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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. ....and what an enjoyable morning it was too. I was even back in time to give the gun it's annual deep clean, polish and loving strokes Fair weather shooter eh.......
  2. Bagsy

    Henry Hoover

    the wife runs a Henry hoover round the house at least twice a day, it gets right on my nerves as I'm forced to lift my feet up.
  3. that's the problem, most Northerners are coming the moment their hand goes in their pocket - pocket Billiards is a top sport up there
  4. Happy Birthday Mungster, nice to see you're still getting groomed :good:
  5. Ooh ello, there's a nice sounding offer They've got no upgrades available Mung, only two night stays for some peculiar reason......anyone want the Saturday night if I take the Friday
  6. Telford North's fully booked - what they got, three rooms only? Anyone staying anywhere other than the smallest hotel in Telford?
  7. Bloody things booked up already Edit - Just rung 'em up, they've only got two night stays available. That's one night too many for me.
  8. Bagsy's comment having seen the Gallagher performance on stage - "what a **** head" Peter Kay's comment following the Gallagher performance on stage - "what a ****-head" Great minds
  9. Bob300w - top man, thanks Let's hope we see you there, after all you are a 'current member'
  10. Yeah, and what a memorable experience that is - pay the Rottie and don't expect too much customer service when handing over your hard earned EDIT: and for christ sake don't argue with her!
  11. .....and there'll be a lot of jiffy bags heading their way if they have
  12. The letter suggests you have written disciplinary procedures within your company handbook for not meeting prescribed targets. Firstly, have your read through the handbook carefully and fully understood it? Good luck whichever route you take
  13. So you missed your milk targets for January
  14. I reckon there'll be a few pairs of 'moobs' about
  15. Excellent. We'll all hoot and give you a wave as we drive past on the way to Harmer Hill
  16. Bagsy

    Pellet in my hand

    You were at school 23 years ago.......I never knew you were a teacher MC
  17. I reckon YMCA will be better suited to Markio for this one
  18. Bagsy

    Would you?

    From the comfort of your own home these ideas often seem tempting. It's hard to comprehend the disease, famine, crime, corruption, lawlessness, risk to life and corruption. But then again it's not me going, it's you. Go for it mate, have a good trip.
  19. drag acts not my thing mate, I haven't got the legs for it :blink:
  20. Quote from Justgiving..... "I will shoot in a skirt if we raise at least £250.00 before the day. EE has no chance of beating me, he shoots like a girl. Donation by Markio 30/01/10" Markio - you're a brave man
  21. This is getting better by the day
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