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Everything posted by aister

  1. Well done underdog, good shootin
  2. I have a dozen snipe in the freezer and my mate shot a couple that day too so I let him keep it.
  3. I have always found wigeon to be very hit or miss taste wise so I usually put a breast them and use it in a game pie
  4. Thanks for the comments. They were all shot getting up and going away so the breasts are nice and clean. I plucked them all by hand camokid, it took me just over three hours to get them all plucked and ready for the pot but well worth it
  5. After being out 3 days in the snow and covering a lot of miles I managed to bag 3 geese, 8 mallard, 2 wigeon, 4 teal and 3 snipe. Its the best few days of sport I have had in a long time and made all the better because I have had a really bad season where the ducks are concerned, I JUST CAN'T HIT THEM . I breasted the geese the wigeon and one of the mallard and I gave my mate the snipe.
  6. I had a 22 over 410 and loved it, its one gun I really regret selling. Just used the iron sights as I could not shoot a shotgun using a scope.
  7. We have had some excellent fowling weather up here the last couple of days, gale 8 gusting higher with snow and a hard freezing. I took a couple of days off work so that I could take advantage of it since I haven't had many duck this season. Yesterday I went for a walk among the dunes at the back of a beach which has a burn running through it and some open bits of water that for some reason stays open when everything else freezes over. Its a good walk of about 5 miles and there is always duck when its freezing. It was tough going through the snow and I had to keep stopping for shelter every time it snowed but I managed, after plenty of missing, to bag 4 mallard and a teal. I have had a real struggle hitting ducks this year. After seeing plenty of ducks there yesterday I went back this morning and did the same walk again. I bagged a goose in the first light before I set out walking, could of had more but I was a long way from the car and was hoping for duck. I set off and when I got back to the car I had the goose, a mallard, a wigeon, brace of teal, a very tired lab and sore legs. Well worth it, it is always more satisfying when you have worked for yer bag. Happy hound.
  8. Does anyone know whats happened cliffs? I know the Americans have gone a bit nuts and are buying up as much as they can but he hasn't had anything in for months.
  9. I bought the drill plucker thing from bushwear and it was a flop IMO.
  10. I remember using them in 32gr no6 before the lead ban came in. Used them on everything from mallard on down to snipe and thought they were good, thumbs up from me
  11. I am very reluctantly selling my very new nightforce scope to fund another project. I have only had this scope since the start of July this year and with me busy building our extension this year it really hasn't been used much. It is in mint condition with no marks on it at all and comes with the original box + bikini covers, sunshade, owners manual and CD plus a butler creek cover for the objective lens. It is the NP-1 reticle. £1100 INC postage.
  12. From what I can see, that is a nicer looking double 4 than Robbies.
  13. I admire your dedication and can see where you are coming from , but I gave up plucking whole geese for a couple of reasons, one because as you say it takes a while and two once it is plucked then really the only thing you can do with it is roast it. By taking the breasts off there is a whole lot more you can do with it, stir fry, casserole, curry, pie and not forgetting Aisters Polish goose ha ha. I don't suppose freezing it whole will hurt but I wouldn't do it. Edit to say-I tried the bushwear thing that goes in a cordless drill and didn't think much of it, save yer money IMO.
  14. The thing I find that makes a huge difference is headwear and something around my neck. Usually when its really cold and I am going to be sitting for a while I wear my normal shooting gear plus a good warm hat and a long balaclava that can be worn round the neck and be tucked in to my jumper or worn as a balaclava. I can walk to where I am going then put it on and take it off when heading back or going for a walk and neither of these take up a lot of room.
  15. The double four is a Fred T Baker, glasshouse street, london. it has 4" chambers and takes a 4oz load of AAA or BB and weighs in at a mere 27lb .No idea how much any of his guns cost, when I ask he just laughs.
  16. Yes the action is wider than the barrel, there is holes to accommodate gimbels for when using it in a punt.
  17. Thanks for the comments guys. Hi Robbie, here is the pic from last year.
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