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Everything posted by Malc

  1. I'll be at the Selby game Fair this Sunday (+ kids, wife, etc,etc). If anyone is going you will easily recognise me.... I'll be the mardy looking one who has just been robbed by his family, as usual. :<
  2. Sorry for the delay Elma, I've been away to Fife on a jolly. OK, The Original Pigeon Watch Vulcan Death Grip. Take hold of the bird with both hands. Birds head up, its breast away from you and its back towards you. Run your thumb down the birds spine until you feel a small notch. Press firmly and sharply on the notch. The end.
  3. Somebody mentioned a tin of spaghetti in tomato sauce emptied on the ground brings 'em in! D'ont know if it's true.
  4. Cranfield, the technique described by Elma is not the one which I described some months ago. I'm sure it works just as well, but just to save your confusion I thought I'd better point out that it is a different technique.
  5. Gamebore Clear Pigeon with 6 shot for me too.
  6. I have shot numerous woodcock over the years and find No6 shot effective and consistent. The only time I ever used a smaller shot size is for snipe and for these I use 71/2 shot.
  7. Malc

    Internet Servers

    I have V21 as an ISP. It costs £9.99 per month for 42 hours access per week. No problems with the service.
  8. There is an address for a manufacturer on page 31 of April Sporting Gun, Cranfield.
  9. Ernyha, you were lucky! Anything to do with my shotgun cert takes 6 months. My cert expired by 5 months last time I renewed, having sent it in a month early. Changed address into another force area- took NYP 6 months to post it to TVP. Now I'm back in yorkshire again and I'm not holding my breath.
  10. Malc


    FF, I completely agree with Madspringer and would just like to add that, no matter what the reason the dog is disobeying you, you must instill a little extra general discipline to make up for it. How much depends on the dog itself. Every time the dog ignores (disobeys) your voice command or whistle, he pushes the boundry and learns something about how much he can get away with. Nip it in the bud and show him who's boss.
  11. You are entitled to be issued with a temporary certificate but if your local force is anything like North Yorkshire Police, forget it, just copy it and hope for the best.
  12. I might just venture out tommorrow and although I have some "short" rape attracting pigeons, I think I will be on clover too. They seem to be mad for it this week.
  13. You could try paper mache. Use an old shell deek as a pattern then paint grey with white neck bars, then rub a bit of muck on 'em to take the newness off. You should be able to make 2 dozen for a fiver at the most.
  14. Right then, we all better invest our money in Vitalite.
  15. No. If you want one, I have a proforma issued by North Yorkshire Police, to enable certificate holders to inform them when they add or remove shotguns from the certificate.
  16. Sign it over onto your certificate, sign it off your Dads certificate, then write 2x letters to the Police Force concerned (1 from yourself and the other from Dad) and send them by recorded delivery. The letters should inform the police of all details of both certificate holders and the shotgun concerned. It's a pain in the ****, but very important to keep the paperwork straight.
  17. Malc


    I thought it was far too expensive myself!
  18. Malc


    My Mrs is nesh too. I've just had to lash out £40 on a new freezer so that dead stuff can go straight into the garage. :laugh:
  19. I haven't seen any drillings around this area yet. The birds I shot yesterday were full of berries.
  20. Well, I bet it's expensive if he paid £4000, Flightline. :(
  21. We have actually got a law that protects us and the offence of Trespass with Intent to Disrupt an Organised Sporting Event was created specifically to combat antis.
  22. Sorry, I forgot to post last Friday. Still, I've been today and it was better and worse. More pigeons but less guns. I just cannot understand why people who have an ideal opportunity for some excellent sport, handed to them on a plate, at no cost, will not turn out. I'm sure there are people out there that would bust a gut to get permission to roost shoot on a sporting estate of the quality I'm talking about. Well, it takes all sorts. Out of approx 50 club members......2 turned out today. it's a good job there was 1 or 2 farm yakkers about to keep the birds moving. Nevertheless, a good day.
  23. £4,000! What does it do? Shoot em as well! :thumbs: No,no,no, I'll go to £25 and that's it! :( Standby, let me make a few enquiries. :thumbs:
  24. In Sporting Guns March edition there is a letter from some geezer who reckons he has bought a "flocking machine",......... that's right "flocking" not "xxxxxxx". :( Anyway, where do you get them and how much?
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