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About Shotgunspud

  • Birthday 06/01/1981

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    All shooting

    I have been into shooting /hunting all my life.

    I cover all shooting from driven shooting to Deer stalking and trips overseas.

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  1. Me too lads I was so surprised when he stepped out... After seeing and shooting this one I see 3 more on that trip but no shot offered.
  2. Hi all, Not been on for some time posting so hear we go. I went to west Germany hunting Black Roe bucks this season as I did the year before but not joy this time on the black buck, I did see 3 very nice black bucks but not in the right spot for a shot. But! But! Lol after a hour sit in one of the many high towers one morning this chap stepped out and well to say I have always wanted to shoot one would be an understatement.... I could not believe it when I spotted him about 180 meters walking towards me, the seconded I spotted him all Black Bucks in the area where safe he was in the wrong field at the wrong time,,, call me crazy but I really wanted one of these, I took the shot at about 120 meters and he dropped on the spot I was so happy, I have been a very lucky boy in life with what I have hunted and this was one of the animals that was right at the top of the wish list. Raccoons are a pest and are treated like foxes so please don't think bad of me the guide was over the moon I had shot it, I am having the skin tanned and he will end up in my gun room hope you like the photo. Thanks Alex
  3. Thank mate spot on how the #### did you do that! I wwas getting so ****** off with it lol Would someone put it up as a fresh post some my read the heading and think not another bone head that cant upload a video ...lol enjoy
  4. Beardo, I have put it on YouTube but how do I get it onto here its under Muntjac Bucks fighting?
  5. Help lads I have a video you all must see of 2 muntjac fighting, But I cant upload! Last time I put a video up it was ages ago and it seems to of changed??? HELP!!!
  6. Fantastic video again mate didn't need the wind lol!! well done keep them coming.
  7. M2233 dont worry mate you would not be the only one.
  8. I am sure you for Grails you may need all of your zooooooooom lol. Good luck mate fingers crossed the weather is kind to you looking forward to seeing the video.
  9. Well done boys glad you had another good trip, and thanks for coming. See you next season.
  10. Stunning days shooting there, I have been very lucky to of shoot there a number of times with Mr Jones. These are bar non some of the best birds you will see being driven to guns. The whole place is a dream to shoot and to start you off on the Point now that is a going to get anyone's blood running. Well done on hitting what you did people don't understand just what them birds are doing and what speed. I shoot there November we shoot 3 Vallys and then onto here we go!! Lelechweddygarth shoot ( think that's right) We had a 480 BD At 3V and a 438 LWG forget the shoots lol.... Loved watching your video mate well done hats off. P.S you are always going to get a laptop pro tell you how wrong a day like that is and how it should be done... I am sure Mr Jones will take note from. All the best SGS
  11. Dave as always mate love the photos. You and the boy will have to try and get down to see me next year for a Muntjac or Chinese water deer love to have you down for the odd beer or two. Hope you well mate and have a fantastic Christmas. SGS
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