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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. Ive got a mate who is interested in selling his daystate huntsman ftr. 3star walnut thumbhole stock and a bausch and lomb 6 -24 target scope. It is excellent condition. 1.77 12fl lb. Let us know a price please jimdfish
  2. Aled you really are a ray of sunshine on an overcast day. Jim P.S when we think of wales we automatically think of sheep as there so many sheep there. There is no other reason. Honest. baaaaaa. Also if my girl did all her movements on all fours Id throw her out. Dirty bitch
  3. Bar is open. Wine for the ladies is available but they have to to stay in the snug jim
  4. TLE its the only three wheel bentley in Britain. Canary Yellow, goes like a dream. Roodle, hope you enjoy the baikal, cos i love mine. jim
  5. LOL RS Too many cute dogs on the forum. Ugly them up a bit please. Lovely looking dogs Jim
  6. Shes only thinking of you YP. Could do to lose a pound or two perhaps?? Jim
  8. MOP is back, yes she's back, oooh the MOP is back. Oh yeah. Can get on with living now as THE MOP IS BACK. Shes lost some weight and torn her armpits to bits as well as her chest and her vision is not up to scratch, but, THE MOP IS BACK. Oh Yeah. ******** if they know what went wrong but the vet seemed to think that the tranq's given with bonfire night in mind may have contributed to the problem. I am now thinking of donating her to the blind dog for the guides. It has taken me ages to be able to smile about that joke. THE MOP IS BACK. LB, YP ta for the posts, meant alot jim and THE MOP
  9. jimdfish


    Sent you a post mate. Will chat tonight. Jim
  10. Aled I was too busy asking for extra condiments to carry on the conversation. Baaaa Jim
  11. reminds me of the time I was on plane and the woman next to me sneezed. Afterwards she had one of the loudest orgasms it had ever been my fortune to hear. She blushed deeply and explained that she had a medical complaint that meant whenever she sneezed she came like a train. "are you taking anything for it?" I enquired, to which she replied " yes PEPPER" jim
  12. Update on the mopdog. Moppy had seizure tonight where she lost all use of sight. Usually her rubber ring is thrust into your hand whenever you sit down. Tonight the poor little sod couldnt see it a foot in front of front of her. Emergency vet is non-comitta. Jimmy M is scared to death. Dont want to lose my best friend. Morrisey said "this joke isnt funny any more". Try typing with all eyes shut with tears. James
  13. Copy of David Blunketts letter to the major pub and off-license chains warning the to stop selling beer to underage drinkers. Dear Sir Stop it. Yours
  14. jimdfish


    I am not divided!! I SUPPORT all kinds of hunting with dogs. because i dont necessarily like one of them does not mean i dont support them. I dont like fishing with poles or drinking red wine but i will defend anyones rights to do it as , It is there right, and I do variances of these. I am as aware to any threat to my chosen way of life, and will defend others as well as myself so that i can continue, with the choices that I have made. jim P.S red wine, try it hate it, buy bigger bottle more moolah, hate it more. that and whisky is the only thing i cant drink Poles. only good for bashing nettles around swim
  15. jimdfish


    HG I know that there are alot of people on the forum who enjoy hunting on horseback. I dont. I said in the previous post that if you want to do it so be it. no-one should ever tell you that you cant do this! people whom are ignorant of this way of life have imposed there beliefs upon you with no consideration to the beliefs of others. I disagree with this fascist state of mind. Thats what the post previously mentioned, if you are in any doubt as to the sentiment of the post. Please read again. I have no intention of being " divided" as to my views on the hunting with hound question, I support it fully but would not do it myself. Like gay marriage, why not, but i just dont fancy it, if you know what i mean, and am sur that you do jim
  16. jimdfish


    Sounds like a script from the vicar of dibley. Or terry and june. Must agree though LB, Love watching dogs course, do not like watching them hunt with men on horses behind, running yes, but feel that if you want to, Ignorami should not be able to tell you otherwise. Snaky plonker move keeping fox hunting open for 18 months rather than the three for coursing. As said in an earlier post, more people find coursing wrong than those who dont. simple maths. more votes ban. keep in power. it seems he is not so sure about foxhunting though otherwise it would be banned at the same time as coursing the big jug eared toothy **** jim
  17. jimdfish

    land mine

    Did anyone read about the bloke who this week while digging in his garden unearthed a landmine? It was in the times on wednesday and he sellotaped the mine to his hand after picking it up by mistake. He reckoned that it was layed during the second world war as a defence against the german invasion. He buried his arm in a bucket of sand while his wife phoned bomb disposal. After hours of careful extraction by the armies finest it turned out to be part of the suspension of an old saab :yp: brown pants red face jim
  18. If you had fished pilsworth you would know where it is! Ta for the links Jim
  19. swop you for my rocket. goes well 50000000000 miles on the clock
  20. Has anyone fished them and are they any good?
  21. I have an mP153 S/A. 3.5 inch chamber 2 oz steel shot carts no prb. 28 grm no8 no problem. gubbins behind the trigger. no prob. wood no prob. A quite trouble free and splendid gun to shoot jim
  22. Aled, Ask if he has one for Exeter. P.S Red, its not the drink inside that you have to worry about, if you know what I mean and I am sure that you do. jim
  23. Whenever your new coursers have impacted glands and they need squeeze. Give us a shout. The round trip to Kent would be worth it to watch. Jim
  24. Look LB, I have already proved how easy it is and now youre backing out. What am I going to do with the gross of marmosets Ive got in the back room. I can only hide 144 monkeys for so long. Her indoors is suspish now and thay are ruining me shagpile. Jim
  25. Something, the image of which, is now branded upon my tortured soul. Forever to plague and torment. in the writhing,seething morass that is now my mind. Please, do not try what I, for the sake of a few pounds saved, did to my dog last night. It is against the will of god Jim
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