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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. Lets hope it wasn't a dogging picture then
  2. Sign 'im up, his skills could be better used taking on Terry Taliban. Billybollox.
  3. I once drove from Aviemore in Scotland to Colchester in Essex, non stop with the exception of fuel stops, in a 110 landy towing a trailer load of canoes. The other landy had two drivers who swapped about - bar-stewards B) As I recall it took about 14 hours and I was just about ready to kill someone by the time we pulled up in Colly - only I couldn't move, had a backside which felt like it had been shafted by Mike Tyson and was mentally drained. Used to love 'em though Another which was sadly introduced to some trees
  4. Bagsy

    Stock Car racing

    Have you got this past the Mrs yet ME
  5. Ever sadder is the fact you've noticed, haven't you got some shelves to stack?
  6. Bagsy


    Ok, let's be honest, the mods always quote the forum rules and it's right that they should enforce them. But, other than the OP, which other deviants would actually admit to ever reading them?
  7. Bagsy

    Eating in Essex

    'If you don't want to be counting the fingers you haven't got, I suggest you get those guns. Quick!'
  8. I use this for everything, gutting rabbits, shaving, cleaning between my teeth and, if needed, splitting the odd rib or two
  9. I'd batter her with something alright
  10. They only stick to Northern cars, or b0tters course
  11. Watch out if anyone from Suffolk adds you as a friend
  12. :unsure: what did you do wrong to get sent home early?
  13. Ok, after hours of searching for reasonable insurance at a reasonable cost I've finally come to a conclusion. My springer is obviously one well 'ard muscle bound drugged up mutha waiting for his first kill
  14. Maybe there's a protection racket going on - rejoin or get kneecapped
  15. Just got a quote from Petplan for a three month old springer - £38.71 for their budget lifetime policy or £52.61 for their supreme Jesus christ do they think I'm going to ride him to work in the traffic, it's more expensive than my car insurance! The search continues for me........
  16. Charming innit Good day out today - well, it was until I forgot which direction the clays were coming from
  17. ....and a bacon roll for those of us who got there on time
  18. A very valid point. This must be the biggest shooting forum in the UK and one which the CPSA will very much be aware of yet they never put their neck out. David often gets flack on here yet he's always able to give a reasoned argument on behalf of BASC. It must be said that Clayman remains positive and puts forward some interesting ideas and I wish him well in his bid to become their next CEO. Perhaps he'll change things for the better if successful. I suspect they don't want the aggravation or the stick they'd get on here - but they'll never get anywhere by hiding in the shadows.
  19. I see a lot more support for the BASC then I do the CPSA at the local shoots so I'm sure the existing membership would appreciate it too
  20. err, shouldn't that be 4 chins, or skins, I give up, taking me ages go read this on an IPhone
  21. I'm in subject to date...
  22. Just caught up with this using Iphone and its made my eyes go Who's donating the logs this year? Bring it on
  23. Excellent stuff, well done
  24. I'll be attending the next event if it goes ahead - hell, I'll even share a room with Mung again and listen to his outrageous snoring all night! I didn't think anyone had been out of order about the last one, let's face it, if the South had won the banter would've probably been a lot worse! Chard - you know you'll be there mate, better bend over though 'cos you're gonna get it big style this time
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