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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. Bagsy

    Cute Hot Dog

    Excellent, is that yours Cosd?
  2. Just got back - I enjoyed the shoot and the banter with it 127 for me - not the best score by far but I was happy with it. Two stands with rabbits and didn't hit a single one so still have a problem with 'em. Good to see Chard and Anni, some top shooting by the Northern lads The two which stood out for me though were Markio's excellent round on the red course and MC's round on the black course - some top shooting from both Looking forward to next year's shoot already.
  3. BNP 75% UKIP 67% Conservative 34% Interesting, but it won't be changing my vote. If we don't mag to grid Labour it'll be another 5 years of this mob and another 5 years towards 'lights out' for the UK.
  4. This may help... https://www.askthe.police.uk/Content/Q587.htm
  5. Surely the statement above from the OP is all that needs saying. AAA class or C class, who gives a flying fig what class MC shoots in - his efforts with the youngster paid off and have helped get new blood into the sport. Not only that but he helped the guy hugely with his self confidence.
  6. Must add MC seems to have the patience of a saint when he's out shooting. A couple of years ago I was ready to check my gun in the lake at the Masters but MC's calming influence brought me down. Always a pleasure to shoot with
  7. Ooooh.......check all these Suffolk guys coming out of the woodwork
  8. 45 gram 7.5s for me Oh...............and a shoulder pad.
  9. Shot a good layout at JJs today, some nice technical targets on offer, nothing too difficult but they needed a little thought. Finished on a 59 was was pretty poor having shot abysmally on one stand again but enjoyed the round. Mung shot really well finishing on an excellent 75 Bumped into PDLM and John on the way round - he was looking a little weathered having spent so much time on his farm but was in good spirit. Good to see he's still alive Bazza and Dave were going out with Mung as I left so a few more scores to come in yet..........
  10. Funny you should say that, just been looking at a couple of Escorts myself. Want something to throw around and get wet without the worry of cost
  11. http://www.google.co.uk/
  12. There are good and bad in all organisations and the police are no different. But some on the forum seem to display what can only be described as a very unhealthy dislike of 'everything police'. It's cringe-worthy to say the least.
  13. I'd be most upset if I found out my wife had done this. Toilets are filthy places and I'd expect better of her.
  14. I'll be aiming at all of 'em........it's the hitting 'em bit I'll be having problems with
  15. We're not..........it's been a breath of fresh air
  16. How we doing so far MC, got enough buyers yet?
  17. Adam - one tip, don't waste your money on expensive cleaning patches. Use kitchen roll in your jag. It's just as effective and very cheap
  18. Just missed it - a crowd had gathered at JJs to watch but by the time I got there the chimneys were a mere cloud of dust
  19. Yep, that time of the year when I'm reminded just how **** I really am
  20. Nice shooting Markio Shot JJs with Mung this morning - managed to flunk the first stand big style dropping 8, nothing difficult but could have done with a warm up stand to get my eye in first As a result I finished on a measly 66 ex 84. Good news though - I managed to hit the infamous rabbits so it wasn't all bad
  21. Ok chaps, confirmation that team Bagsy tee off at 9am
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