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Everything posted by Archie-fox

  1. Well done terry...good man for helping!!!!!
  2. Archie-fox


    I used to be quite a heavy drinker when I was in the forces every weekend out on the booze but since I left and started a job as a doorman ( for extra pocket money as well as my main job)I've not really had a drink...I see drunk people puking up over each other and scrapping, and I think do I look like that when I'm drunk...so my drinking has stopped by 95% probably have 2/3 cans every two weeks....
  3. hello hopper.. ive got a 22cz wmr...ive shot several foxes this year from 15 yards to just about 100 yards...its a really good tool for the job as long as you dont push it and keep the shots to about 100 or so yards and try to get good solid head shots....ive got a A-tec mod on it with 1 extra baffle to keep it nice and quiet....
  4. my terrier has a couple of washable large towels i just wrap those round a couple of old pillows and wash them everyweek...seems to keep him warm in the colder months..
  5. Morning all i have a 22WMR cz heavy barrel..(varmint) would like to put a Boyds thumbhole stock on it...as i cant look on these websites at work...does anybody have the link to the stock i would need? do boyds do a stock in the version that i could use..was thinking the nutmeg colour. Thanks for any help.. Rich.
  6. was at work last night, new guy turns up...nice lad really chatty...then he drops the bomb,"im former special forces"...."see this scar on my hand,got it from a knife fight in afgan".... then hes killed dozens of somali pirates with a .50 cal.."i dont give em warning shots i just let them have it"....i didnt even comment to that one i just walked off and burst out laughing..what a bell!!!
  7. been mulling it over and going to give it a miss.....i did have a 204 but sold that, and have realised i should have kept it... if funds allow i may get a tikka 204 near xmas time.
  8. hello chaps... ive been offered a nice 17fireball at a really good price a brand new remington...but having never used one im in 2 minds weather to take the plunge and buy it...so i have some questions 1,i assume it will be a home loading for this caliber? 2,barrel life, shouldnt be a problem as i never really fire many rounds but just curiarse? any other info on this caliber would be great, I would intend to get it fitted out with night vision and have it as a fox caliber...is it suitable for this purpose? Thanks in advance for any replies, Rich.
  9. Cracking tope that mate....well done!!
  10. Meopta meopro 4-12x50 on my 223. No problems with that.
  11. managed to get on the grouse with another member this morning on the moor... fantastic day for it clear blue sky and not too cold after a nice walk we got on the moor at around 8 am and after about a hour Anthony managed his first ever grouse and was over the moon...i didnt shoot just carried his bag and used my fox terrier to flush the grouse..must have seen about 20 or so grouse but only 1 presented the shot...really nice morning and nice company as well...
  12. Go out for meals, gym, walking the dog, argue, go shopping...local pub on a Sunday for lunch of I'm not on shift...and she helps me in the garden.
  13. will be going up this saturday at 7am on the pennines...if anyone would like a go at them..first to pm gets it..space for 1 only.
  14. same sort of thing happened to me years ago with my lab...out walking my dog on a lead and he was attacked by a akita type dog, the dog bit both me and my dad on the hands as we tried to free our dog from it...the owner of the other dog just tried to walk away but as my dad was a bobby he stopped the male...managed to get damages and all vets bill paid by this male...its just a shame when people dont control bigger dogs and let them off there leads, my mrs gets nervous at times when she walks my fox terrier at night in case she bumps into a dog like that...hope you dog makes a full recovery as said by others tho you need to report it to the police....
  15. really sad news...thoughts are with the family. a dark day for manchester. :no:
  16. no trailer but allways see loads of skips full...might have to invest in a tow bar and trailer..
  17. Archie-fox

    Fire wood

    Morning all quick question..how much are you paying for fire wood for your log burners?? i know a lot of you guys get it for free but im looking for a good supplier in the cheshire area and would like to know whats a good price...getting it at the moment for £120 per transtit load..about a tonne maybe... is that a good deal?? the wood is dry and burnes well.. but looking round for a better deal..so if anybody in that area can help or manchester area.. Thanks Rich.
  18. i got there about 8am saturday..saw people drinking cans of stella in the carpark and a few groups of young lads drinking cider inside the fair...its just a shame really but was still a good show..
  19. i saw 2 guys in a stall put on 2 expensive jackets and just walk out into the croud...made me feel sick as i couldnt do anything about it, had my dog with me and my mrs, i told the stall owner and went to the police stand but no-one there... if i had of grabbed one of them i doubt i would have made it out alive..as they both looked like good scrappers..and i think they had a couple of lookouts distracting staff so i bet i would have had one over the head if had put my hands on one...
  20. started to P.M people today with dates...starting to book people in.
  21. I am thinking about it mate but it's all that reloading that bothers me...
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