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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. Well done Cat, top score on that layout In defence of Mung I know all the cards remained together and were handed in at the end. Still, given that we rarely ever shoot registered comps and therefore don't get anywhere near the exposure to the birds on offer here I reckon we all did OK and had a good time into the bargain As for Diggy - bloody outstanding. PS - I shot a massive ONE on the stand over the lake
  2. Beeelimey, that was a tough one :o Good day out though, enjoyed the shoot and thought the birds on offer were well thought out. Baz & MC had quite consistent shoots and deserved to do better than they did IMO, but never mind, the scores are the scores as they say. 58/100 for me - and was happy I got that many :o
  3. Had a round at JJs this morning with the Mungster. On stand 5 I missed a dinner plate and said to Mung "that'll be the one that costs me today". It did - I finished on 69 which was joint second with two others in B class. If only I'd hit that sitter After a slow start Mung finished on a healthy 76 Not all bad though, I managed to hit some rabbits :yes:
  4. Bagsy


    Glad you're back safe and sound mate, well done
  5. Bagsy


    Not according to his 'ex colleagues'. I'll look him up and PM you.
  6. LMAO Should be up for this. Can't get the gun in - one gunsmith is on his annual holiday and the local gun shop wanted it for two weeks
  7. Bagsy


    3 Royal Anglian (Pompadours) before they got amalgamated. All the 4's Walts make me laugh. I walked into the canteen at work shortly after getting the job and recognised a bloke who used to be in the same Battalion. I was puzzled when his face dropped - until I heard the stories he'd been telling everyone. He was the Battalion photographer I'm in the process of 'outing' a walt on Facebook who claims to have been a Sgt in 2 Para for 14 years. I work with with a couple of ex senior ranks from 2 Para - neither know him, nor can they understand why he was in Kuwait in the 1st Golf war, or Bosnia........ There's many a nutter out there
  8. I may come but my gun's probably going to be in for a service & repair so I will cross my fingers and wait
  9. Details in my signature
  10. Nice one, have they thrown you into A class yet?
  11. Shot Copfurn with Mungler, ME and Mr & Mrs Brokenman - nice morning out but bloody cold! ME romped home in first with a blinding 65 ex 80 and was the most consistent shot across all stands, nice one I finished on 62, Mung on 61, BM on 57ish and Mrs BM on err, well, she finished the shoot anyway We're conserving energy and saving the big scores for the North/South shoot
  12. I agreed to JJs when Baz got in touch earlier, I reckon it'll be a hung parliament
  13. In true English style I'm gonna kick the mrs out, refuse to pay for the kids and spread my seed. The mrs and kids will be better off on benefits and I can keep my wages every month. And whilst we're reaping the benefits we'll be keeping all those working for needless local authority quangos in gainful employment while they too work out how to shaft those who pay their way. Sorted
  14. Unfortunately it was always going to be this way. With many thousands on the state payroll and many thousands more dependant on state handouts it's not hard to see where the Labour vote comes from. Hard decisions are needed to cut public spending and those on the receiving end of the payouts know it
  15. How's yours now, got it sorted? What about your gun too
  16. Cheers for that That's my weekend task sorted
  17. cheers chaps - poontang, do you recall what cutting paste you used? guss - I think the cerium oxide is the stuff jewellers use
  18. I want to remove a small scratch from a glass surface. There's plenty of info on google but I'm finding it difficult to find any evidence of success. The way forward seems to be the a polishing bit, a Dremel, some cerium oxide and lots of elbow grease. Have any of you fine fellows had any success with this or other methods?
  19. Bagsy

    Voted Yet?

    Another Tory vote here
  20. Nice outing to Copfurn with Mungler and Mr & Mrs Broken Man this morning. Dressed for the expected hot weather and then promptly got ****** on from a great height Finished on 60 ex 80 after an enjoyable round
  21. Bagsy


    Driving up the M11 this morning I promised the kids a quid if they saw a plane. Cruel but it shut 'em up for a while as they looked skywards. Driving back the Mrs suddenly spotted a light aircraft coming in over the fields. Must admit, I thought all planes had to stop flying. Confused, and a quid lighter
  22. Unlucky, well shot though I reckon DD is going to be a force to be reckoned with in the not too distant future, good shooting lads
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