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Everything posted by Maidment78

  1. Anyone here tried the liquid and barrel bungs method? I have a supplier that does powder coating and he can make me sum bungs for the lanber as muppet here scratched the barrel twos weeks ago and every time I see it I cringe so have to make it right. Looks really good though so I will deffinatley be doing one or the other.
  2. Morning, Just had the most horrendus night with the new pup, she is 5 months now and has been sleeping though the night from the 3rd day after we got her. She has always been a bit clingy but we have been slowly getting her to spend more time alone and I was really pleased with the progress. Then,,, 4 nights ago she started playing up during the night, scratching at her door, howling and the like. I left her to start with thinking she was just being a pain but it went on for a couple of hours so I went down when there was a small break inthe noise and checked on her and she had messed on the floor. We have been to the vets 2 weeks ago as she had a urinary infection and we gave her a weeks does of tablets and all is cleared up so I am wondering if there is anything else the issue here or is she just playing for attention. Seems a bi extreme for attention seeking though. When I go down to see her she sleeps fine which is why I am thinking this. She did the same last night hence me asking people here if they have had a similar experiance or do I need to get someone in who knows more about this then me. I have had dogs for years and never experianced anything like this. Lives indoors as a pet first and I will be training her later for the field. Sleeps in the office which is a small warm room at the end of the house. Any help greatly recieved, Paul.
  3. Went out at 11, lots of movement and bagged 17 birds in the first hour so was well up for a big day then it died, did not know why until I saw a huge flock of birds on the next door farm that I do not have permission, they had just cut the crop and it was drawing eerything in for miles. Ended with over 30 birds in the bag though so considering it was a hard day I was pleased and I learnt to take high birds flying over to the other field so I was happy with that.
  4. Warden near me who traps them always uses a humane trap as there a re loads of water vowles near and then releases the vowles and shoots the mink.
  5. Morning, No where near you sorry but I do a lot of walking with my wife and pup and found the below website brilliant for finding new walks. http://www.walkingworld.com/home/index.asp Paul.
  6. Well done! I have to say reading this makes me smile as we are expecting our first small person in 8 weeks and it is a girl (apparently) my wife said she would not want to play daddys silly games in the mud but I showed her this and she huffed and walked off. Made my day, Paul.
  7. No idea but I do know the barrel on my S410 FAC is significantly longer than a standard one. Probably best to call the engineers at Air Arms, they are really helpfull with most questions.
  8. Evening, Managed to blag a day pass from the wife and farmer needs a hand putting up a fence in the morning so thought I would get out for a days shoot at the same time. I will be over the Swindon, Wilts area and have not been there for about 4 weeks so was wondering if anyone knew what the birds were up too. Paul.
  9. Only thing you really need is land that is FAC approved, if you have land this is currently for shotgun only they will inspect it and advise.
  10. Been cutting like mad round me, lucky as tipped down today but at least 400 acres go taken down so should be a good weekend. Weather is looking good too.
  11. splitting spitting sitting siting sting ting tin in I
  12. I was issued my FAC about two years ago and initially it was for a FAC air rifle for rabbit work but I have obtained more land and I added a .22 rim for this and asked about putting a .243 for the deer, the .22 was easy enough to get but due to the size shot used for the .243 it was slightly harder. I had to prove the reason for this and also show that I have had experiance with the larger caliber b shooting a local club and also being taken out with a mentor for about 5 sessions. Have you ever shot a deer? It is a totally different ballgame so best do some reaserch before rushing off.
  13. This happened to me except the sweet sweet love was going one with a bird I shot 30 secs before,,,,,,,,,,,,
  14. Same as me, 50 good shots for the TDR and about twice that for the classic. I did like the TDR though as it felt lighter to use but it might have been a balance thing as I never actually weighed it. Ps I had the .22 versions.
  15. Hello All, I have been trying to find a guide to making a home made pigeon bouncer, anyone know a good site or diagrams, I want to use a shot bird in the set up but am about as practical as a dead hedgehog in a bag when making things so an ABC diagram would be best with arrows and the like,,,, Cheers in advance Paul.
  16. Depends, Photos of flying birds weigh less than photos of perching ones,,,
  17. ps mind your nose, if you let go early you will know what I mean,,,,,,,
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