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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. You have my oath as a gentleman and a friend of the management that you wont get barred. Jim
  2. Hopefully the prison authorities will not allow to be put on a wing where a middle class activist would come to any harm. I think it would be an injustice if, while in prison he should come up against hardened career criminals who may, just because they are violent sociopaths with a penchant for new boys, tear hima new ******** and stick a bunch of flowers in it as they have ran out of vases. So i think it would bode well if we presented a united front to the prison authorities and say please protect this lost soul Jim P.S If you know the families of any hardened career criminals who are doing long stretches at present in the same nick as this "crusader for the rights of animals" go round to there houses, set up a burning fudgebomb and just before you light it, spray ALF all over there front door. Just a suggestion. P.P.S Burning fudgebomb= dogdoo in a paperbag
  3. Berthaboo, Have you seen any letters addressed to me. I am sure someone is nicking them. In work life I am a quality control and health and safety manager for a large brick producer ( the biggest in the world). jim
  4. One of the greatest living Englishman. Rest In Peace John. You will be sorely missed. Jim
  5. OI ALED My mothers a pakistani corner shop on the corner of a football field. YOU are so asking for it. Ever come near and she'll flatten you. Jim
  6. Aled, I personally feel that you could never be confused with an immigrant. To become a immigrant nowadays you have to undergo fairly rigorous tests ( English lang and lit ) placenames events etc. I feel that you would fail the criteria so miserably that the only conclusion from any examiner would have to be, that you are a schooled and bona fide resident of the United Kingdom. Immigrants would just not have the cheek Jim P.S only joking Aled, Thats what you get for calling me a muppet, and for not turning up behind the bikesheds for a sound thrashing
  7. Funnily enough there was a bloke at the club the other day who was having a nightmare with his gun. I inquired and he said," brand new betti" but the pin on the top barrel was only touching the primer. First time out and it became a real mare for the poor sod. Jim
  8. If I hear anymore disparaging remarks about my mate Hugh then there is going to be a rollocking for everyone. My invite to the new resteraunt and a days shooting down on the farm has not arrived yet ( bloody lazy posties ) but when it does I shall be there, as a guest of honour at the top table. Hugh is great, lest not forget it is He ( as in He like God does ) who brought the countryside back into our living rooms once more. So like your favourite curly haired retriever, give Hugh a pat on the back and say "well done" Jim P.S Hugh, I know you cannot have lost my address as I put it on the top of every letter I send. Did you get the one from yesterday yet? Also there must be someone with the same name as you beacause, believe it or not the police have been round and told me to stop sending letters and pictures to their house. What are the chances of that happening. Somebody with the same name as me sending pictures to somebody with the same name as you! Incredible, small world isnt it. Dont forget that Hugh, It is a small world, very very small indeed. Answer my letters Hugh. Dont forget, everyone knows where you live and it is only me who can protect you. ONLY ME HUGH, ONLY ME P.P.S I cry out your name a t night
  9. I am writing this mail from te deepest darkest depths of Holland. All around me is Jungle. It takes an hour to walk a mile as all along the path the native females, resplendent in their smalls stop you and ask you in for a drink. To refuse would be a grave insult to these proud warrior class of women To refuse hospitality from the local "cafes"is equally as rude and such doing my sojourns I have had to spend a little more time than is strictly good for me. Never the less I shall sacrifice personal weelbeing for the greater good and will submit a full reprt on my arrival. Jim L.B This is so cool. Fantastic. Reallyreallybrill. The weathers here, wish you were lovely
  10. Just for clarification does anyone know with any sort of certainty where the S/A bill, debate whatever, really is at present. I have buried my head and know very little. Is it going to be a sop for Labour to use in the upcoming elections or a pacifier for backbenchers when parliament is in a crisis? Jim
  11. jimdfish


    Two new members off one post. IN YOUR FACE, SPEAK TO THE HAND OH YEH OH YEH BRING IT ON. Jim P.S Welcome lads
  12. I love Hugh Yes I do and I know that youre feeling it too Jim P.S RTR roll on your back and let the fish give you a tickle
  13. Be careful doing this as too much can be a nightmare. Very fine wire wool, WD40 and rub very lightly. Rub too much and its all gone, just enough and it will take off any rust whilst bringing what blueing there is back up. Keep the barrels well oiled after this. Jim FINE wire wool. Rub too hard and you will have to buy some coarse wire wool to knit yourself a new set of barrels
  14. Do you all remember the release of the bustard chicks on salisbury plain? It has been on the news that several of the chicks have been killed and several more injured by, Youve guesed it foxes. It will be interesting to see the anti's put a positive slant on this one. Once the fox population runs rampant and starts decimating our ground nesting bird population what are they possibly going to use as ammunition to justify this?? Jim
  15. If you are only getting her attention and not meaning to hurt would you be better off with one of thoses cheap ( 3 or 4 quid ) pistols that shoots multicoloured bb's. Once the dog has been plinked just the sound of cocking the gun will send it back to your side. It also eliminates the chance of pinging a bb down your dogs lughole at 100 mph in case you do get carried away with the catty. jim
  16. Darren M Why did you buy an electronic dog? In all seriousness I would not do anything to my dog that I would not do to my kids. I am sure they have their place but you could risk losing the trust of your dog. He/She will obey because it fears discomfort or pain. Not through trust and a genuine will to please. Dont do it. Jim
  17. jimdfish


    It just doesnt work with sex jokes, really it doesnt. If I am to be edited please, please put a smidgeon more thought into it. Remember the robocop scene, " Chicken farmer, Chicken farmer" or the staple of the Charles Bronson Films " you melon Farmer". jim P.S apologies to all those whom i have offended. Honest but Ernyha did start it
  18. jimdfish


    It was Ernyha started it when he said SEX JOKES :yp: :yp: jim
  19. Ive spent all day nursing a hangover that i started working on Friday afternoon. Even now 24 hrs since the bender abated I have still got the shakes the sweats and the screaming Oh no's. Jim
  20. yes i was, Going to the dogs tomorrow ( now theres a set up if you needed one) but will be in for a drink when i get back. Its a bloody good job im an alcoholic other wisei wouldnt drink with someone who insults me so much and so regularily
  21. Are Dominos a sport?? Bloody good at me 5s and 3s jim
  22. jimdfish


    Jess, most of the ones who make the sex jokes are married and if their wives saw what they posted , they would be in trouble. SEX JOKES :blink: jim
  23. I was being purposelly oblique with my reference to spinning for carp. Philistines, why oh why oh why do I bother. jim
  24. you cant spin for carp you horses ****. Jim P.S good man
  25. hope youve changed your undies Jordan jim
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