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Everything posted by WelshLamb

  1. my betty came with a full set of chokes and a case, but my lincoln didnt. got some chokes from sportsman for £25 each :blink:
  2. I havent. Neither have any of my mates who shoot
  3. I love love LOVE alestorm Check out their album "Captain Morgans Revenge"
  4. I drove round 200 odd acres this week and didnt see a thing. No pigeons/magpies/rabbits... nothing :blink:
  5. I totally agree. I paid £325 for mine (Bettinsoli Diamond, which sounds like the gun in question) and I wouldnt be without it
  6. if i only fire the top barrel, mine will eject both. if I only fire the bottom barrel, only the bottom is ejected
  7. Gutted! I've got plenty of rabbit holes but am in south Wales!
  8. Do u need a shooting buddy? (Well it was worth an ask!)
  9. 90... good chassis... and cheap, generally dont go in the same sentence
  10. nice one!! what make/model is that? and how much did you pay for it, if you dont mind me asking? Im after a non FAC rifle, just for bunnies
  11. My local scrappy has a smaller weighbridge, which weighs up to a tonne or so. Yours may have similar?
  12. At the moment, I think about the bloody awful breakup with my ex, and best friend, which happened only a few weeks ago :( bah
  13. If you put on your profile where you live, you may get some offers to be taken out shooting
  14. I think it will strip the bluing off - so be careful
  15. Good luck fella!! My mate is gettin married today too!!
  16. Thats what I did til the cabinet got bolted back to the wall Although I doubt if anyone would have gotten past the dog, should they try and burgle us!
  17. Ive got an ex mod 90 (1986). Paid a grand for it as standard straight out of the army. theres no 24 volt stuff on it, still got the 2.5na in it (cheap as chips to run, as long as youre not in a rush to gat anywhere) The whole thing is mint, not a spot of rust on the chassis anywhere, only a 50p size spot on the bulkhead
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