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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. Bagsy


    Fascinating stuff. DFB - seems we use the same as the Yanks (1 followed by nine zeros, or one thousand million). http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/trivia/billions.asp
  2. Oh I don't know, maybe she wasn't so bad after all
  3. Believe me, it's worse than that. Beryl is covered from head to toe in hair, doesn't shave her armpits, or anywhere else for that matter and eats with her mouth open. On a plus side she couldn't keeps her eyes off Fat Cat
  4. Met and shot with Beryl today at JJs. It was an interesting, if frustrating experience being beaten by her
  5. EE added Just to clear up a bit of confusion - the Essex Club Shoot (CPSA affiliated club teams) and the Essex Team Shoot appear to be one and the same shoot - two comps, same ground, same date The Howletts Hall shoot is no more, or at least it's no longer supported by SYT. Gutted, that was a top shoot Just awaiting confirmation of deposit and start time
  6. I'm hardly A Team material mate, in fact you kicked my ***** last year - I just enjoy the team buzz, and the abuse I get for putting in a **** score :blink:
  7. I take it Markio will be getting a white one so it doesn't show through his dress and ruin the look
  8. .....wife or girlfriends count too, no principles us lot. The bigger the norks the better
  9. Here you go..... http://www.claypigeonshoot.co.uk/ - these are the main ones http://www.jjscsc.co.uk/ - this is just over the bridge into Bent Kent
  10. Yep, quite happy to do so again. Cost is £140 per 5 man team so £28.00 each. I'll send the deposit and register a team - so far: Bagsy Mungler Tosspot I'm assuming Markio is arranging another team?
  11. I'll arrange a team, I'll get onto it tomorrow
  12. I'll have one in XL please MC
  13. we won't need to touch the cards - good tactics is what we'll be using
  14. The 'double barrel' method is now in new hands, well, until the Masters that is
  15. Ditto, 66 for me too Had a mare on one stand - hit the first four and only managed 6/12 Bloody freezing too, roll on summer!
  16. I remember when we were keeping an eye out for MGMan at various shoots. Spoke to half of Essex before we found the right man. At one stage we were convinced he was an angry looking bloke with a beard accompanied by an even scarier looking blond bird but we were too scared to ask
  17. Quite correct, that's why it's down to the property owner (or their security in this case) to remove you, not the police. As you say, it's a civil matter Think of it in the same way as a club (when a bouncer wants you out) or indeed, your own home - if you want someone out you have a right to throw them out if necessary. If it's private property the owner has a right to remove. In your case I suspect they saw sense and wouldn't have wanted to create an unnecessary scene and look heavy handed as it's not good PR. Good write up by the way
  18. If they ask you to leave, and you refuse, then technically you're trespassing. They then have a right to remove you, using minimum force if necessary. Just thought I'd mention it
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