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About darebear

  • Birthday 06/02/1974

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  • From
    north east

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  1. Our two are Travis and Moose.
  2. I've worked in front line child protection for over 10 years. I put my heart and soul into my job, work ridiculously long hours for what I consider is insufficient pay, and get no thanks/reward whatsoever. Usually just abuse, both verbal and physical - not just from family's but the general public. It's nice to hear my profession being backed up for a change.
  3. I was once a complete towny, and not long after I met Scaffy, we were in the car driving through the countryside. I commented that we must have been driving through the land of rich farmers. Confused, Scaffy said 'eh?'. 'Well', I said, 'they can afford to cover their hay bails with plastic'. I now know what haylage and silage is. sigh.
  4. Typically apt the law was passed in 1969.
  5. Tom Minchin and Jeff Dunham
  6. -rolls eyes and yawns-
  7. Greetings, and Ello to all of you I haven't spoken to in a while. I've been a social worker in child protection for coming on 10 years now. I won't even bother to respond to ignorant comments about my profession, as it's so not worth it. I also don't plan to rant and rave on a public forum as 1. I don't want to get banned, and 2. Big brother is always watching and I have a great respect for my professionalism. However if you'd like a private chat with me, feel free to pm me and I'll do my best to give you my personal honest opinions.
  8. Glad to hear the dog's better.
  9. muahahahahahahaha damn right! just admit it - you've missed me!
  10. Bloody marvellous tyvm! In fact life could only get better if I won the lotto :-P

  11. I'm baaaack :-P Miss me? How's you doing?

  12. I think you should donate some dosh to meeeee! I'm such a good cause! However, if I'm on during the day it's means I've got a day off or I'm sick - just be thankful they haven't produced an app for the iPhone for PW!!!!
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