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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. In all probability we can all have too much of something good. I only caught the last 30 minutes and thought it was excellent but don't watch all the shows as they were becoming very samey but I hope they continue.
  2. Yeah I'm bored of you now....you're quick to make statements but conveniently fail to answer any questions. Go and troll another site.
  3. It appears RM is a big boobie, he's certainly acting like one.
  4. I should just add I still love you Cat I'll miss my annual thrashing by you at High Lodge, happy New Year
  5. We're not worthy and all that....tried all of them except skydiving (got sent home for being a naughty boy). Now, where's that old Pull magazine, I need to bore myself to sleep by reading up on the latest internal arguments, read the CEO's monthly rant about his followers and check on the latest scores. Actually, drop the scores, the same shooters win all the main events so no need to check. Where's the 'yawn' smiley, time for a kip.
  6. Must admit the pig is good, but I'd have to go for the cow for it's provision of my sirloin steak
  7. That's had me laughing for the last ten minutes :lol: :lol:
  8. Rangerman, I do indeed wish there were a few registered shoots in Essex, but alas, there aren't and there is very little I can do about it. You made the comment that if your not prepared to travel then take up another sport - no sport will be successful if it isn't easily accessible and that includes ours. Note I said 'ours' not 'yours', this may come as a shock but the world doesn't centre around you, or me for that matter. Big fish? that made me chuckle.... I have the privilege of shooting local shoots with friendly owners and participants, the only draw back being the queues - a natural by-product of their popularity and accessibility. Why should we take up another sport?? What have I put back into the sport? Isn't shooting nearly every weekend supporting the local shoots and gun shops enough? What more would you expect from me? I take my hat off to anyone who shoots, even if they only get out occasionally, it's a hobby for christ's sake, it's meant to be enjoyed. The elitist attitude from the few who look down on the rest of us is exactly what most of us don't want to see in a clay ground.
  9. I think this just about sums it all up....to enjoy a local shoot and feel like we've done well is clearly upsetting to you as a competition shooter who shoots 'real' targets. No offence, but why should I give a damn and why should I travel miles needlessly when I have no desire to? The sport needs your attitude like a hole in the head. Do the sums and work out how many clay shooters shoot competitively, then ask yourself why. The answer will likely be staring back at you in the mirror! But then what do I know, I obviously talk out of my harris and need to get out more
  10. Loving your first four posts Rangerman, all of which are sarcastic replies to posts made by some of the Essex lads. So come on, what's the problem with wanting a local shooting ground with a good tea wagon, or is the fact we can score our own cards at Copfurn? You sound like a right bundle of laughs....moody account or a troll, we'll wait and see
  11. Missed this thread first time round, excellent pics, and well done on the third place
  12. Bottle of Merlot for me
  13. Bagsy

    They've got me too

    Yeah, I heard you enjoyed a bit of ATM
  14. Just saw them on FB, nice pics mate
  15. They can have Avram Grant :yp:
  16. My Hunters are slippery in the wet, ME will testify to my ability to do the Bagsy shuffle while wearing them
  17. Even the bloody sick plugs went Sorry to hear about the seat, sad fact of life these days.
  18. 'off to Germany next week and wanted to practice on a boxhead.' Wonder why his mum's knickers are pinned to the board behind him
  19. Fair do's, just simmered down and read it through again.....Mudpatten, I take it back and refer my last comment to the posters you were referring to
  20. You obviously don't have a flipping clue what you're talking about - nice to know the boys and girls are putting their lives on the line (yes, of course they know they are) for the likes of you to sit at home and write compete dribble like that Bloated pension out of proportion to the job they've been doing? The country needs people like you like a hole in the head. You mate, are a ***** of the highest order!
  21. Bagsy

    iPhone clock

    Cheers chaps, thought I was going mad! No doubt Apple will release an update - I'm running the latest version so there's deffo a fix required. Sounds like a lot of people will be blaming Apple for being late to work today!
  22. Bagsy

    iPhone clock

    Ok, strange one this. iPhone clock set itself automatically yesterday when the clocks went back. Checked my alarm last night and it was set for 5.10 this morning. Woke up at 6.04 and the poxy alarm hadn't gone off - it then sparked into life at 6.10 when I was in the bathroom :blink: I've rechecked both the alarm and the phone times and both are correct. So why's the alarm going off an hour late? Is this a bug in the system?
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