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Everything posted by Delbert

  1. Looks real enough to shoot GH ( YHM btw ) I must clear out my work bench its full of stuff that needs sorting and putting back where it belongs before I can do anything creative SWMBO has a list
  2. Bit odd that the dealer cannot trace the fault on a vehicle that has OBD fitted. I would have thought it was a case of plugging it in and reading the code to get a fair idea of whats going off I have the software and a reader that plugs in to my laptop pity the Scooby has Subaru's own version rather than OBD 2. The Ford Ranger Forums should have the roadside work round to read off the fault codes if you need them .I'm betting a sensor going out of range I had a Rangie that did that due to the **** wiring plugs the Prince of Sudden Unexplained Darkness supplied'
  3. What Harnser said I use a big old dessert spoon myself direct on to the wood obviously not heated enough to burn the wood. but wet it with a cloth after each application the damp in the wood will help it spring back ( not if its varnish finshed tho) Derek
  4. http://www.shootinguk.co.uk/guns/shotguns/...gun_review.html My pal used one for years it was fussy about cartridges and had a silly O ring ( I mentioned elsewhere) that gave the odd problem should be alright now after 40years.
  5. I use a venerable Ugartechea Master DTE for rough shooting choked cyl + 1/4 ( by local gunsmith ) very pointable for snap shooting and it works for me but the best bet is to try your mates guns.The one you want is the one that feels right and nobody else can tell you which one that is.When you find it the confidence you gain will make it shoot better than the others. Always worth trying ( get over the prejudice about russian kit) are Baikal ,Kestrel, Aya , Sable all of which I have shot over the years and I have always had a soft spot for the Bettinsoli I invariable handle one at some point at gamefairs and they always feel right to me never actually got my hand in my pocket tho. There are a barrow load of reviews at Shooting Times website but I don't ever remember seeing a bad one which is one of the reasons I stopped buying the paper http://www.shootinguk.co.uk/guns/shotguns Derek
  6. If the leads you get don't pan out go over to the alt.fan.landrover newsgroup and ping 'Oily' - Martin had a two or three last time I was down his garage he won't skin you and he's not that far away down in Mossley pukka bloke as they say in Stalybridge. Derek reformed Landrover nut
  7. I suppose it depends on what you call cheap my Beretta 302 stands me at £180 (mind I've had it for more than 5 years) with never a problem if you can find one buy it I've seen Mossbergs cheaper < £150 seem well made tho' I've never used one myself. I'm not a fan of the old Brownings which have the recoil system where the barrel moves just seems odd and the Remington's that have a silly O ring that cooks and fails at the worst possible time good gun otherwise. Derek
  8. I suppose if you were thinking in that way the Hagglund is pretty well the ultimate forestry and pretty well anywhere else thats slippery vehicle http://preview.tinyurl.com/l6jq7a Derek
  9. I've been addicted to Carte Noir since my pal in Glenluce made me a cup fizzin expensive stuff so Gold Blend will have to do until its on special offer at the supermarket.
  10. If you want a supplement goats milk is the old standby and very close to dog milk I suspect that is the main component of 'puppy' milk. Our pups were still at the teat for a few weeks more so IMO not a bad idea to continue for a little longer once on solids proper I gave raw fatty mince as a treat watch your fingers tho'
  11. I have always maintained the best book for gundog training is one heavy enough to throw at the little b*gg*r when he is out of reach . I have a copy of Peter Moxons Training the Rough Shooters dog which is pretty good but do yourself a favour and beg borrow or steal (or buy) Sporting Gun there is a run of articles about Lab training all are very informative and answering a lot of the common issues found in training I could probably scan you an article for example (if SWMBO has the scanner set up) if that would help. Derek Ace ESS 2yo Remington black lab 1y6m Sisqo 100lb security consultant ( German Shepherd ) those gone before and sadly missed Fern, Scout and Spinner Spaniels and constant companions in the field and off
  12. Happy as I am with my Outback given the choice and a deeper wallet I'd have a 96 Range Rover Vogue SE especially the Holland and Holland the last before the change to the P38 I miss my Rangie much better on the really rough tracks in the Peak District
  13. I've had quite a few 4wd's I'd say a lot of the choice rests on how rough the tracks are when you go out shooting. Discoveries are cracking motors where its really rough but unless you are an enthusiast the maintainance can hurt the wallet plus if your wife drives the clutch is hard work (which is why there isn't one sat outside after a lengthy rebuild project). Mk 1 Freelanders have issues with head gaskets the TD4 is the better model but if the viscous diff is faulty it can be an expensive problem. Our current rides are both 2.5 Subaru Outbacks exceptional on road and cope well with farm tracks . fuel consumption is mid 20's about town and 32+ on long trips up to Scotland and they have better ground clearance than the standard Legacy I used to ping the exhaust on the grass humps on tracks though never did significant damage. Oh and you get a rear slide sunroof for gun turret usage the front sunroof is usually tilt only.
  14. Just a new wrinkly member signing in, 30 odd years shooting inveterate Spaniel trainer/ handler ( as if it can be done ) and clay worrier. Soon to be DIY floater decoy builder if I can work out how the mounts work!
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