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Fisherman Mike

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Everything posted by Fisherman Mike

  1. Couldn't agree more..the problem is many anti-EU protagonists have not considered the full facts..Britain is stronger in many respects as part of the EU and the EU similarly with Britain as a member. In my opinion the withdrawal of GB from the EU would be absolute folly. Ultimately I believe any referendum on the EU will result in an overwhelming vote to remain. We do not have the resources to annexe Europe and support a burgeoning population independently. We need the EU to survive and thrive, its as simple as that.
  2. Stating that he will quit the party leadership is very strange in my opinion...perhaps he has realised that his chances less than thought and its a ploy appealing for the sympathy vote of the gullible public down there in Thanet. Whether or not that is the case just the consideration of abdication of his leadership illustrates that his heart isn't in it for a fight in the long term...probably quite happy drawing his Euro expenses and salary of £250k a year.
  3. It would be a disaster for industry and commerce.
  4. You need the British Wildfowl equivalent of this Captain Mainwaring.
  5. Well actually my wife is from Bolton so I know that last bit to be true.
  6. If its as bad a picture up there in monkey hanger land and the UKIP stronghold of Essex as you paint perhaps a Rope might be more appropriate. I know...we are pretty thick skinned.
  7. Quite obviously.. Don't **** about with my post in future please in only demonstrates your ignorance. Please come up with some salient points of your own........................if you can.
  8. Fundamentally we should all face up to the fact that whoever gains the ascendancy at the next Election and forms a government, this country will have borrow money in order just to tread water. The burgeoning population over the last 50 years necessitates this. Its got nothing to do with immigration, production, manufacturing, exports or imports, balance of payments, banks, employment, unemployment, the armed forces or the NHS. It’s just a basic economic fact. You have to ask yourself who you trust to borrow the least and reduce the deficit with its fiscal policy as much as possible. It won’t be Labour, nor Lib Dem and definitely not UKIP as they have no fiscal mandate other than independent English isolation. The Conservatives have done a sterling job in part, of what they promised to do, there's no escaping that fact. The job isn’t finished by a long chalk and the road ahead is extended but it certainly is a lot less of a gradient than it would be if the polls supported a change in Government or another coalition. I shall vote Conservative because I'm arrogant, a mercenary, employed, reasonably well off and “all right jack.” (and live in the Cotswolds) in fact I'm the ideal candidate to replace Clarkson, other than Cars don't really float my boat. I appreciate the voters living in the UKIP and Labour strongholds are a lot less worse off than me but to be honest I don’t care... you voted for them in the past..... get over it. Votes for UKIP will paradoxically favour Labour and another coalition, UKIP wont be returned in a million years so a vote for them will be nothing more than a wasted protest vote. Far better to vote Conservative and let them finish the job in hand ..its the lesser of four evils in many respects
  9. I use a 12v 12ah Mobility scooter battery for my Magnet...the last I bought ( 3 years ago) was £20 quid on ebay...runs for about 12 hours on full tilt is reasonable weight and size and rechargeable with any standard 12 v charger.
  10. Jodie Kidd to replace Clarkson Just took the 5's on offer Think I might be on to a winner.
  11. I appreciate your overrun with Mosques in Bolton ....but don't be so silly. I quite like her actually...she mainly says it as it is. However many cant handle the truth..
  12. Now your talking...Beautiful , intelligent, articulate with a wonderful voice...I remember when she use to be a guest on Call My Bluff ...old Frank Muir and Patrick Campbell used to dribble and stammer more than normal when she was on.
  13. Well done guys I'm impressed. Willow Tit it is.. Not seen one for a good few years, when I was a lad at home in the winter they often used to be the first birds onto the feeder. Sorry Whitebridges...Marsh Tit is a completely separate species.
  14. Had one of these in the garden yesterday ..used to be quite common around here.. Do you know what it is though ?? I do.
  15. Indeed and with his poor parents too...he's just destroyed their lives. Unbelievable
  16. Choose Oberst-Gruppenführer Farage and you could have done both
  17. Personally I thought the whole programme was just a complete waste of time and a bit of a media circus. Paxo had the advantage of having a team of researchers on his team for at least a week and it just turned into a more highbrow edition of University Challenge. In fact I wonder if Cameron and Milliband came away with a "don't you just love me because I do" Paxo T-Shirt and one of his signed photos. I really believe the senior Labour MP's were asleep at the Ballot and thought they were voting for his Brother.!
  18. Well done her.. you got any savings??
  19. I've always used a Licenced Conveyancer to be honest ( about 8 times) and have never encountered any delays at all. Trouble with a solicitor is he/she might be in court on a rape case one day, sorting out Mrs Jones' adultery case the next... trying to get Harry of a drink driving charge on Thursday etc etc... These are the best I've used...don't **** about and keep you informed every step of the way...even make a nuisance of themselves chasing you for information if necessary.. https://www.cwpl.co.uk/
  20. The best ones are based in America but do have European and English members.. The NAWCC probably being the best of them. Horology is big in the States. http://www.nawcc.org/ I've bought spares for obsolete watches on line from France, America and Germany.. You also might like to visit the BHI website http://www.bhi.co.uk/ As Mickyh said the watch Forum is also very well subscribed http://www.thewatchforum.co.uk/ I must admit if I had my time again I would train as an Horologist.
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