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery. Regards, Paul.
  13. Yeah, shame they only gave it a short pitch as the discussion was just hotting up. Pro-shooting was coming over very well indeed. Discussion could have gone on for longer.
  14. Sounds like it finished at 11.30. I thought it would go on til midnight
  15. Me too. I would be interested in the .410, but way too far away for me unfortunately. Good luck with the sale. Paul.
  16. Country Pursuits, Rickmansworth, NW London: http://www.country-pursuits.info/
  17. Hello John, If you don't get any leads here, try also having a look on the Guntrader site: http://www.guntrader.co.uk/ there are plenty of .410 on there, both trade sales and private sales. Good luck in your search. Have fun teaching the grandkids! Paul.
  18. I been looking at buying a 686E (Sporter) too, but haven't seen anything less than £675 The E I believe stands for "Evolution" http://www.beretta.com/index.aspx?m=74&idc=1&ids=44
  19. Thanks all for the welcome, much appreciated
  20. I'm new to the Pigeonwatch forums, so thought I had better say hello. Not exactly new to shooting; I did some pistol shooting in my younger days and some shotgun shooting from time to time, but I never seemed to have the time to get round to getting licenced and taking it up seriously. Anyway, thirty years on and pistol shooting is no longer an option, but last summer I went on a charity clay shoot with some friends and really enjoyed it. In fact, I enjoyed it so much it fired me up enough to finally get round to applying for a shotgun cert and start going along to a local clay shooting club and I've been going along regularly ever since. Everyone has been very friendly, extremely helpful and supportive. The only problem rather frustratingly, is I'm still waiting for the SC to come through. I applied beginning of November, the FLO has been out and visited early January and is quite happy, the forms have gone back to the licencing office, certificate has been approved and according to the lady at the office is 'waiting to be signed' along with a huge backlog of other certificates. She couldn't say when it would be signed, would just have to wait until they work their way through the pile! Anyway, I'll stop rambling on and wish you all the best. Cheers, Paul.
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