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Everything posted by welsh1

  1. What he said worked many times for me.
  2. If i turn off my vpn and ad blockers this is what i see on my computer and phone.
  3. I would think the ads are algorithum driven and their content is worked out by traffic it detects and then optimises for the biggest catchment. All i can say is some of you really need to get out more lol.
  4. Nothing i can control, i am not trusted with switches and big shiny buttons . I don't see any ads though as i have a vpn and ad blocker running on laptop and phone.
  5. Many years ago my Seiko divers watch got dropped on a concrete surface, it would run then stop so i put it in a drawer and forgot about it, a couple of months ago i took it out and stuck a new battery in it ,it did the same run and stop, i noted it always stopped the large hand in roughly the same place, so i took it out of the case and looked closely at it. It turned out the hands were touching each other at certain points and this was stopping it, i eased the end of the minute hand up a touch, made sure it was all secure and put it back together, it has been working perfectly ever since. My flightmaster on the other hand has had its day lol.
  6. welsh1


    My youngest had a kid who picked on him in junior school, this kid was tiny compared to the rest of that year group,we saw the headteacher who said she could only monitor the situation and in effect did nothing, so one day when my youngest came home with a thick lip I popped to this bullys house, I told his Dad who was a local gob almighty chav that every time his son hit my son I would put the father in hospital,he never got picked on again. I enrolled my son's in Judo classes, which the eldest enjoyed the youngest not so much, but years later and my youngest is living in Liverpool, someone tried to jump him on his way home one evening and all that repetitive practice automatically kicked in taking his attacker to the floor and giving him time to do the sensible thing and run like the wind to safety lol.
  7. What Dripford says and what he does rarely go together, he promised to go a long time ago but made excuses.
  8. And another one off topic and into the realms of hearsay and speculation. Let's be kind and put this one to sleep now
  9. I think this one has been done to death, time to put it to bed.
  10. I think if they had conclusive proof of one hacking then they would have laid it out, but they don't and are playing a game of convince the judge. Harry is not doing himself any favours, he contradicts himself or has things shown to be wrong, (in effect he lied)and is not a good witness. If he loses you can be sure the mirror will be asking for a very large sum for their costs.
  11. Time to wrap up this thread now it seems to have run it's course and has long since deviated from the original subject.
  12. welsh1


    You probably would get the same result with that dose by having a grapefruit and a bannana every day.
  13. For a bit of buscuit luxury try these from Aldi, got a nice ginger kick.
  14. welsh1

    Blue Badge

    I called my council about 6 months ago as i have a war pension for injuries but the criteria on line doesn't have war pension unless you have lost a limb, i listed my injuries and other bits to her over the phone she asked me to send in a passport photo by email, 5 days later a blue badge popped through the door.
  15. Chip shop by the office is £2.60 normal chips, which gives the 2 of us in the office a large portion each,or £4.60 large chips,the large could feed a family easily.
  16. welsh1

    How long

    Another Ukraine type thread descending into the same old arguments, i am going to end it here as this is just going the way of all the other Ukraine threads.
  17. welsh1

    ISO 9001

    You basically show you have the right stuff in place to give good service. You will of course pay for the priviledge. The company i work for are iso 9001 , SAFed, BSI and UKAS, A lot of work goes into having the correct paperwork and processes in place for the inspections and good advice is given by the inspectors showing where the company could benefit from doing a process differently, although at times it does feel like they are just looking for a little thing to justify their large fee. A lot of companies will want certain qualifications if you are tendering for work.
  18. This site is not the place to get a vehicle valuated, if you want to know what vehicles are being sold for then look on auto trader or your local sellers. Valuation threads are removed.
  19. welsh1

    How long

    It really is as simple as that, if russia had not invaded then this war would not be ongoing would it. you may want to play with other things about the dombass and free state, but it is a very simple fact russia is invading another country, that country is defending itself.After all russia could have chosen to have talks on land they believed they were entitled to like civilised people do, but no they chose to go to war. I care about everyone who is dying in this conflict that russia started and continues, but capitulation to an aggressor is not the answer.
  20. welsh1

    How long

    Always remember that this war would not be ongoing if russia had not invaded Ukraine. As for escalating a conflict, would you like Ukraine to lay down its arms and capitulate to an aggressor? they are defending their country.
  21. We all know the dog's name, don't attempt to evade the swear filter please.
  22. My Dad was a fit Veteran who in his mid 40's had a lot of health problems leading to him having to retire very early, a cocktail of tablets kept him alive and he led a good life, in his last 3 years he was told he had weeks to live as he had leukemia or at best 2 years with treatment, he chose the treatment he lived 3 more years, he got to see his last greatgrandchild and held her in his arms, would you have deprived this old man his treatment? After fighting for 3 years it took a toll on him physically and mentally and he decided that he would have no more treatment he died a couple of years ago. We all know what Mcmillan nurses do ,we all know what pathway protocols there are out there. I do agree with you that we treat death with a sense of fear and may keep loved ones hanging on for our own benefit, but there is a slippery slope to be had and it needs proper debate and thought.Once you look at the old in a comatose state do you then look at the young, infirm, disabled.Looking at Canada and Belgium and their euthenasia laws they seem to have "mission creep" and slowly add more and more to their policy. Having come close to death on a few occassions i don't fear it and it is well known in my family what should be done or not done if i am incapable and have no viable chance of coming back.
  23. One day you may be that 80+ yr old. Be interesting to see if you will have changed your mind by then.
  24. in 1991 i had lots of injections while out in the Gulf with the Army, years later when i left the Army my medical records were transfered to my local doctor i had registered with, i had no medical records at all from when i joined in 1983 until 1992, nothing at all. My medical records are buried in a big hole in the desert along with many others who were given the various injections for anthrax ,plague etc.
  25. When i go to my doctors surgery it is rare i see a Doctor, i am normally dealt with by a Nurse practitioner who can write prescriptions, and a few weeks ago when i could not get a doctors appointment for an ear infection i saw a Pharmacist who could diagnose and prescribe. It's not a great leap for the above people to take the next step to fully qualified Doctor. If you train or work in a medical setting why not take an apprenticeship and over the years work toward being a qualified doctor? i doubt that an apprentice will be doing anything life threatening without a qualified person overseeing them. No Doubt they will weed out people who don't have the skills required to be able to complete the course at a very early stage.
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