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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. Well done to Markio too, let's just hope he keeps his pants on
  2. Facebookers - get the Pigeon Watch just giving page up on your profiles to give the cause added publicity http://www.justgiving.com/pigeonwatch
  3. I picked up on it......and thought it was gay.
  4. Blimey, catching up was taking a while but thankfully ME put me out of my misery with a PM I can/will do either date mate Lots of good folk going to this. Oh, and some from Suffolk as well
  5. I'm in Matt Should be good for all dates but have voted for the first one. Edit: need any help with anything let me know.
  6. For those that know him big Scott won JJs today with a straight. Top stuff
  7. Bagsy

    disturbing site

    ....endless tunnels and broken signals?
  8. I'll be there - joining the queue for a Markio brew. Innit
  9. Baz, whatever you buy give me a shout and I'll help you give it the DPM treatment
  10. ....was that the EJ Churchill Challenge?
  11. ...one Del Digweed, there's only one Del Digweed..........one Del Digweed.....
  12. ....and what's wrong with those pics?
  13. Whilst it's making things safer there are loads who take it to the extreme unnecessarily. I suppose you can't put a price on personal safety but jesus are we paying for it big style in added costs!
  14. You're about as useful as a one-legged man at an **** kicking contest

  15. I'm good for the 21st Edit: quite happy to pick up Pavman and Smig4373 - let me know what time the train gets into Chelmsford
  16. Sorry chaps, can't do that weekend - it's Mrs Bagsy's Birthday
  17. Remember the police cannot arrest for trespass so unless there has been another crime committed, such as criminal damage (which you can prove was them), there is little they can do. Frustrating but that's the way it is - and the ******* know it.
  18. http://www.mizunoodlebar.com/
  19. Off topic but talking of food I reckon we should have a Mafia dinner at some point. Missed Christmas but any excuse would do :unsure:
  20. Blimey that's good going. 50 clays and a fat boys Maccy D's cost me £17.50 this morning :unsure: Fess up, where is it?
  21. Strange thing is, I don't think any of us actually noticed that at the time. FCS - check under your Disco mate, I reckon you've got someone stuck underneath
  22. Bloody hell, how did you guess that so easily? You've been cheating haven't you :unsure:
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