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Everything posted by Malc

  1. I've used a larsen to good effect for magpies only. I've never caught anything else in one. Also, I've never managed to catch two at the same time in a larsen, unlike crow traps which are multiple catch traps. Anyone planning to use one needs to read up on the law governing checking of traps, baits and use of call birds.
  2. There's loads of juveniles about just now. 50% of todays bag.
  3. Sounds like a Winchester 23. Nice gun. Expect to pay between £500 to £800 second hand, depending on condition and whether multi or fixed choke.
  4. First you need a larson spring. Then build a small cage out of wood and chicken wire, about the size of a rabbit hutch. Fit a trap door in one side of the cage, with the larsen spring in position so that it closes the door. I think you know the rest, ie bait the trap and prop the door open with a perching stick.
  5. Cranfield, I have loads of Yuasa batteries, all given to me freely by a friendly alarm engineer. As I cannot use them all, and I am moving house shortly, I have packed them in a box, but as I remember, they are all 12v and range from 2.8ah, 7ah to 10ah. The engineer showed me an electrical trade suppliers catalogue which priced the 10ah batteries at about £25 + vat.
  6. Remember..... my earlier post regarding batteries. I've got dozens, free, from my friendly alarm engineer.
  7. Get me a quids worth of that net.......I'll pay you back! :( :thumbs:
  8. Well done Paddy, I find the way Craigie describes is the best way too, I do it without the knife though. Just twist both wings off at the shoulder. Lift up the breast bone with your thumb, then (if you're right handed) hold the bird in your left hand and the breast in your right hand and rip 'em apart. Throw the body away and keep the breast. This can be done in only a few seconds and is ideal for use in the field.
  9. Kevin, see TheMarch in Meet Up.
  10. Daveman, the footpath closure will be due to shooting on Otmoor Ranges. It is a military firing range.
  11. There is a news article in the Oxford Mail tonight reporting that leadshot must not be used by persons shooting on the RSPB reserve at Otmoor nr Oxford. The reason given for the ban is that Otmoor has been designated as a SSSI. I'm amazed that the RSPB activities can go hand in hand with shooting.
  12. Malc

    See Ya !

    Geography never was my strong point. Where?
  13. My best idea yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( Paper-mache (think that's how you spell it) and expanding foam in a can. Just think of the possibilities for copying decoys and best of all ...... the money I'll save! :thumbs:
  14. The barley was cut yesterday. There's a few dozen woodpigeon on the stubbles today but the farmer intends to plough straight away so I better be quick. :but:
  15. I've just regained conciousness! :( I think I'll stick to Clear Pigeon.
  16. Never even heard of 'em, how much are they Deako?
  17. On my first proper day out decoying when I was 15 years old I shot 18 woodpigeon for 24 cartridges. I was so pleased with myself that I bragged about it to everyone. Ever since that day I always monitor my pigeon/cartridge ratios (of course I do, they cost money) and I average less than 2 cartridges per kill.
  18. Even more so if ******* in polite company! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  19. I like the porta-loo idea Cranfield. Especially if shooting in polite company! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  20. Nice clear photos Deako, but those foam floaters look a bit unusual. Do they work?
  21. Malc

    Bad Publicity

    Fieldsports seem to be taking a hammering from the tabloid press this weekend. Lots of pictures of angry sportsmen being mis-represented as something they are not and the mandatory dead animal pictures. It looks like it's going to become a hot topic for the papers in the period up to and beyond "The March" date. If only they knew how wrong it is to publish this rubbish.
  22. Well....I'd want more than 7 hide poles in exchange for one of these smashing pups. Just look at the markings. You'd be robbing me. I'd be giving 'em away. Think of my family guv. It'll pay you back ten times over. Think of the stud fees. Thorough-bred, they are. Cost nothing to feed. Make a good gun-dog. Come on now, best offers please! 8) 8) 8)
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