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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. If there is any money left could we buy one for RS as well? Jim
  2. Roblade I have been trying to sell my organ on this site for ages and the only taker has been LB. Do not answer any mails sent to from this man. He has definetely got hold of the wrong end of the stick. Jim
  3. have a nice time Ern. If everyone reads my post entitled "crowblaster" i could soon be on the same side of the pond as you. Jim
  4. Aled you taffy gonk ( no offence ) how can you hate them and crave them at the same time. If we raise enough money in the aled fan club can we buy him a dictionary please. Jim
  5. Thats was a very nice thing to do Deako. I have just had my car pinched with all of my shooting gear in including my gun and my dog so I know how annoying this is. Anything by Beretta ( ulrika or Teknys) Land rover or Shogun GSP Full Barry Manilow back catalogue Cheers Jim P.S Good on you Deeks, nice to know someone cares
  6. Right everyone, Its about time we talked turkey and I dont mean the current thread about shooting them, Im talking bare tacks here. Because all of you ( espescially LB) posted nasty things about moi, who by the way is an all round star, youve scared my mate crowblaster off. The same crowblaster who no doubt had a handwritten invitation to the fish in his hand imploring that I go and spend some quality time with him fishing the gulf of Mexico and shooting North American creatures, be they fur or fowl. I would imagine that all of those who put the frankly, childish, posts on this site about me would be feeling slightly less than good about themselves right now. Well never one to hold a grudge I can see a way of everyone making amends for this slight on a character who upholds everyone on this site with the upmost veneration ( apart from LB who has issues Ha Ha ). What I suggest is you all e-mail my good friend in the good ol' US of A and plead with him apologise if necessary and ask him to retrieve the invite and send it forthwith to the Fish. It is but a little gesture, but one I feel will help you all to finally appease your soul, sleep better at night and guarantee yourselves a place in the afterlife in the upstairs bit rather than risking eternal damnation for coveting a neighbours *** ( not a problem for LB anymore Ha ha ha). I do forgive you all and say only this " Godspeed and get Jim a place in paradise" Jim P.S Even if you did not post but know those who did you are guilty by association and therefore must also seek redemption. His name is CROWBLASTER by the way
  7. Happy Birthday FM Your daughter is called Princess Aimee?? You will have to meet my kids , Shergar and Hoof Hearted Jim
  8. jimdfish


    Henry Do you spend a lot of your time polishing your helmet and sliding down poles? Jim
  9. Did you get the feeling that BASC have accepted defeat? Jim
  10. jimdfish

    Eden Camp

    If you really want to experience grief and the inhumanity that man can inflict, Try supporting Stockport County and Scotland Jim
  11. Aled, Just out of interset how far is it from you house to London? How long is a double decker bus. How tall is the tallest tree on your farm. How tall are you. How tall are the tales you tell? Jim
  12. They dos say the stongest hate is held for those you loved the most. LB jim
  13. jimdfish


    Whats that then RS Your dads shed, At 16 you are not allowed by law to drink, at 2.50 pocket money a week you can only afford one drink. I spill more beer down me waiscoat than tha sups ina nite Jim
  14. jimdfish

    Ken Bigley

    Ern Fair play mate, that was some of the fastest editing I have ever seen. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO CANADA!!! Jim
  15. I need a good AV package and want it free with the minimum of fuss and swapping of e-mail addresses and all that cack. Anyone got any links please JIM
  16. AP, I admire your chutzpah( we jews know what it means) but dont forget, the fish did it first jim
  17. The fish has posted tonight on every subject. many of which he knows nothing about. He was trying to see if e could have his name, repulsive as it is, on every single topic on the forum. It turns out that he could, he believes this to be a record. Please dont try this at home as once is enough. The limits of the patience of the moderators has been tried and tested and they are found not to be infinite. Jim wore a special suit manufactured rom the hides of a creature only found in stocportian alpha 2 and anyone conducting this experiment without the adequate protection can leave the individual open to censorship and derision from fellow members of the forum Jim
  18. Thats not the only reason VD. Veruy unfortunate initials vermin dropper jim
  19. What chokes are in it Jim
  20. Well done that man. time well spent Jim
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