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Gordon R

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Everything posted by Gordon R

  1. Warm barrels - come on. Give us the benefit of your source. We might start thinking that you were some anti-shooting stirrer, with limited intelligence.
  2. My son and daughter-in-law own a nursery in the Bolton (Lancashire) area. Their garden wall is leaning inwards because a small cobbled road running at the other side (which is raised up) is sinking slightly and appears to be putting excessive pressure on their wall. They need to get a survey done for their insurance to determine whether the wall is leaning because of subsidence/pressure or wear and tear. Does anyone know of a decent surveyor/ structural engineer in the Bolton area, who they could recommend? A check of the local yellow pages is proving a bit fruitless.
  3. Warm Barrels - I have little time for serial offenders, but you have to keep a sense of proportion. In your case, perhaps you need to obtain one. Using your rather quaint logic, anyone who had a driving conviction should not be allowed to drive. There are far more people killed by persons driving cars than by persons with guns. If someone has done wrong (clearly nothing drastic), but turned their life around, why would you deny them? If they wanted to harm people, they could just buy a gun on the black market, buy a knife, buy a car, buy a hammer. buy an axe. Now you come to think of it - why don't we ban all these things? Incidentally, if you are a shooter, I will have to start practising my soot juggling and sawdust plaiting.
  4. Don't know how to date them. Barrels are interchangeable.
  5. Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce - best Dr Watson in my opinion.
  6. Jeremy Brett on TV, Basil Rathbone on film. Both could be slightly hammy on the odd occasion, but brilliant. Who was the best Dr Watson?
  7. Public forum - that sort of statement does shooters no credit whatsoever.
  8. BFG - is your friend commiting fraud? Presumably his boss thinks he is shooting gulls, when he is selling the shells to mates. Not much use adding this to a debate, is it.
  9. Have a talk to your mate and tell him what you genuinely feel. If he is a genuine friend, it will sort itself out. If it doesn't, cut your losses and walk away. I think you have done as much as any person could or should do. Ignore people who get into issues about the phone. The phone has become a side issue now. Good luck.
  10. al4x - fair post. It has caused me to think again, which is no bad thing. Cheers.
  11. Don't go to Target Sports - you will regret. Bamfords at Eccleston, McAvoys at Standish - best bet.
  12. Where is the genius Jonno? Thick he might be - strike the "might". Perhaps his mighty intellect might visit us and impart some wisdom. Check the skies for low flying pigs.
  13. Out of all the drivel he has written, that was a genuine funny moment. Probably the most outrageous claim I have seen on a forum.
  14. A shooting friend is after a 1/4 or 1/2 mobil extended. Have you got either?
  15. How about a constructive suggestion Jonno? We don't want to waste all that intelligence, do we.
  16. Jonno - top 1% in the education field - do me a favour. Top 1% of the can't spell and a bit thick. Now that I will accept. You appear to be rightly suffering from an inferiority complex.
  17. Jonno - a Policeman has died and you feel it necessary to remind us of a not so good Policeman. Well done. Now crawl back under your stone and don't post until you get a brain cell.
  18. A man is dead. A female approaches Police and gets stroppy. Maybe the first one hundred Policemen don't react. The 101st one hits her - result - Max Clifford arrives. Makes me sick.
  19. The Police are like any section of society. The vast majority are hardworking, honest and helpful. There will be a small percentage who are dishonest and a further small percentage who are thugs in uniform. Whilst the public see them as covering everything up, the Police themselves would tell you the complete opposite. Many feel that the complaint culture is stopping them from doing the job and diverting their efforts on paperwork. Which category this last officer falls into will decided by the court. I suspect that CPS will pursue this through the courts, because he is a Policeman and because of the publicity. Once in court, I believe the Police are treated more harshly than the public.
  20. Can we get the thread back to praising Forseys? That's where it started out or was it? So long ago. :blink:
  21. I confess to not having a clue what all that was about. Are you saying that Tomlinson's past dealings with the Police was known to the Officers concerned and played some part in their treatment of him? If it didn't, why mention it all? If it played a part - don't keep us in suspense. Just spit it out. As an alleged former Police Officer, are you saying that because of Tomlinson's past, it was okay for him to end up dead? Surely you should be rushing to the Independent Investigators with these vital facts. Perhaps you can clear up the mystery once and for all, or will you be keeping them to yourself. I suspect the latter.
  22. If you do a registered shoot, take the sling off.
  23. You either accept that this is the process and she has a busy job, or you will end up getting frustrated or no cert. Think long term.
  24. Over twenty years ago, I bought Winchester Trap 100s at Lancashire Guns in Rawtenstall - now defunct. I think I was paying about £81 a thousand. The manager had to manually carry these up from the cellar. I got in to his ribs about the high cost and he told me he made £1 per thousand. I might have been a little more sceptical, but he managed the shop only and wasn't the fittest person on the planet. I knew the owner, Michael Kay, personally and he set the prices. The manager merely applied them with little enthusiasm.
  25. St Ives Cornwall. Finest place in UK and a bit more.
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