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Everything posted by welsh1

  1. I have removed one comment in this thread, please remember this is an open forum.
  2. Any water system that has not been used for a period of time can develop leigonella. I would always recommend if you stay in hotels to run the shower for at least 10 mins to flush it out as there is no guarentee of the last time the system was used., the same if you use an old header tank in your house and go away for a few weeks,turn your taps on and flush the system.
  3. There is a hierrchy of road users, and in that everyone gives pedestrians priority as they are the most vulnerable, the arrogance of some cyclists makes them believe they have absolute priority. FROM THE HIGHWAY CODE There is new guidance in the code about routes and spaces which are shared by people walking, cycling and riding horses. People cycling, riding a horse or driving a horse-drawn vehicle should respect the safety of people walking in these spaces, but people walking should also take care not to obstruct or endanger them. People cycling are asked to: not pass people walking, riding a horse or driving a horse-drawn vehicle closely or at high speed, particularly from behind slow down when necessary and let people walking know they are there (for example, by ringing their bell) remember that people walking may be deaf, blind or partially sighted
  4. Some of you have reported a message in your PM's from a member stating they had bought various items from RAMMER BURT, and they give contact details. This person was banned and their profile marked scammer late last night by admin, please don't report it to us, we are aware. Do not use the contact details they provide.
  5. You need to pm whoever you want to talk to or reply directly to their sale post.
  6. https://www.phonecasewiz.com/plantronics-explorer-395-bluetooth-headset?___store=uk&gclid=CjwKCAjwq4imBhBQEiwA9Nx1BkBbDsWFM2DSNt4g2CrqH79L6OnWk19CcpGZqP5Z4xldPnYn4hujohoCyGoQAvD_BwE https://www.phonecasewiz.com/plantronics-m70-bluetooth-headset-wireless-hands-free?___store=uk&gclid=CjwKCAjwq4imBhBQEiwA9Nx1BpbJRK0ZjJLuMKzASNUv4sRPYfGJnEgHeb78bCCasmG2go4xIsuxghoC__QQAvD_BwE
  7. Mad as a box of frogs ,but no denying she had an amazing voice. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-66318626
  8. I would suggest you remove your telephone number and use the PM system on here for any communication.
  9. First car a left hand drive Golf L in lime green, wouldn't go over 75, bought it from old sweat leaving the army in Germany for 500 DM sold it a year later for 600 DM, bought myself a MK1 capri, purple with a black vinyl roof (RUE 56M), loved that motor right up to the point it skidded on oil on the road and into a drystone wall at 50mph, that long bonnet was a great crumple zone, not a scratch on me lol.
  10. If you like Indian food try Mowgli, 3 water street L2 0RD, went a year or so ago , food served in tiffin tins, amazing flavours, let the waiters guide you they know whats good. And on Saturday we went with Son to Bouchon 55 castle street L2 9TN, a french restaurant, very good food.
  11. Son used to live close to the centre of liverpool, when we went up a few times and stayed in a hotel we used ibis Styles, Liverpool Centre, Dale Street. It's clean and tidy, fairly cheap and you can walk to the city centre, Parking is just round the corner, it is on a busy street , but to be honest we never noticed any noise. It's got a slight Beatles theme, but then doesn't everything in liverpool lol.
  12. My old boy Jake loved to roll in dead things, in Scotland he found the dumped entrails of a deer while out hiking they were a few days old, even a swim in a loch didn't get rid of the smell, a whole bottle of tomato sauce was used to get rid of it. Then he dissapeared into the sand dunes on his favourite beach, he came back covered in a rotting calf, we know it was a calf as he had the lower half of its leg in his mouth. But his grandest trick was walking along a cliff path when he went round a bend and vanished, i thought he had run off the cliff, but he used his inner mountain goat to go down a 50ft tiny path to a small cove where he had emmersed himself in a rotting seal corpse, now you may thinlk you have smelt some bad things in your time, but believe me when i say a rotting seal is a smell you will never forget,the drive home was 10 miles all windows open ,so much tomato sauce used i thought about buying shares in heinz. But i miss my old boy.
  13. If you want cheap. https://ao.com/product/6t9q8eaabu-hp-14sfq0059na-laptop-silver-95619-251.aspx
  14. The first one million pound transfer has died of a heart attack, it only seems a couple of years ago everyone was amazed that the million pound transfer happened, and today on the news Saudi Arabia offer 250 million for a player. R.I.P. Trevor you were a great player. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/66287307
  15. Think we have done the whole roller coaster, the EU , Labour, Corbyn, elections, lets stop before fat Sarah gets Ditchman in trouble.
  16. A few things to consider if you are going to get a ccj against someone. If you get the ccj you need to enforce it, county court bailiffs are useless and you will most probably waste your money. Does the person have assets that could be seized that will cover the debt you are trying to recover? Is your sum large enough to transfer to the high court? you could obtin a writ of fieri facias get a sheriff to send his officers to enforce it, they have greater powers than county court bailiffs and tend to get better results. Have you thought of a statuatory demand? it depends on the size of your debt and it takes a couple of weeks, but you can make someone bankrupt if they don't pay, this is a good tool as it sharpens some peoples minds, but be wary, they might want to be made bankrupt as they have lots of people chasing them for debt. Lastly, if it is a small debt, is the stress and aggrivation worth it, can you pocket the loss? if you can walk away do it, sometimes life is to short to get yourself very stressed about a small amount of money.
  17. Stop complaining it was a democrat vote and we left, time you got over it and realised we are not going to rejoin anytime in the near future. The Argentine government and the EU can call the Falklands anything they want, the fact is the people voted overwhelmingly to remain British, and we have a military garrison there that the Argentines know they cannot defeat. They are the Falklands, and they are British.
  18. 10 years to qualify for state pension - 35 years for full state pension.
  19. Judging by the amount of people who cannot even put their for sale item in the right place and admin have to move it for them, asking them to complete another task would be a disaster.
  20. I spend £10000+ a year on sending engineering instruments through the post most are worth £1000+, always use Royal Mail Special delivery, you get £750 of automatic insurance, you can up that for a small fee, the parcel is signed for at each stage. have tried all the others, none are as reliable or cost effective with the insurance included. One engineer tried to post me £2500 worth of equipment by parcel force for next day delivery, they found it a week later and delivered it to me.
  21. Next day doesn't include weekends with parcel force, they are useless and never deliver on time, for next day use RM special delivery.
  22. Won this morning, £10
  23. What was the primary design of a knife, to cut and harm, was a rock designed by a human?, was a stick designed by a human? As said like it or not a rifle was designed with a purpose and that was to harm and maim There are items designed to be weapons, rifles, swords knifes etc, just because some of you "sheeple" want to call them sporting rifles doesn't change what their primary design was. And as you said anything can become a weapon when used to harm but they are not designed for the purpose and until they are used to harm are not weapons.
  24. welsh1


    Had the snip about 25 years ago ached a bit, but everytime i took a step it felt like someone was tugging one of my testicles, i endured it for a week and popped to see my doctor, he told me it looked like they had done a stich to deep and it had attached the inner sack to the outer sack and was tugging everystep i took, he took the stitches out because i looked healed and i walked out with a smile on my face and no tugging lol.
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