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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. Ha ha ha Lurcherboy( this must be said while elongating all your vowels and your voice must be dripping wth contempt and a sneer i.e Luuuuurcheeeeeerbooooooy). Nobody likes your Landy cause its ****. Thats right ****. Obviously from the posts above your type are endangered as we all turn to something more reliable and able on the "green road ". Japanese, thats right, would you buy a Rover, I dont think so. An MG rover, Oh no, So why buy a British built 4x4? I pity the fool. Jim P.S LB is this the sort of reponse you wanted with regards to your mail? P.P.S I would buy a Lanny but the fishes pockets are bare and am looking for cheap 4x4 until I can afford a toolbox/Lanny ( series 3 preferably with coil springs added ) P.P.P.S Its **** I said
  2. Or even... ASPHINCTERSAYSWHAT ? What? Id like the cream of sumyungi jim
  3. jimdfish


    I dont get it! Jim
  4. LB Do you realise we can post anything we want while the post is slow and it will take ages for ern to edit it. ****PIGTUGBOATTWAT. see Jim
  5. If youve ever seen LB's undernourished excuses for hounds you will realise that his post is fueled by nothing more than jealousy. Pipecleaners with teeth. The Mop
  6. Its allright now, baby its allright now. jim
  7. Fill in all the details on the back of your license, your mate should do the same and send your details to the local FAC that you have acquired gun, serial no bore etc on date etc. Easy ( only if you know how). I flufed my first one by thinking that if the seller had filled in the details i neednt do so. Both of you do. jim
  8. Happy birthday Mark and D.E.D. It pains me to have to have a drink whenever someone has a birthday on the site but I promise to do my best. Jim
  9. I know. Guess where I got my inspiration? Crowblaster, one hell of a guy jim
  10. Mark I think if I get one I will be going for the lWB myself. Fishing tackle, hides etc. How much did you pay and did you find it easy to find one in the LWB version? Jim
  11. Shut it. Listen, If my mate crowblaster, lovely chap, really is, wants to invite me for a fortnight tarpon fishing and shooting then I think you should all accept it in good grace. Perhaps if you were a little more sociable and a little less self serving these invites would come flooding through your mail boxes as well. JimDfishing in the gulf of mexico soon thanks to newest bestest mate
  12. I will get one on the strength of you reveiw PP. They're bloody cheap arent they. I sunk the rascal up to the back bumper the other day and it took an hour to dig out. Decided that with my new farm I might need something with a bit more traction. I have seen some in the loot for anywhere between 400 and 800 quid. I know for that I will be buying a shed bodywise but I can knock the engine into shape without too much bother. Jim
  13. Welcome Crowblaster, It will be nice to have "your side of the pond" opinions. We do have people posting from quite a few countries now. Jim P.S If i go to Florida can I stay at your house please? Is it anywhere near Disney?
  14. I have sent him my details and am looking forward to my share of all the lovely lolly. Im going to be rich. Jim
  15. I must explain that the Mop is not a gundog in any shape or form. Just a pet. I will post a pic of her but dont take the ****. Jim
  16. I have just logged on and saw the topic was called "my first time" and the last poster was Livia. After reading the posts my dreams and hopes lie in ruins around me like the leaves from the trees in autumn. Jim
  17. jimdfish


    If you ever see him hand over a quid in the pub, If you look closely, you can actually see the queens eyes watering he's holding on that tight. Jim P.S The above statement is for information only. You will never see Ern hand over a quid in the pub
  18. RS To be honest, it has never upset the mops stomach. I think because I am putting a higher % of roughage in it calms it down. Bit like a prune and boiled egg sandwich. What I am worried about is will I deprive her of vitamins or some others such by not feeding her a quality dogfood. Jim
  19. The Mop does like her sardines and I know that they are good for her. How often can I feed them to her. I mix up with 30% fish to 70% mixer. If I fed her on only sardine and mixer would this have any adverse effects. Jim
  20. jimdfish


    You know something, That Ern is so tight he once dropped a quid and it hit him on the back of the head. Jim
  21. jimdfish


    I think it was that one after all. Hurrah Jim
  22. jimdfish


    Or this jim
  23. jimdfish


    Nor is this jim
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