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Everything posted by radio1ham

  1. hi there sorry i forgot to mention it is all made of metal no plastics what so ever anywhere in sight it looks like plastic pipe as i have wrapped tape around it
  2. ok guys i was asked if i had any more pics of it and silly me never took any but dont worrie if it works ok il strip it down and post the pics so you all can see how i done it the total cost is maybe the same as a couple of pints or a pack of ciggys (not a great lot) im going to load some sub sonics to try it with and all being well it should work ok even if it just takes away the initial crack away il be happy so soon as ive tryed it il post the results to let you all know how it goes
  3. well as no one round my neck of the woods sells the silencer for the 410 i decided to set about making one and is now nearly finished all i need to do is to try it out but il do that when i make up some sub sonic cartridges through the week it not the best looking thing i must admit but all being well it should do the trick il post what it is like soon as i have had a chance to try it out and also no big lump is left on the gun when it is removed unlike the commercial ones which leave a big round lump about 2 inches down from the muzzle
  4. yes i agree with the above dont forget the written consent of the land owner aswell
  5. how about trying the local resteraunts or takeaways they may take them off your hands always worth a try
  6. very true but i was gobsmacked when i seen the dog and that young lad from carlisle they both derserve to win it in my eyes both were fantastic i dare say the young lad from carlisle may already be getting offers for a contract maybe simon cowell has all ready sighned him up
  7. i guess im lucky as no one flys them were i go BUT them raf tornado`s dont half scare the **** out of me when they do low level flying about 200 feet sometimes you dont know whether to duck or fall to the ground i once fell off the top of a gate once when out shooting as i was climbing over a gate at the bottom of a small hill and he must of been no more than 200 feet when the sonic noise hit me my mate couldnt stop laughing all day if only we had a video camera i would of won the 200 quid on you been framed it was like i had been hit by thunder
  8. in my hole life honest to god i have never seen anything like it absoulutly fantastic that collie gin had me on the edge of my seat i was gob smacked i hope she could win the show and also the young lad from carlisle was fantasic aswell i think they both deserve to win the show they both get thumbs up from me
  9. yes that would be great thanks
  10. how about vineger i used to use that to clean old pennys when i was young
  11. just wondering if anyone has made their own for the 410 shotgun and if so with any success as im thinking of making my own as no where around me sell them i would have to order one and have it sent through an rfd which would mean paying more for it so was wondering if anyone had made their own
  12. i do have the batterys i use for my main lamp 18amp and a 24 amp but i dont think i would gaffa tape them to the gun lol but soon as lidl gets there batterys in il buy a few packs and make up a couple of 2.7amp packs so il get a good session from them i may make up a few exta
  13. ok will do it should last twice as long as the pack with the lamp is a 1.3amp so 2.7amp should last twice as long
  14. ive got the gear for programming motorola gp300s if anyone wants any programming im in the north east so if anyone needs these kind programming give me a shout
  15. dont worrie everyone its gone to a good home il make up a 2.7amp pack for it aswell soon as lidl gets their rechargable batterys in thanks again shaun theres your snakebite
  16. wish i had the spare money mosa i wud of snapped your arms off for it but got to many bills to pay im sure someone will snap it up
  17. a few years ago i cut out some sillouetes of crows and sprayed them black and dotted them around in different angles mounted them on old welding rods and pushed into the ground and they worked pretty well got 14 crows/ rooks that day so for a price of a can of matt black spray paint and some old cardboard and a bit of time it was worthit they came in close enough to be shot so maybe an idea for some one who wants to try decoying rooks crows the cheap way
  18. well not badly priced i recently paid 7.57 for a box of lyvale express super game num 4shot i nearly passed out when paying for them as around christmas time they were just short of 4 quid a box of 25 so neraly doubled in price thank god i reload my own 410s as they over 7quid a box now
  19. alphamax damn good cartridges they pack a good punch just like the baikal cartridges if sg i would be unsure using them in anything more than 1/4 choke i use an old hammer gun when using sg size shot which has only 1/4 choke
  20. i think wax would make the gun shiny and slippery as oil wouldnt my mate has just done the stock on his air rifle with red root oil and it looks pretty good anyway everyone to their own preference
  21. ive got an old bsa superstar its rather tatty looking but shoots well looks dont bother me as i only paid 25 quid for it but still a good gun
  22. hi ken and welcome hope you enjoy the forum and have a laugh and meet new friends as we all a friendly bunch on here and im sure you will get plenty of tips and tricks from old school like my self
  23. heres a couple of fox snares i made using wire with braking strain of 47 kg 47pence a meter from maxwells diy
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