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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. Probably looking for an excuse not to go back to school tomorrow......
  2. Get a dustbin fire going out in the street, get some neighbours together and start singing (football chant style) "who's the ****** on the roof, who's the ****** on the roof?"
  3. No offence but I hope he doesn't come down - best fun I've had since ME's "Mr Mug" reply.....
  4. Not too busy, and as a New Years treat they let everyone shoot half price and gave us all 250 carts each!
  5. Get your ex out to help put, a mentalist will surely do the job PS - got those pics of her norks up yet
  6. Proper little **** isn't he. Anyone being allowed to throw them back at him?
  7. ....and while you're at it flog 'im a new set of boxers. Two birds, one stone
  8. Set up a service selling fresh boxer shorts to people caught short in the pubs
  9. This is interesting, I hope you're not Banjobill with a moody account
  10. Just get the hose out Got a webcam you can set up, we can all watch it on Sky. Failing that take some pics and flog 'em to the press
  11. Dave/Bazz, fess up then, how did you all get on?
  12. It's difficult. Currently in the Bagsy household - I'm on the PC, one on the DSI, another playing on the iPhone, the TV's on and the takeaway has just arrived.
  13. Nice going chaps, interesting stuff!
  14. This has all got a very familiar tone to it - ah yes, that's it, it's what my family all say about me and PigeonWatch!
  15. Tragic news indeed, please pass on my condolences to the family. Mark
  16. I use Trend Micro and never had any problems - does everything I want and more without slowing the PC down. I always had trouble with the big boys such as Norton, they never uninstall properly causing massive headaches when upgrading etc.
  17. Nice write up Pete. I'd add one myself but it would only be a sentence or two
  18. Bagsy

    Happy New Year PW

    Happy Birthday 2010
  19. Get back on track with my fitness regime
  20. Bagsy

    Things we miss

    Mrs Bagsy just suggested moon stomping - funny that!
  21. Bagsy

    Things we miss

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