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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. I am a ****** for not filling in the returns and telling him how I have got on. Now Jonno, If you had had a red letter day on NPPC land would you post and tell?. Its a selfish attitude and one that i am massively guilty of. In future though if I go out and do have a good day and have no intention of returning for a bit I will certainly post my days shooting. Jim
  2. Have you been drinking PP Youve never known a pheasant turn into a pheasant. I did however shoot my first partridge the other day and it tasted lovely jim
  3. Graham I will take you up on that mate. Next time I am going out I will give you a shout. Was it you who put up the signs at Worsley Grange? Jim
  4. jimdfish


    There are women who go in the the chatroom of an evening but never post on the forum. Jim
  5. jimdfish


    Cranfield, Maybe hitting the hai-karate too much at the mo. Drunk beyond belief but lovely smelling breath LB You spelt Lordship wrong you peasant Jim P.S and ****
  6. Lighten up Teal I am more than sure I not only speak for everyone who posted as well as myself when I say without tongue in cheek " well done" to the young lad in the photo. He took a stance when the majority of us did not. Much kudos to anyone who fights their corner at a time when apathy seems to be the only kind of political expression any one is willing not to voice. There is a time for us though, to sit back and have a laugh. If I have personally offended whom I presume to be Tommies son, I will apologise to him sincerely and with meaning. Do not think that in ten years he shall sit back, irrespective of the outcome on the hunting ban, and not remember and laugh about the day he went to parliament and made his voice heard and took some good natured ribbing about it. Jim
  7. jimdfish


    Its on SKY 1 you Narna. Also there s nothing i like better after a days shooting than horsewhipping my manservant followed by a glass of Brut and pickled larks tongues in aspic. What what. I say well done SKY for finally potraying shooting types like me,who like to live the high life. No hoi polloi and certainly no RIFF RAFF nor commoners spoiling shoot. Coarse types who do not even know how to dress for the shoot. I was in Kent recently when an OIK called dogman or terrierchild, some loutish name anyway, had somehow found his way onto MY shoot. Well, a swift thrashing for the keeper later and I have been unequivocally assured that this rufian shall be there no more. We have dogtracks and football to keep these rapscallions entertained and that is where they should stay. COMMONERS, know your place Little Lord jimDfish
  8. Graham went on this week and hbid on and won a couple of items. I shall certainly be using the service again. ( if me goods come). You do e-mail with the details dont you? jim
  9. jimdfish

    Woman needed!

    Im in love!!!. I saw her first. Come ito the PW arms one night and I will buy you a babycham. jim
  10. Mrobson I suppose if you can get the mullet feeding well on the surface ( flake) you could always try a piece of artificial bread and fish "dry".
  11. CE we used to buy used 9mm cases and bullets and put them together with key rings and sell them on the market. Made a few quid Jim
  12. MROBSON When last in Ibiza instead of raving I went fishing off the harbour most days. There are plenty of goldeneye mullet there and here is atip how to catch. Put 2/3 trebles on your line and tie a free running loop. Take a slice of french bread and secure in the loop. Bury the trebles in to the bread and cast into the harbour. I promise you on a light rod this is fantastic as a three fish hook up is not uncommon. If you are going to eat them make sure they have a yellow dot on their heads and make sure there is not too much diesel floating on the harbour. Find one where sailboats moor and you will be allright. I never saw any mackerel there at al as i thought the shallow sandy bottoms were not to their liking. jimDfish
  13. Teal At running the risk of appearing a pedant, How did you manage to vote for the Norris bloke. Looking at your profile it would indicate that you were 16/17 at the time of the vote. Much too young. jim(looking for an arguement)Dfish
  14. Dear Thomas Thankyou very much for the lovely photo we recieved from youself. It gives me great pleasure to tell you that on the strength of the photo we have decided to allow you to become a member of the Village Party People. As a tribute band to possibly the best 70,s band ever, the village people, you wil be expected to work most weekends and some Thursday mornings. Enclosed is a schedule for gigs and if you have any questions whatsoever please e-mail Gloria.
  15. Allright LB You didnt have to repeat it. We got it the first time dopey. JIm
  16. My bitch is three, spayed and still humps me with regular monotony. I do not know how to stop her long term but a stern NO does the trick. Dont scare the kids though. NO, see, stopped you before you even thought of it and I know that you were ypu filthy devil. Jim
  17. I will tell you how much youve posted PM. TOO MUCH. Thats how much. Yesterday, feeling scrawpy about my new land, today jealous as an LB. Jim
  18. Jimmy M D.I.S.C.O D.I.S.C.O GMSAC ( greater manchester social and athletic club, drinks den All night) and 4 stamps off having a free subway sandwich
  19. I have just returned from seeing mr barleymore who has kindly given me permission to shoot on his land. While doing a recce, light was failing and the birds were coming in to roost I decided to sit still and have a look for foxes. I knew they were about as i could smell them and sat in wait. No sign of charlie but a couple of skeins of geese came over as well as a dozen or so ducks. Rabbits by the score could be seen across the fields and i was watching woodies and jackdaws/rooks whirling in flight. Walking back up the wooded path that runs round the perimeter of the farm the pheasants from the nearby estate were falling out of their roost. I did not see any foxes and as is always the case I did not have a gun. I have a feeling that i could do well. He has also cut down the undergrowth down the first mile of the path which means i can get the rascal down there. It doesnt get any better than this Jim P.S Farmer says that he is having real trouble with corvids on his drilled. What is the best way of decoying these. Owl?
  20. You cannot legally shoot any animal whatsoever witha bow or croosbow in britain. There is a law though which was never repealed that makes it legal to use a Scotsman as target practice on Sundays only with a longbow. True that, but dont do it. jimDfish
  21. jimdfish

    Woman needed!

    lol @ Henry D There is a woman who comes on the site and she goes by the name of Gloria, I have heard, although I have no personal experience you understand, that she is ALL WOMAN (dont even think about LB)./ I am sure she would be glad of the oppurtunity to meet up and let you buy her a drink. She drinks cheeky vimtos by all accounts and has them in a pint pot with a hndle. jimDfish
  22. All i need to know is how much these guns are sold for. Im not selling it or buying it. Im just interested in the value
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