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Everything posted by majordisorder

  1. I don't get it either, I recenlty sold a carp bivvy for £50 more than the new retail price. All they need to do is google
  2. Chicken Tikka Jalfrezi Keema Naan / Gartlic Naan Tarka Daal
  3. Valuers are in my opinion being told to down value properties by the banks so that they win on high L2V ratio interest rates. I speak from recent experience whereby when trying to move mortgage our place was valued at least £75K less than 3 estate agents had. Also see who is doing the valuation, ours was done (don't laugh) by a computer worker in India, we had to really fight for someone to come out and put a proper value on it (and pay £100 for it too).
  4. Couldn't agree more, he seemed to think ridiculing the guy who was collecting the Toddy sap was particularly funny. Total chav.
  5. majordisorder


    Only another 500 needed then until you can sell something
  6. Just found this that says you don;t need one http://old.torridge.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=1628
  7. I'm in the same position, got granted and received my SGC without a cabinet installed but was told categorically that I needed a follow visit to check the cabinet before I bought anything. FEO said there would be a note on my file and they'd kick my *** if I bought one before the install and check.
  8. DELL Outlet, you can't beat it for price. I've bought loads from there, just keep an eye on it for a few days to see what comes up before buying. Also get their 3 year next business day warranty, it's worth it's weight in gold and only costs about £100. I wouldn't touch PC World with a barge pole, computer fairs are ok if you're knowledgable but stay away if you're not as they'll see you coming a mile off. I'd bet 99 times out of 100 DELL will be the cheapest and offer the best support.
  9. When young and (more) stupid we used to shoot 12b carts stuck in the silage bays with our HW35's and open sights. Oh for the days of being able to walk into Litts, buying a box of shells and cycling the 15 miles home to our "permission", avoid killing or seriously maiming ourselves and being back for tea
  10. From Ashville to the Outer Banks NC is pretty nice isn't it.
  11. South of Central Park is generally nice. I've stayed at the Marriot on 7th & West 45th, a stones throw from Times Square, Broadway and more shopping than any woman could possibly need. Cabs are abundant and fairly cheap and your legs will take you right down to the bottom of the Island if you like a good stroll.
  12. I'll second the Virgin recommendation, both economy and Premium economy are good, far above BA who I wouldn't fly with if you paid me. Book as soon as possible though as the price goes up exponentially the closer to the fly date you get. Conversely if you book an economy ticket and are lucky enough to get a call from Virgin a day or two befre the flight you can usaully get a very cheap upgrade to PE / Upper Class if they've got space. Also, tip for US immigration, just tell them you're there for pleasure if you don't want the third degree about what you're going to do there. I spent 10 minutes going through every business meeting I had booked!!! HTH Pete
  13. Honey, Marmite and Penut butter sandwich, yum
  14. Like I said, people are more friendly over there
  15. I'd be off the USA, and here's why: 1) It's big, has pretty much every type of terrain and people you might want to meet. 2) It has seasons, I couldn't move somewhere without a difference between summer and winter. 3) You can get a nice big house, some land and a couple of SUVs and still have change out of £200k (if you're not in a popular city or California) 4) You can shoot a wide variety of guns 5) People are generally a whole lot more friendly than they are here. 6) When you go to a restuarant / shop you get "good service", or at least an acknowledgement that you're in the building and not ruining their day. 7) It's not crowded or over populated. 8) There's loads of stuff to do and places to see. 9) There's spring break I could go on, but I won't................ god I hate the UK.
  16. Yep, tried a bit with our little one. I think it's one of those things you need to keep at to see any benefit. Ours certainly got to grips with it pretty well and was soon "telling" us what she wanted
  17. I hope you have warning signs about the dangers of climbing on your roof, cause if he slips and hurts himself there will be hell to pay
  18. Also, if you're worried about not getting your sgc just buy a cabinet when you've received it. I did this and all I needed was a follow up visit to see it secured. Just explain to the FEO.
  19. Got a crown on order from the GD stuffed with a duck, pheasant, partridge and venison, but only 8lbs
  20. Da Bomb, hot enough to be tingly http://www.hotsauceemporium.co.uk/detail.php?prodID=103
  21. Marmite, Peanut butter & honey on a bloomer, yum
  22. I've just bought an old Shotgun cabinet on eBay in need of some TLC and I'm looking to buy a foam gun holder to fit in it like most new cabinets have. Any ideas where I might get one from?
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