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Everything posted by p@cman

  1. Hahaha, wait until your next council tax bill arrives and you find they've increased your bill as you have increased the living area of your home. Either that or you fall foul of the local planning dept for building without planning permission or following building regs!! Nice one Mark, it looks like a proper job, well done
  2. I've not used their online/mail service, but have been up there a couple of times over the past year and have found the service friendly and helpful. Good selection and plenty of stock too.
  3. p@cman


    rsrjerry, it sounds very much as though they are the M1874 Gras bayonets. Wooden handles with brass metalwork and a T shape profile blade.
  4. Ouch indeed!! Hope you heal fast and don't have to suffer too many visits to the hospital.
  5. Email sent. Collection box removed from our sales counter too. Money donated to another childrens charity instead.
  6. Second dibs if Sam doesn't want it.
  7. I have a 525 too and have never bothered with snap caps. I'm sure that people have their own opinions on the matter, but I believe that in a modern gun they are of no real benefit. Barrels stay empty until it's time time to shoot
  8. p@cman


    But the "pen is mightier than the sword" ! The law is indeed an ***
  9. p@cman


    Yep, I'll go along with that !
  10. p@cman


    I'm not convinced it's made the middle east or the world a safer place. Probably the reverse if anything...
  11. I use a single barrel .410 hammer gun from time to time. Its lightweight and a lot of fun to use
  12. From my point of view the weak pound is causing me grief as our company imports goods from Europe. We are paying through the nose at the moment as our pound buys far less euro than it did six months ago. If the bank of England drop interest rates again (as widely expected) in January, then the pound will weaken against the euro further still. Grim and painful stuff indeed. If the Governments plan of slashing interest rates works, them perhaps the uk economy will pick up quicker than europes and in the next 12-24 months we may see the pound strengthen again, but its just so unpredictable to call.
  13. Not sure Edward reads the Mail..?
  14. "It's a Wonderful Life" An old b&w film from 1946. Nominated for five Oscars and is a true classic.
  15. Legia spray down the bores. Leave for five minutes whilst making cuppa tea Clean and check over the action. Give the bores a quick run through with phosphur bronze brush to get rid of/loosen most of the gunk. Clean through barrels with a couple of goes with a Hoppes boresnake. Bores are now mirror-like finish inside Reasseble and wipe over with oily rag. Job done.
  16. My son started shooting in the spring of this year aged 8 and loves it too. He started with the air rifle, shooting at tin cans and paper targets in the back garden. Having asked constantly throughout the summer, he has come along with me on several clay shoots this autumn, pressing the trap buttons, scoring and taking an interest. Recently he had a shot with the 410 just to get a feel of the difference between shooting the air rifle and the shotgun. I like the idea of setting up some static clays and letting him have a go at them with the 410, perhaps in the spring maybe. Right from the outset, I have taught him to have a good understanding of what guns can do and he was well rehearsed in basic gun safety before I let him start. He's not allowed to shoot unsupervised. I hope his enjoyment of shooting will continue throughout his childhood and for years to come.
  17. I said to the chemist, 'Can I have some sleeping pills for the wife?' He said, 'Why?' I said, 'She keeps waking up.'
  18. So very sorry to hear such tragic news. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Paul.
  19. Take a look on this thread > HERE < Some useful discussion & advice on permission forms. :yp:
  20. Try these two bits of software: Spybot and Ad-aware Spybot Ad-Aware Both available as free downloads and both are quite safe to use They are reliable and have certainly helped me with 'puter problems on a couple of occasions edit: What Drive By just said! Looks like he and I were posting at same time
  21. Yes, I got pretty much the same response. They say that they have received a number of complaints about the Barnardos film, but basically because it not an ad as such, or a sponsored search result or a sales promotion it is outside of the code under which the ASA operate. As a result they are powerless do do anything about it.
  22. Happy Valley clays near Grazeley, just South of Reading run a varied layout sporting shoot. 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month.
  23. I was taught from an early age to respect, care and look after my gear, so I clean mine every time it's been used. After all, it only takes a few minutes to clean the gun after using it, so what's the fuss?
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