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Everything posted by Clint1

  1. You can buy something called a 'Bear Extender' which will boost the receiver capability to pick up wi-fi. We use it in the camper and works well for us.
  2. Clint1


    Right that's it. Get the passport out. I'm emigrating to Sarf Staffs. Get orrfff moi laaaaand.
  3. Clint1


    Yes, I'm sure your right. However, it's amazing how they are always neatly parked in the verge. Never in the middle of the road. I tend to stay out of 'Wolves' as much as possible, Ay don't spake the languige.
  4. Anyone got a cheap night vision scope like a Yukon or similar for a bit of rabbiting. Ideally within 40mls of Wolverhampton.
  5. Clint1


    Righty ho Mr Farmer, I knew there would be a logical explanation lol
  6. In my drunken state I thought it was "Thanks 'Mrs slimming world' for the KFC"
  7. Clint1


    Well at least if they're controlled properly and legally we won't have to put up with all the stinking 'roadkill' left by farmers et al every few hundred yards. Do people actually believe these badgers have been run over? Hit one at speed and you'll need a new front end.
  8. Ebay and Paypal are now totally separate business's
  9. Clint1

    Ruger 10/22

    If you want something rare and really interesting I've got a mint Ruger SR22. They are the factory 'Black Rifle' version and are usually pricey when they come up for sale. Accuracy? as good as any 10/22. PM me if interested.
  10. I do this while driving the Mrs car. I leave them on the steering wheel for her enjoyment and appreciation. I find odd things in my tea sometimes, there might be a connection.
  11. Clint1

    road tax

    https://www.vehicleenquiry.service.gov.uk/ Useful, in fact you can check anyone's lol.
  12. Nice Thai massage with 'extras' ?
  13. The fact is that you will never stop all marketing. Tps does not work. I used to run a call center and we frequently called people who were registered with them. The problem is that every time you contact any organisation your number will be logged,unless you remember to with-hold. If you, or any member of your household, are dozy enough to give anyone your home phone number-and I mean Anyone other than friends or family-then you open another potential barrage. We are all like the 'human batteries' in the Matrix, in that our personal details are worth something to someone even if only a few pence. Because those few pee add up to large amounts eventually. I have given up the battle and determined to win the war by having some fun with these nuisances. 1. Pretend to be deaf, keep shouting What! What! I can't hear you, what do you want? This can last ages. 2. Keep saying "I don't understand you, your accent is too strong, what are you saying?" 3. Answer phone, say "hang on, I'm on the toilet, in shower" etc. and leave the phone by something loud eg. telly, vacuum et al. 4. Never confirm your name, just say "who's calling?" 5. Always remember that every 'yes' or confirmation of detail is a 'buying signal' I especially like the "I am ringing you about your Windows computer error report" (Guess what accent?) I then go into a load of misconstruction about windows eg I've just had double glazing and my windows are fine (best if you shout like a deaf old person) Keep them on as long as possible and have fun. Happy Xmas
  14. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ANTIQUE-12-GAUGE-ROLL-TURNOVER-TOOL-/151896181945?hash=item235db7ccb9:g:NT4A Surely that's not too expensive
  15. Clint1


    Is there life on Uranus?
  16. What is the spec? 4G? ?GB's how old?
  17. Clint1

    Nigel Farage

    When did it become unfashionable to be English and support our values?
  18. Anybody got one either unlocked or on voda?
  19. You should have gone into the antique fair bit, I bought an old but serviceable one with a table clamp fitted for £15
  20. Just getting into this and looking for associated items to fill my box. I've got a Euroarms Rogers and Spencer .44. Loading stand for pistol and/or cylinder, wads, .454 balls, caps, cleaning stuff, anything considered.
  21. Clint1


    This is a thingy that you stick on just in front of the loading port on a tactical shotgun to slap a quick emergency round in for that last shot, fyi. If anyone has got one spare I'll pay £12 incl post
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