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Everything posted by welsh1

  1. I send 3-4 parcels minimum a week by RM Special delivery, the great majority get there by 1pm the next day, the odd one or two are later in the day and very rarely it is delivered the day after. The service is not cheap but it is very good.
  2. A generation who gave all, my Mum and Dad's Neighbour was a little 5 foot 5 inch grumpy old man called Jimmy, he liked my Dad because he had been in the army and loved it when i joined up (he used to pull out a hip flask when he saw me in the garden, always a decent whiskey in it lol) we knew he had been a machine gunner Sgt in the war, but when he died his wife showed us some of his framed certificates he kept in the cupboard, mentioned in dispatches (oak leaf) and numerous awards for top machine gunner section .He was without doubt one very tough cookie, but never mentioned it. He did ask if the knocking shop in Tidworth was still behind the Ram pub when i was posted there lol. Another gent who i looked after when i did some care work was a Gunner, he liked the banter between us because i was a Sapper, he did the battle of Salerno, went across the alps in the snow with guns and ammunition strapped to mules and donkeys and ended up at the end of the war near Poland, He said he was forever thankful to the Navy for the shelling that saved them on land from the germans at Salerno, i was holding Cyril's hand when he died at 97 of colon cancer. Never forget their sacrifice.
  3. You think it was better under labour? There are not thousands of veterans on the street estimates from 2021 were 100-400. And belive me as a Veteran with PTSD who left the military as blair came to power and tried desperatly to get treatment for years under labour they couldn't care less.I ended up finding my own specialist and paying out of my pocket to try and sort my mind.I also live in Wales where health is under Labour, treatment is dire for Veterans, while the labour government spout on about the military covenant, it's just hot air and sound bites.
  4. The one I most regret selling was my Mondeo ST220 3l V6 estate in performance blue, top spec inside with every extra, black leather recaro seats sat nav etc, it would effortlessly cruise through the brecons or hurl down the motorway. I bought it from my old Boss at a bargain price and had it 4 years, sold it because it only did 18mpg round town which is what the wife was using it for while I went round the country in a Navara that was more economical lol. I remember coming back from a holiday in Holland, wife,two kids and all the suitcases, early in the morning going down the motorway with them all asleep thinking how well it cruised at 150mph. Do miss that V6 roar.
  5. No they are a vocal minority, the majority are silent , never mistake their silence for submission.
  6. welsh1

    Old Dads

    Just watched the above film, not an oscar winner but i could so relate to the main character, i think a good few on here will see themselves and the daily struggle against the modern world.
  7. Society changes as memories fade, in the same way we recognize Waterloo as a battle, in it's Day it was an immense point in history that was felt by most of society, but we just accept it was a battle because there is no one around to recount it . The younger generations are now in a situation that they read about 2 world wars and they see film footage, but most of the Veterans from these battles are now gone, the wars are history,there is no family member to remind them of the untold suffering. Wars like the gulf ,Iraq and Afghanistan and others are just news snippets and video like games to some of the younger generations, as they cannot and do not comprehend the death and suffering of the military on their behalf. It's not their fault that is how society is,but it's heartening when I attend various parades to lay wreaths that there are younger ones there recognizing that something of great importance is taking place and understanding why the parades take place. Don't judge society by the minority who are vocal and create chaos. The majority of society are good honest people with compassion and understanding, they don't need to shout about it they quietly get on with it and keep society in an even kneel
  8. From car park QR codes to vegetables with a little English lesson in between. Think we have deviated enough to call this one closed.
  9. Lol, our Army wouldn't fill Wembley stadium, and gone are the days of lots of troops stationed abroad.
  10. I can't wait for the dream team to have their own show on there, Farage and Boris as hosts, i tell ya it's got award winning all over it.
  11. Well worth the read and a good insight to why the middle east is where it is today. Have to agree with the last paragraph.
  12. @steve_b_walesIs your inbox full? @B725 is trying to pm you.
  13. I have to say that looks like someone panicking and grossly over reacting to a situation that had enough officers to control it.
  14. Mods can't see your PM's, one possibility is that your inbox and outbox are full and you would need to delete some old PM's. Feel free to sent me a pm and i will see if i can read it.
  15. On checking the film spelling you are correct and i was wrong. You have my apologies ,and the warning has been removed.
  16. "The use of bad language, or mock bad language, is prohibited." By changing the spelling you have attempted to evade the swear filter which is against the T&C's you agreed to when joining the forum.
  17. "Bedfordshire Police said a man in his 30s was arrested on suspicion of criminal damage last week as a precautionary measure and investigations so far suggest the blaze started accidentally due to a vehicle fault."
  18. All sales items must be accompanied with a suggested price of sale, unless the vendor wishes to arrange a swap ONLY (ie rules out a cash sale), in which case there is no requirement to state a cash price. Please state a price or the post will be removed.
  19. welsh1

    Gat gun

    There is already a thread running on this subject.
  20. If you post anything on this part of the site to sell it will be removed, recently I have had to move numerous items to the selling forum, i will no longer move them to the selling site and leave a link, they will be deleted.
  21. If you have spotify or something similar like amazon music then they have pod casts in the app, you can do a search for what subject you like, and then you can save your favourites and go straight to them, or download them.
  22. For a minute there i thought i had logged into the rusty landrover appreciation society
  23. welsh1


    You tube has loads of tutorials, My Son is a Copywriter and he is blisteringly faast on a keyboard, he can chat to me while typing, he learn't in school using the computers and as all things got better over time. I on the other hand tend to use two fingers with the occasional thumb and little finger added, i have tried but am set in my ways and can't now be bothered even though i am on a computer all day.
  24. Don't say you wern't warned
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