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Everything posted by Dave-G

  1. Nice one stuartp - I'd always wondered how to do one of them No sign of a coffee table yet
  2. Dave-G

    Larson Traps

    Whats the poisoned tyres bit all about george? never heard of it
  3. Right on Axe - Thats very generous matey I actually have loads of the stuff, anyone who wants some PM an addy to send it to
  4. Nice diy gun BJ where do I send the filter material Axe?
  5. Axe is a winner - clearly able to spot a bit of diy Er: consider meself bolliked then? Heck sorry cranfield, but imho you ought to have said so? I'm not dissagreeing with you here - you have a fair point - but it was'nt said? I have no objection if you move this to another part of the forum, but I seem to remember suggesting, OOH some time ago, that we enable file uploads in general banter - but then again this qualifies as diy/craft? Anyway - till it's been decided, here are the pics that would have come: "a better view"
  6. yip - the boards were indeed out the back of a van - used by my son in law who works for an un-named builing firm. I use em for making target boards too I subsequently made a slight mod to the items in question - so here's what they look like now.
  7. Oops here we go again
  8. First to use this welcome DIY addition to our forum a competition based on a series of photo clues What the eck is this - next pic/clue will follow when I get home from work about 4AM some red filter material film to the first correct answer
  9. EEK - got home from work and yikes - all this! wish I'd got the brand new one off oboy...I't best not be the **** one thats on there - from OXFORDSHIRE Ok guy's, lets see how this pans out huh? The money is of little concern to me - and I had not noted the reduced price when I made the offer to buy - in other words the deal was struck at £50 - to my satisfaction. so I have no gripe there - nor will I if I recieve it at a suitable time after posting it first class recorded, AM/26/01/2006 In fact I look forward to a pm or email from jas09blue this afternoon with a tracking number for me
  10. Ay - Dat is der big massive, bwoy How narrow a beam can you get with that frank?
  11. I have sent him a paypal payment £57 to cover the lamp,4% charges and first class recorded p&P The payment is shown as completed in my account I will keep you informed of events
  12. Dave-G


    :blink: Have you found him yet henry? :blink:
  13. :blink: Nice one henry - Did I mention I think you're a very nice fella? :blink:
  14. Dave-G

    Brain Fade

    Thanks very muchly guys
  15. Dave-G

    Brain Fade

    Cant get me ead in gear today - ow much is 3900 euro in real money ? thanks
  16. I'm with devlish dave here - we dont need more scandals. Drop a letter through his postbox - or just post it saying you know what he's up to - and that if it re-occurs then you will make it official. I would also make it from an anonymouse well wisher - this time
  17. Dave-G

    Hi from a newbie

    Hi there youth, how old are you? The reason I ask is that most late teens can beat their dads at most things B)
  18. On a local piece of land that I only have permision for a 12ftlb (a 15 acre "once was farm" now smallholding bordering a city and surrounded by roads) I was taking a breather behind a fallen tree when a small fox limped along. It was really scruffy and I recon it was probably having a hard time feeding itself. I watched it enter a patch of thistle (it was summertime) and waited for it to reappear. After 20 minutes or so I crept up for a looksee and found it curled up in a ball asleep. Thinking to myself that because it was limping it's probably unable to catch much - maybe I ought to put it out of it's misery so to speak and put my gun muzzle about an inch from it's head between its eyes but could'nt bring myself to pull the trigger. I'd had several thoughts passing through my head - a once in a lifetime opportunity for a 12ftlb'r - what if I dont kill it outright - it just does'nt seem sporting etc. Amazed that I had crept up on this normally alert creature I was beginning to feel a bit ridiculous for being so indecisive about what should come naturally for a hunter - still I could not pull the trigger - and it was at least two minutes that I had spent there by now. So I said HELLO in a loud voice and it scarpered off about fifty yards or so and sat on its haunches watching me In retrospect, on this partiular piece of land I had been "stalked" - well watched really - by three foxes on previous lamping occasions and felt that these foxes were accustomed to seeing humans and have found no reason to be wary of us. Although farmer had asked that I leave my bag somwhere near the house for his dog - I have left a trail that should feed foxy if he just happens along at the right time.
  19. I'd guess you're a single bloke with a kitchen in that state?
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