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Everything posted by stuartyboy

  1. I agree that statistics can be made to say what you like but this is a report carried out by dozens of independent scientists throughout the world. Even if the report is grossly exagerrated , it still makes terrifying reading. Humans have, and continue too, screw up this world. Discounting important surveys or statistics because there are more 'rabbits or deer now' is incredibly naive and a dangerous attitude. These 2 species, as others, may be doing locally well, but its the species that we don't always see that are suffering.
  2. Talking to others recently about shooting and the future of shooting sports. Seems that the general consensus among folk I've spoke to, is that our sport as we know it will not survive long term. I knows this sounds pessimistic but is it realistic? Seems to be a lot of threads about attacks on shooting, further restrictions, etc. I believe that we will see further restrictions, more intrusive and stringent licensing requirements, re classification of shotguns to FAC, shotgun ammo to be held only on license, ban on all lead, etc. All this, in my opinion, is designed to make it too much hassle for most folk to apply for or to renew their license rather than for public safety. And obviously we need strength in numbers for support. Just putting this out there to see if anyone can cheer me up by contradicting this and to hear other peoples views. I've been shooting for almost 30 years and even in that relatively short time I've seen a lot of changes, unfortunately mostly negative. I've been on marches, wrote to MPs, introduced a lot of people to shooting (many since successfully applied for their license), been member of shooting organisations etc etc but to no avail when it comes to the negative changes. I hope I'm wrong but at times do wonder.
  3. Seen a few roe that have died trapped in stock fencing, but its usually their back leg that get hung up. And usually caused by being chased by dogs. Shame tho
  4. Some very interesting ballistic info regarding different shot size and points of view. But!!!! These are living creatures. Any shot taken at excessive range is cruel and gives antis fuel. We all acknowledge that you can never guarantee an instantaneous kill when using shotgun or rifle, but you have to maximise the likelihood of getting that clean kill. To me, simplistically, that means being within a suitable range and using appropriate sized shot or bullet. If you want long range targets for a shotgun, stick to clays. I can understand wanting sporting shots, but 70 yards for pheasants or 100 yards for pigeons?!? No chance
  5. Not for me. Not chapping them, instead leaving them to jump about in the bucket. Indiscriminate, no real way of releasing unwanted fish unharmed.
  6. Good luck with the sale but its marked in the advert as a 12 bore but the picture of the barrel markings show it as a 20 bore?
  7. This is my rifle. Not sure why pictures aren't showing but they are if you click on the 'View the full article' link. Very genuine reason for sale. Any questions, please ask
  8. I read that as sarcasm but are you genuine?
  9. Ive been hearing there's talk of a mass protest at the TV License fee, with people saying they are going to boycott the fee on the BBCs birthday next month. Admittedly I heard it from a friend who seen it on Facebook so am taking it with a pinch of salt. But it got me thinking and am curious as to peoples views on the License fee? Was ideally looking to start a poll but not sure how to? Just for curiousity really. Personally, I'm against it and think it should be a choice that you pay the License fee if you think the BBC and its services are worth it to you. If not, its up to them to advertise for revenue to make any shortfall. That might be a simplistic view but i think its wrong to be forced into paying it now when there's so many other options available ie Sky, Virgin media etc. That's before you discuss the accusations levelled at the BBC over the years.... Over to you guys to see what others think...
  10. Totally legal to carry it in a slip as others have said. Be good practice to break it down though and keep the forend separate from the rest of the gun
  11. Not sure, believe its copper coated steel core?
  12. Possibly 4.6mm from a HK MP7 used by defence police
  13. The theory is that as the red squirrel is indigenous, it has evolved through time, co existing with martens and therefore has built up or evolved defence mechanisms that allow it to escape predation from pine martens better than grey squirrels. Greys aren't native and haven't evolved to escape predation from pine martens. Although doubtlessly, reds will feature on their diet too. Greys are also said to be easier targets for martens as they spend more time on the ground, are heavier so unable to escape to the highest tips of the branches and are less agile. The presence of martens also 'stresses' the greys so they are less productive and have a lower body mass etc
  14. Sounds unfair what you're going through. You've basically got 2 choices. 1. Fight the decision of the Police at great expense and grief. 2. Forget about shooting cartridge guns at the moment and concentrate in helping your son to screw the heid. Then if and when your son is back on an even keel, think about applying for licenses again. I know what I would be concentrating on but I'm maybe seeing it from a simplistic view point. All the best anyway
  15. Its reasonably common. I know of a couple of people who have a SGC and own guns but keep them elsewhere. Sometimes they are kept at a RFD or at a friends house/cabinet.
  16. I sympathise with the op if all is what has been said is true and unbiased. It does seem unfair. But, make no mistake. The police do not want guns in civilian hands. Why would they? It offers no benefit to them, they don't care if you can shoot a target or a rabbit. They would rather you take up golf. If anything goes wrong, they will get slated rightly or wrongly. Its a risk they have to take but they would rather not have to. That's why all shooters need to be squeaky clean and to be seen to be squeaky clean. Any doubt and the Police will protect themselves by revoking. Their management will support them, the general public will likely too. I should say, when I refer to the police, I'm referring to higher level of management. Not the coppers on the street. Some of whom may shoot, likely the majority won't. Some will be very anti tho have to be seen to be impartial.
  17. One website i just looked at there has recently advertised a 9 acre freehold field in Dumfries for £12 500. Its sold now but shows you there are bargains if you can find them. The rough average price of woodland seems to be in the 5/6 k acre bracket
  18. addd me to the list Stuart ..... any land around me...west Leicestershire is going for at least twice that figure if not much more. Small parcels are snapped up pretty quick by horsey people or 'caravan club' members. I don't have any links at the moment (or not sure even his to add a link!), most of the sales are word of mouth in my area. Pasture land around here in my area of Scotland averages between 2k and 4k but it does vary by region and obviously quality. I've heard of poor hill grazing going for less than a grand. The uncertainty of Brexit (and therefore of subsidies etc) in my opinion is keeping prices low or more negotiable as farmers consider there future options. There are auctioneers and companies who occasionally advertise small parcels of land. Its rare small packages of ground come up, but they occasionally do. Often the best ground is sold word of mouth through the farming community before it reaches the auctions catalogues.
  19. I would agree with the above sentiments. If its just for shooting only you'd be better spending £20k on driven days or whatever you fancy. If its for an inheritance tax free, long term investment, you'd be better off buying cheaper grazing ground at 2/3k per acre (depending on location obviously) and plant it with trees yourself or with government subsidies. You would have up to 10 acres to shoot over then, even if you had to travel to get to it.
  20. Cheers guys. Looks like I will be calling them direct
  21. I bought a gun and had it modified, then the company who did the modifications sent it off to the proof house. They have been chasing up the proof house but not really getting anywhere. Hence asking here in case anyone knows anything?
  22. Anybody know how long shotguns are taking to get proofed at the London proof House? I've had a gun there for 3 months now and no word of when its going to be ready.
  23. As others have said, woodland is an investment. Its an expensive outlay but it shouldn't depreciate in value. Land is expensive as we are becoming more crowded in this island and its not a commodity that you can make more of. It should always rise in value while offering an income through the value of the timber, whether for felling or firewood
  24. I've never gralloched/skinned a deer with airgun pellets in it. Shotgun pellets, yes, a few times. Old story, its the person using the gun that's responsible. Not the gun itself.
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