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novice cushie shooter

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Everything posted by novice cushie shooter

  1. Hi all. i have an open air wax jacket by proudhart. Size is XS. Condition is as new only worn once. £30 posted 3 x fishing dvds. all unopened. £10 posted A double clicker £3 posted. Thanks for looking
  2. Same dilema. Plumped for the s3 unlimited calls txt and internet for £26 opposed to £36 min for i phone. Great phone only negative is size for my wee hands!!
  3. thanks guys. Looks like i will be coughing up then!
  4. yeah wanted to buy phone and use gaffgaff sim and save a bit cash in the long term and avoid a contract. I phoned my local apple store and asked if i got discount if i got ipad 4 and i phone 5 together.he just laughed!!
  5. comet sold out,phones for u deal finished.will try tesco. Thanks
  6. anyone know where you can get a deal or discount if buying the i phone 5 and i pad 4 together
  7. mainly dean before he left, keepers were dale,gary, nial, damian,peter and stevie. i went for about 5 years and never missed a day at th grouse. they always had plenty bods for pheasant!!
  8. looks grand!! i used to do some beating on the moor there, some serious views. good shooting
  9. 12hr nightshift. Finish 7.30 am.cant come quick enough
  10. you have PM. if this is not sold i will have it please.
  11. roughly what size is a c42? If its a medium i will have it please
  12. This is brand new without tags. never worn. size XS but would say its more a small/ medium to be honest. looking for £30 + P&P Thanks for looking
  13. good stuff glad its all ok. i was in for my quote/check up last week! i made the mistake at looking up an anti optical express web page/blog thing and it threw my confidence about the whole thing.
  14. i was with my wife this morning at the midwife and we were recommended to get it as its on the increase in scotland allegedly. i felt like we were being pushed into it. i asked for facts but they only had them available in england and wales.
  15. There has not been enough bout the 'promisies' new independent scotland would bring. Personally i dislike salmond with a passion and feel we are being led up the garden path a bit. when you see the state of greece and spain compared to the UK i feel comfortable being a part of it and have no inclination to be independent not in the current economic climate.
  16. funny i had discussion with a waitress at the handmade burger co. and its the same you pay before, i asked why and no reason was given, i basically said that they were losing money in tips etc. that said i found a voucher for money off after id paid for the meal and they refunded me on the way out.
  17. its nice to be acknowledged no reply from seller! thanks odd job
  18. anyone found any up north.ive tried 8 different areas in midlothian,east lothian and the borders and theres hee haw sloes. Gettin worried now
  19. i have not seen any. lucky i got too many last year and have them in freezer!!
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