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A Sick Old Man

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Everything posted by A Sick Old Man

  1. MUCK TAY has my vote, very warm and tough, very good value
  2. I have a small Stihl which has always been faultless, I also have a Solo which I have never used as I always run the Stihl. Has anyone got any thoughts on Solo saws? If its a pile of rubbish I will not waste time replacing the piston and ring, its already done a bit of work judging by the worn linkages. Ta, Sick
  3. I would go for a small good quality scope, I put a Pecar on my BRNO 4, http://cgi.ebay.com/Pecar-Berlin-6x59-rifl...%3A1%7C294%3A50 This ones a bit big but if you keep an eye out you find one on E Bay, mine is a 4X40 and its very good. I used to have a Simmons Whitetail Classic 1.5-5x20 Nightview Compact Riflescope not as good as a Pecar but still better than my Niko Gold Crown, you can get these from here, they are the cheapest by far, http://www.jsramsbottom.com/cgi-bin/jsr.cg.../SM_simmons.HTM Why have a huge heavy scope on a rifle that you are only going to shoot at a distance of 90M ?
  4. This can be done, a Ruger 10/22 can be fitted with a JG Bolt lock which is a plate that fits into the trigger housing that enables you to switch modes. I have one and its handy for me, but its fiddley. But I would take the advice of the Sages on this forum if I where you, 10/22's are regarded as the Devils Breath by most people, stick with a CZ, cheap, accurate, and with a trigger kit nice and sweet.
  5. About 8.5 I think, am still a bit squiffey after a large intake of beer and then Port Am not very well, a long slow walk with the hounds might help Have a good 2009
  6. I used to have a RD 350 with a big alloy racing tank on it, completely rebuilt by yours truly racing reeds, racing inlets, tuned re jettet carbs, re ported barrels, tuned racing pipes, clip ons silly seat, everything stripped off that did not need to be there. It was very uncomfortable, very very noisey but wow did it goooooooooooooooooooooo. Did nothing to the gallon and stank the place out Always made me smile when I pulled away on it, but it was the sort of bike you just had to ride fast.
  7. Hope you enjoy your new bike mate, I have an old Tribsa (1952 A10 Frame T120 Motor) that I blast around on, everyone keeps telling me its ****, slow, old, noisey, what no indicators well that illegal for a start!!!! Its not japanese well it must be rubbish, blah blah, blah, oh and and why dont you get a proper bike, ,,,,,,,,,YAWN You are so right about meeting or getting involved with anyone you see out shooting including PC Plod, sound advice that, :o Hope all works out for you
  8. If an RFD sells a moderator for use on a section 1 firearm, it MUST be subject to proof testing, and stamped to confirm that it has passed. If you do not belive me, sell a NoN Proofed Moderator fitted to a .22 RF and then phone PC Plod and tell him what you have just done All the best Have just phoned a mate in the trade who says that as the result of a stated case back in 2002 (Jackson Rifles) NO moderators for small arms have to be proofed, and nor do barrels that have been cut. So I them called a mate who works in a Proof house who stated that they Must be proofed if fitted to any firearm, not just sect 1, so check your hushpowers chaps??? This is the same for barrels that have been screw cut, It seems that like a lot of firearm legislation its all open to interpretaion, one says this the other says that. If you are in any doubt, CALL YOUR FLO after all it will be him with your nuts in his grasp if you do fall foul, Take care
  9. I got the American with a modified SAK and a Swarvo scope, I am very happy with it. My advice is to go for the CZ, and with the money you save get a very good quality scope, say Zeiss, Pecar, Swarvo, Meopta. http://www.rimfiremagic.co.uk/new_firearms.html do a good one, you must get the trigger done, it makes a huge difference. Good luck mate
  10. This has been mentioned a lot on this forum mate, do a search under scopes and you will find a ton of advice, All the best,
  11. Now we have seemed to stray off the poor lads first Shotgun, and we have done the tree lighting, the advent calender, the nice feet, nice feet my ****. He has the feet of a Hobbit, are you really called Bilbo by any chance Nice shottie by the way, a good choice that. Best of luck with it mate
  12. With regard to moderators on your ticket, in order to use a moderator of any description on the front of a Sect 1 firearm you must be licensed, this is shown on your FAC alongside the rifle, to show you have permission to use one. So you could have say a .22RF that you are licensed to use a moderator with and a .17HMR that you are NOT allowed to use a moderator on as you have not requested to use a moderator with that rifle. You do not have to have the moderator proofed for general use on RF rifles, but you DO fo selling purposes. There has been a lot of fuss over this, ask Roger at SYSS. You would not be able to purchase a moderator for a Sect 1 Firearm without a blank slot for one on your FAC, sometimes the RFD will not sign off the moderator on your ticket, this usualy occurs when you assure him that it will only be fitted to an air rifle.
  13. I must recommend that all shooters and ferreters get written permission, with FAC applications its all listed on the Police Firearms Computer, all your permission, all there phone numbers, anyone else with permission on that land. I am not sure if thats the case with shotgun cert's. So they know if you have permission as soon as they check your ticket on the system, the days of getting nicked on Suss should be over I get the Law called out quite a bit due to some mean and nasty "Town Folk" who have bought country retreats and think they own all the land that they can see I just slip away as soon as I hear the two tones, but then I do not drive about my permission so its easy to just wander off.
  14. Pedro, I hate you now, all this toaster talk is getting daft. Hot butter dripping down your arm,( I will hold that thought ) *****'s spending a oner on a toaster they can easily nick. Dualit :blink: Whats that all about eh? I thought that was ryming slang for your Hampton :wacko: Dualit's well there bloody rubbish for a start, Brass polish in fluff thats what that is. And its all your fault, :blink: I blame all this credit crunch stuff, oh and christmas thats rubbish as well. Its never been the same since the King died!!
  15. This point has been well aired before, I called the BASC Legal department and asked there opinion. They say that as long as your permission states that you shoot on the land with another, That person is over 17yrs, Then there is no problem so long as that person is always under your direct supervision, that is to say you do not both have a .22. Or he is found in a different field to you with a weapon blah blah blah. This has never been tested in court as yet, but BASC are of the opinion its a non starter so its unlikly to ever be tested.
  16. I would fall to my knees in despair if they got rid of the Lords, its the last bastion of common sense in the mad house. I still think its one huge Gravy Boat, I think it could do with a bloody Hot Deep colonic flush to clear out all the Cr%p. As for the commons, well sack the bloody lot and start again
  17. Muck Tay get my vote, very good
  18. I would not recommend using .22rf high velocity rounds, they do not group and they bounce like Flubber I certainly would not use them in a semi auto, to much of a slap for your action to take.
  19. I was a Stoker in the Royal Navy for a good while, we used to undertake regular work ups off Weymouth I think it was called FOST, they were quite hard and the Ship as a whole was tested in all manner of operational duties. The only Country to have ever passed with full marks from these work ups was the Canadian Navy, we could never get near them A very professional bunch, quiet and unasuming, just the sort you need with you when it all goes T*t's Up. I often feel a little bitter at how our Government treated Comonwealth troops during the various conflicts, but then we always have had that uncaring attidude from our "Better's"
  20. The missus and I have stopped for a month now, and I have to agree with Tricky you have to hate the bloody habit to kick it. I found the patches great to get over the first week, got them from my chemist, one perscription fee for eight weeks worth. Have a go all you long term smokers, you will feel better Just have to kick the bottle of scotch a day habit now
  21. Oh and Arbour Square today :yp:? http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article413446.ece
  22. I will impart a bit of history, as Poor Pedro's problem seems to have been sidelined by "Knock the police time " In 1910 the boss of Arbour Square police station was Superintendent Mullvane, a nice chap but very stern and not to be crossed by all accounts. There were Four reliefs or teams as they are now called, each with an Inspector and three sergeants and about tentyfive constables. Also enployed was one station Inspector, that was IT apart form the cleaner, now the small area of the Stepney that this nick covered had twentysix beats. the area was hard, tough East End working class and you had to be a bit handy. Everyone knew there local Copper, even if you were a villian, ASBO merchant it mattered not a jot, you all knew him. And most sensible people were a bit wary of most of them, scared in some cases. If you got up his nose you were nicked and that was that, you could be locked up for two days without being charged, and then released without any explenation at all. This was often used to square away mouthy yobbish behavior. If say a pub fight brewed up and the local Old Bill turned out, the fight stopped or else!! Hitting a Copper back then made you a marked man, you would get no let up for some time from the local Plod, and there were LOTs of them back then, here is a breakdown of the area now covered by the new Bethnal Green Supernick H or Whitechapel Division. Leman Street. Thos. Arnold, Supt.; Inspectors 30; Sergeants 44; Constables 473. Total 548. J or Bethnal Green Division. Bethnal Green Road. James Keating, Supt.; Inspectors 38; Sergeants 56; Constables 522. Total 617. K or Bow Division. Bow Road. George Steed, Supt.; Inspectors 48; Sergeants 71; Constables 619. Total 739. The new Bethnal Green nick will put out about ten Pc's for a busy night duty, a lot of Emergency call will not get answered. This is the same across the Met, its pants!! A good few years ago a young ish copper was called with the whole relief of Leman Street and a load from the Green and Limehouse during night duty to a large group of Irish Tinkers that had converged on a bomb site near Stepney Green. there were a shed load of quite large travellers who refused the polite request to move on, one of the Leman Street inspectors then just flipped and a huge punch up started, police dogs were brought in and the whole camp was told to $u&k O7f !! We all stayed untill they left our borough and of course they were met along the way till they were out of the met. Now days that Guvnor would get the full measure of the Services diciplinary action thrown at him, and in all likyhood be sacked. The Job has changed beyond all recognition, the public have got the squeaky clean super straight coppers that they have demanded and bloody good luck to them. The PC on the street is totaly on his jack Jones these days, twenty years ago you could count on the back up of your relief on your Sergeants and Guvnor's But now that is gone, replaced by the fear of slighting someones beliefs or saying the wrong thing, or getting the powers of arrest incorrect. Mr Mullvane and all his staff would have been sacked within a week for certain sure, and replaced by a Chief Superintendent, Three Superintendents, Four Chief Inspectors, Eight Inspectors at leat Ten sergeants, and a few Police Constables. I could rant on but I think I have gone on long enough, as I am sure Pedro will agree " The Job Is Well ****** !!
  23. So in answer to your post, ASOM, if all police officers were so dependable and tough, there would be a lot less moaning and griping from the public Erm I did not say they were ALL Dependable and Tough, I said they are a mixed bag of folk. Things will change when they deploy the Mk1 Police Robot, think Terminator but in a Top hat :yp: I think we should all leave the Travelling comunity alone. They I am sure are victims in all this, and those Police People are right,,,,They Do have rights too we are to fond of bashing and downtreading on the basic rights of the lesser few. We must strive to understand there ways and customs even if we do not always agree with them, so next time a load of Human trash drives all over your land trashing fences and flattening crops please just give them a bit of slack. They are just expressing there primal beliefs, I am off now to try and find a hoodie to cuddle up to.
  24. I think we should all stop and have a little think about this post, for starters not all groups of trespassers are "Travellers" a good few are just yobbish trash who do not give a hoot about anyone else but themselves. I know that not all "Travellers" are bad people, but they certainly get all the bad press, and I must say often for the right reasons. Its a bit like 90% of all street robbery in London is committed by black males, a stonking fact!! But you dare mention that and its a racist slur on an oppressed group that have been treated poorly by the white establishment, blah, blah, blah. I know a lot of Coppers are hard working people who do there best, often working with a reduced Force ( The cut backs have been bad I am told) Yes you get some lazy ones I have no doubt, and I dare say that some occasionally do not make the right choice of decision when dealing with stressful situations, oh wow I wish I was a super cool chap who ALWAYS did the right thing. But thats all a load of hot air, because if there is one thing we Brit's are very good at,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, its moaning And the establishment have always been target number one, So all you Coppers out there, I am afraid the groaning about your Dough Nut binges, snooker on the M25, Fitting up poor innocent members of the public, retiring early to enjoy your huge free fat pensions :yp: massive overtime payments, brown envelopes, and the rest of the very long list of highly accurate observations ( They must be they were in the Sun) Will not stop May your God be with you, I will continue to look to St Jude for guidance
  25. I really have had enough of Travellers, the farm I shoot on has had more than its fare share of problems. I can honestly say I have been tempted to move out of the bounds of the law, but I can honestly say that the likes of the Traveller will nearly always come out on top, the rules are<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, If you have a firearm with you keep well away from them, no matter what. If there are more than one of them smashing up something you cherish,,,,,,,,,stay well away or you will be next!! They CAN walk all around your farm yard " Just checking out the place bruv " and the Met were present on that occasion, there is nothing that can be done. They can just dissapear, but most of us live in an easy target called a " Fixed abode " so you will get done eventually, they will be oop North in a few hours. My farmer chap says there are two types, the UK Traveller and the Eire Traveller, the Irish type are by far the worse in his experience. very stroppy and as mad as a hot terrier, it was the Irish type that were having a bimble around the farm buildings, the Met crew just looked on and stated that they were comitting no crimes. He said the Travellers could not have cared less about anything, however the UK traveller can be reasoned with and sometimes a chat about certain things will sort out matters. Good luck with your problem, but like the rest of us you will probably learn that there is little legal redress, How far are you prepared to go???
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