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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. :blink: exactly as said above. The idea of merging the RAF with the Army and Navy has been discussed for some years and would, in my opinion, maximise the efficiency of our forces by ridding them of all the unnecessary layers of bureaucracy. Should have been done years ago
  2. Anyone know if the pictures are still available from this event, I can't access the website still....?
  3. Nice, but what on earth would you need a glass tumbler for when you drink directly from the bottle
  4. JJs today with Evil Elvis and Dangerous Dave. 8 stands dodging wasps and trying to work out who was meant to be shooting as Bazza was in charge of the cards I hit 76 ex 96, Bazza hit 69 and DD spent the day pigeon shooting Not too busy and we were done by 11.30 as Bazza's hairdresser was waiting at home for him
  5. Cheers all, scores on the doors for the shoot so far then... Bagsy MC EE Broken Man Mrs Broken Man Bob300w Fatcatsplat I've got all your details so I'll email you all once I have the payment details
  6. Sorry chaps, I'm unable to do Friday due to work commitments I was really looking forward to today but there'll be another time, well done to Bazza for organising it anyway. Mind you, we should have known there'd be a problem with wind with Bazza involved Martin, let me know how much I owe you for the weights :blink:
  7. Just had the dreaded call from Bazza to say it's been can cancelled. Gutted!
  8. 5.4 dogs Sorry, couldn't resist it
  9. ...and the one about 'jugs' you never tell the wife about
  10. Another waste of air getting let off by the courts when he should have remained behind bars, just like Abdel Basset al-Megrahi. People used to envy our justice system but we're fast becoming a laughing stock
  11. So far then... Bagsy MC EE Broken Man Mrs Broken Man Any more for any more? Bazza - will Dangerous Dave go?
  12. Looking forward to this....! I'm using rented gear, are we sorting the rigs out beforehand or doing them on the day?
  13. Looked like they'd had an engine fire which had spread to the vehicle to me poor ****. Excellent day out with the family yesterday, bumped into a few people I knew and avoided one or two others Got a few bits and the kids enjoyed the Land Rover experience and Para tower (as well as the wife ) Watched some of the shooting at the end, Richard Faulds and big George failed to make the final but it was good watching 'em play. Couldn't hang around for the final itself so not sure who won. Looking forward to next year
  14. I too have had the RSPCA turn up following a complaint by a neighbour, well, the Mrs did as I was away at the time. He was invited in to check the dog and the kennel and commented that he wished more kept their dogs in the same way. So long as they're polite I don't see what the problem is provided the complaint's resolved and the complainant advised to wind their neck in. In our case we were told any further calls of the same nature wouldn't result in them attending as they were more than satisfied, sorted The problem won't go away by telling 'em to sling their hook and come back with a warrant. Why prolong the problem? Illegally entering your property is of course another matter as they are then trespassing and should be dealt with accordingly.
  15. Tragic news, condolences to his family and friends.
  16. Bagsy

    Weekend away

    While you're away can I rent out your van? I fancy a lads weekend on the lash with plenty of drink and chips. Only mates with shaved heads, tats and a few staffs will be attending. Other than those we 'rent' no women would be coming. What say?
  17. Sounds like political point scoring by the RSPCA to me. When reading the story this morning there was no mention about intended cruelty and whist I don't condone this guys actions surely a formal warning would have been sufficient? A six month conditional discharge and £1500 fine seems a little steep when people get a lot less for a lot worse
  18. Strangely, the Mrs fancied going this year as we haven't for a few years. The Bagsy clan will be there Sunday
  19. JJs are having their annual charity clay shoot on Thursday 9th September. This year the proceeds are going to Darent Valley Hospital. 96 bird English sporting competition Free entry into a raffle for a grade 1 525 Browning shotgun for all entries 1st to 3rd men, ladies, vets and a 4 man team event. 10am start. Coffee and cold buffet lunch included and an auction after the shoot Entry £50 (to be paid beforehand). As per last years competition there will be limited entries so we need to get the names together quite quickly. The Essex v Kent trophy will also be up for grabs (being scored by John this year to keep it fair!!). Please confirm below if you wish to attend. I'll get the address to send the cash to shortly. Cheers
  20. So you're going to have BJ engraved in the middle then...... Very nice
  21. Sounds to me like the CPS made a big boo boo with this one too
  22. where is it, all I can see is a wooden fence :blink: I'm gone
  23. ah right, thought that was the case
  24. not getting my nuts chopped, would have saved me thousands by now
  25. secretary working late too?
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