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old rooster

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Everything posted by old rooster

  1. Just posted details on the pickers up and beaters Facebook page. Hope you get the car and dog back Terry!!
  2. Hmm, not sure I agree. Most of what they were doing was illegal under the cruelty to animals legislation already in place. So if we all had to have a licence for our dogs and they were then revoked for those who didn't meet the welfare and safety standards how would that be any better? They would still have the right to contest the revocation and it probably wouldn't be enforceable anyway without a court conviction? Revocation of a licence wouldn't stop people still keeping dogs illegally and trying to keep on top of it would be a nightmare. The scrote who was caught in possession of my stolen trailer was convicted of his SEVENTH offence of driving while disqualified so revocation of his driving licence didn't work did it? Bottom line dog licencing would achieve diddly squat of any real value and just put yet more costs onto the majority of us dog owners who look after our dogs properly.
  3. Nice looking place old bean!! Get yourself a few mole traps and you will soon have them under control, had the same problem last year and soon sorted them out.
  4. Thankfully he was unable to implement his ideas, had he done so you and I might not have the freedom to discuss so openly the various issues that concern us. I shudder to think where we might be now if they had got any sort of foothold, probably already annexed by Russia!! B)
  5. It is good to see that a degree of respect is maintained when discussing the lives of the lefties who have shaken off their mortal coils recently. Anybody in public life would expect some quipping or banter under the circumstances, particularly if they held and expressed views detrimental to the populace, however ineffectual they might have proven. A very different story to the disgusting celebrations and cat calling of the lefties on the demise of Mrs.T
  6. If you can put a few more details together I will stick it on the Pickers up and Beaters face book page for you. Might be worth a bit more info on the vehicle in case it is offered for sale.
  7. Sitting in the office at home today and noticed a couple of partridges in the back garden, they came right up to the patio doors in the lounge and didn't seem too bothered when the pup appeared at the glass.
  8. Absolutely!!!, it would just be another pain for the generally law abiding folks, who already look after their critters to have to pointlessly abide by. We've got plenty of examples of that which don't work in practice, we don't need any more. The correct way to deal with it is to harden up on the wrongdoers but I wouldn't hold your breath in this mamby pamby society, where the powers that be do cartwheels to try and find an excuse for the disgraceful behaviour of some individuals.
  9. Could do with a "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?" experience I reckon!!
  10. Hmm, spelling not up to to your usual standard Gordon, you used the word "cult", only one letter out but that can change the whole meaning of the sentence! ;)
  11. Now I'd have been all in favour of state funerals for Bliar and Brown but they needed to be about 15 years ago to be valid.
  12. More coffee in the keyboard. LOL
  13. Too right!! Every lender needs a borrower for it to work, in this instance both were far too greedy and in many cases both knew there was never any intention to pay the money back. If that isn't a blindingly obvious recipe for disaster I don't know what is and the world just sat back and watched it happen, the politicians then saying they couldn't see it coming. That is what worries me as they were either total morons or bare faced liars. Some of us chose to continue living responsibly throughout and paying into pensions so I can't see why we shouldn't have the money out as we see fit. Tin hat on..........................retreating to nuclear fall out shelter.
  14. Fewer cylinders, lower revs. Having said that in the motorcycle world I don't think you can beat the booming sound of a bid "L" twin Ducati
  15. Your comment is mere supposition as we didn't have those people in power while the havoc was being wreaked, B Liar and Brown did screw up monumentally, it is a matter of history.
  16. The biggest problem is trying to balance revenue raised against expenditure and it ain't going to happen any time soon, although this lot have done their level best to put right the catastrophe resulting from the lunatic behaviour of the last lot. It is a fine balancing act trying to drag as much cash as possible from the rich while not making our country unattractive for them to live in at the same time. The loony left will always try to portray the "rich" as an evil bunch who look down their noses at the plebs but it isn't really the case, many of them have worked darned hard and taken risks with their own money to get where they've got, many are fairly philanthropic in their outlook but overall I can't see why it is fair or reasonable to financially batter anybody just because they make a few quid more than the rest of us. That said I'm not sure why, as majority tax payer owned companies, some of the banks aren't told what they can and can't do as far as paying staff and awarding bonuses. We were always taught as kids to put a bit by for a "rainy day" and it didn't work out to be too bad a plan overall, Bliars disgusting crew did their level best to change that concept to one where everybody should live on unaffordable levels of credit and we've seen what that inevitably results in!
  17. Not sure but I think the age you can start drawing the pension is 55
  18. old rooster


    Exactly, if transferring money to somebody else I think there is a zero charge if it is marked as sent to a relative? I usually offer to pay via BACS as that is a free service.
  19. I've been diagnosed with it, very painful when it flares up but thankfully it isn't too often. It can be very dangerous and life threatening condition if left untreated.
  20. It is fandabidosi for those of us who have been funding pension plans throughout our working lives, the old annuity or miserably slow draw down system really screwed the people who had funded their pensions and the annuity providers were really coining it in. Shares in annuity providers took a bit of a bashing yesterday. Taxation wise pensions are a good option for higher rate tax payers as a load of the 40% taxed income can be shoved in the pension tax free. Always seemed a certain irony in forcing people to go the annuity route or 25% tax free lump sum and a tiny percentage annual draw down on the remainder when it is their hard earned money in the first place. If they spend it all before they have popped their clogs they will become more of a burden on society perhaps but it is very unlikely they've been much of a burden throughout their working lives so maybe it isn't that unjust? Like the increased ISA allowance too.
  21. This one is a cracker, clearly "going equipped" but let off with a caution. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-17562037
  22. Hmm, does this suggest that you work in the razor blade industry?? Nobody has mentioned taxing those stinking messy horses that wander about all over the roads leaving piles of poo that you'd get nicked for leaving if they were from your dog.
  23. I was wondering if it might be a terrorist dry run for a means of sneaking a passenger airliner away to do another 9/11 type attack? It is deffo looking more suspicious as each bit of new info emerges.
  24. Hopefully our Jenson to be top of the pile!!
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