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Everything posted by welsh1

  1. As someone living in Wales (in a blue constituancy) i would love drakeford and labour to implode, they are absolutley rubbish, our health system is poor, they waste money like it is water, the stupid schemes they dream up are out of the big book of stupid things to do while in power. But there is a problem,they have been in power for 20 years, they are held there by donkeys who will only vote labour, why? because everyone in their family has voted labour since god was a child, and until the cycle is broken we have to live under the labour dictatorship of kim joung drakeford and his crackpot government. The majority of Wales do not want independance, we know we cannot go it alone, but a tiny vocal minority backed by welsh labour bay out for independance and unfortunatly are listened to. Devolution was a bad thing for Wales.
  2. On another note , i check Local Exhaust Ventilation systems reports (LEV) and one of the big things is the effect that fine dust is having on lungs, and looking at that cloud of dust travelling through the air i feel sorry for anyone who has breathed it in.
  3. So you are happy with protests like sabs where people have been attacked, and i take it you are happy with the may day protests where property is damaged, buildings defaced,windows shattered ,fires started. Peaceful protest is fine,but once you decide that you can break a "little law" to get noticed where do you stop? Do you agree with the protest at the snooker? it was aggravated trespass, criminal damage, and if you do agree with it would you object with a protest on land you were shooting at where they sprayed you and your vehicle with paint? or destroyed your decoys and hide? or perhaps you would just stand back and allow a protest at a clay ground you were at where they destroy the clay machines and spray paint all over the place. Or how about accepting that peta have a right to scratch your car and puncture the tyres, smash the windows in protest about you being a shooter, do you think that would be ok?
  4. The right to peaceful protest is fine, this is not peaceful it is criminal, and when you commit a criminal act you should expect punisment as laid out in the law.
  5. I am not getting an alert, that is the menu options to turn of different types of alert on your mobile, you will note i have left crash detection on which will dial emergency services should it detect a sudden and violent stop if i have a signal. You will note i have chosen the option to not get emergency alerts. If you also look at the two pics you will see the signal bar is pretty low, that's despite me being 4 floors up with an uninterrupted view from my office windows. One of the farms i shoot on there is an EE mast, you won't get a signal with your EE phone if you are within 200m as the bandwidth will just pass over you. I live in Wales, we have lots of hills and valleys, there are still villages that don't have any mobile phone signal.
  6. Pembrokeshire new potatoes with plenty of butter, thick bacon and eggs, there's not a finer meal.
  7. Lol half my county doesn't get a phone signal on most carriers, We had a lad disappear 3 weeks ago , sent a text to his girlfriend then vanished, the police didn't know where his call came from, they started a search by the last time someone saw him by a slip way in his car, yesterday his body washed up. You may be able to trace people in densely populated areas but not so easy in a rural location. If you don't want to recieve the alert simply turn that option off.
  8. "Sellers should not ask for payment to be made by Paypal as a "gift", this removes all Buyer protection and Ads with this condition will be edited, or removed and the Seller will be suspended from the Trading Post."
  9. Every month my phone reminds me 3 days before my bill to send in meter readings, it takes a couple of minutes on line, i have no need for a meter. my neighbour on the right had a meter, then tried to change suppliers and was told the meter wasn't compatible,so she has a nice ornament, my mate 4 doors up was billed £35,000 they apologised and said it was a glitch, the next month he got the same bill, he doesn't use it anymore. Why would you want something in your house that can switch your utilities off at the push of a button at the utility suppliers hq. it's not about helping you, it is about maximising their profits, once they can accuratly determine how much energy you use by the minute /hour/day, then you can be sure that billing will be changed to maximise their massive profits.
  10. My Dad went down the mines at 15 as a pit pony boy, saw his mate killed when he had his head between two loads and it shunted squashing his head. My Dad got out and joined the Army at 17,said it was way easier and safer than working down the pits.He always had a great respect for any miner.
  11. I am guessing Musk, berg, gates etc are somewhere on the autistic scales, they think a bit different and act different and that is probably what gets them their ideas and how they relentlessly pursue their goals.
  12. And the plot thickens. https://news.sky.com/story/snp-accountants-quit-days-after-arrest-of-nicola-sturgeons-husband-in-finance-probe-12851893
  13. You posted in the wrong section, you also did not follow the rules "All sales items must be accompanied with a suggested price of sale, unless the vendor wishes to arrange a swap ONLY (ie rules out a cash sale), in which case there is no requirement to state a cash price. Should the vendor wish subsequently to offer the item for cash sale, a price must then be stated. Where an advertisement is posted without a sale price, the poster will be given 24 hours notice by a moderator to amend the thread. If the thread is not amended within 24 hours of the reminder to include a sale price the thread will be removed." You were not even offering anything for sale just seeing if there was interest . If reposting, please place in the correct section and please give a price.
  14. Now why do you think we had to add this rule to the sales forum? We hope everyone is trustworthy but sadly there is always someone who will try to take advantage.
  15. Sadly politicians seem to wriggle out of things that us plebs would get serious jail time for.
  16. And now the buyer who may not of been aware that he was giving up some of his protection will also be aware of the pitfalls of using that type of payment, and anyone else viewing this thread will have been reminded of the pitfall ,and the rules of this site.
  17. FYI i am a floating voter and have no allegience to any party. I was just pointing out that no Prime Minister is ever voted for by the general public. And i fully expect you to be as critical when labour come into power and not try to blame anyone else when they fail just as much as the tories.
  18. Wee nippy and her hubby are slippier than a bucket of eels and have memories that at times make you think they both have alzhimers, the police will have their work cut out to stick something on them.
  19. No one voted for him, how many times do people have to be told
  20. As i said it is a reminder, for both the buyer and seller, if you had asked for it as the seller your sales post would have been edited or removed and you would be suspended from the trading post.
  21. Just a reminder, "Sellers should not ask for payment to be made by Paypal as a "gift", this removes all Buyer protection and Ads with this condition will be edited, or removed and the Seller will be suspended from the Trading Post."
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