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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. Excellent stuff, well done
  2. I'll be attending the next event if it goes ahead - hell, I'll even share a room with Mung again and listen to his outrageous snoring all night! I didn't think anyone had been out of order about the last one, let's face it, if the South had won the banter would've probably been a lot worse! Chard - you know you'll be there mate, better bend over though 'cos you're gonna get it big style this time
  3. Shot the Ltl Burstead shoot with Mungler this morning and have to say it was a good little shoot. Some decent hills enabled them to put on some different birds, all were hittable but the overall layout was quite challenging. Had to keep an eye on the scorers but otherwise there were few problems The next one's on the 31st Oct at the same location if anyone fancies joining us.
  4. Excellent day out with the Baz man on the pigeons.....the only thing missing was a dog to pick 'em up! Here's to the next one
  5. Bagsy

    Country file

    Missed it. A little more notice next time eh
  6. You've just experienced one of life's reality checks Mung! A memorable reality check for me was when mate was recruiting for the Army and rang me to say he was getting lads through who were born in the month and year we both joined up!!!! When you think these young lads are quite literally putting life and limb on the line for us it makes you feel bloody proud
  7. And why do some Scott's end sentences with "....so he did"
  8. "....and he said...", "and I said.........", "......and he said", "....and I said......." **** off already
  9. I find http://www.metcheck.com/V40/UK/HOME/ quite reliable
  10. The bloke's been knocked by the very country he fought for - but in all honesty are we surprised? The problem is what do we ever do about it? Nothing!
  11. Good afternoon out yesterday with the more 'refined' shooters in Essex including Bob300w, MC, Poontang, Markio and Haggis. Nice shoot in good company as always - and good to meet Haggis for the first time
  12. Bagsy

    Oh God

    Take off is optional....landing is obligatory! :blink:
  13. Not sure how regular it'll be but I'm led to believe it will be one of a few. The next one advertised is a 50 bird open comp on the 19th Sept at Keepers Cottage Farm, Billericay Rd, Ltl Burstead, CM12 9SL. Cost of Saturdays shoot was £15 cash class, £12 trophy class.
  14. Yep, this one was run by Phil Moss and Scott Greenfield.
  15. Was it watching Dog Whisperer at the time?
  16. + 10% for the inconvenience If it settles down numbers wise and they sort the traps out it'll be a good little shoot. Blooming queue at McDonalds on the way back was even worse
  17. As Zapp said, speak to your RFD, the police aren't there to dispose of unwanted firearms.
  18. Don't worry about that, you won't start hitting 'em until you get along to the shoots
  19. New shoot tomorrow - I'm told it'll be one of three or four Phil Moss wants to set up in Essex. 50 bird re-entry Open shoot with cash and trophy classes - guaranteed cash prizes 1st £50, 2nd £30 and 3rd £20. Refreshments and pool shoot - 10am to 2pm. Brocks Farm, Ingatestone Road, Stock CM4 9PD (2 miles from Ingatestone hight street). I'm planning on being there for 10am to give it a recce
  20. As said, it depends which part you've missed out - if it's the part requesting details about any criminal records it may not look very good Ring the office soonest.
  21. Good luck, hope this comes good for you If you get it, or just fancy a chat with someone for a 'heads up' then give me a shout - a good friend was an instructor there until recently and is always happy to help where possible.
  22. Nuff respect for Bazza, you done well and couldn't have predicted the skipper knocking it on the head twice! If fact, I thought you done such a good job I reckon you should take on the next North v South shoot Martin, I'll collect the weights when we pop out to Mersea for our next crabbing trip, they'll wear the kids out quicker
  23. The contract appears to state the hours to be worked rather than the shifts. With this in mind, plus the notice given, it does appear to be quite legit.
  24. Personally I'd chance my luck with the insurers, if for no other reason than the ridiculously high bill quoted. If you have your own insurance I'd hand it over to them to deal with
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